
期刊论文 486


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动力特性 6

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动力气垫 2

动态 2

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动态模拟 2

动态特性 2

动态管理 2

可视化仿真 2

扬矿管 2

模态 2

海上风电场 2

深海采矿 2

6G;广域覆盖信令小区;多维资源分配;深度Q网络(DQN) 1

A*算法 1

CFRP索斜拉桥 1

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ClimateAP: an application for dynamic local downscaling of historical and future climate data in Asia

Tongli WANG, Guangyu WANG, John L. INNES, Brad SEELY, Baozhang CHEN

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第4期   页码 448-458 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2017172

摘要: While low-to-moderate resolution gridded climate data are suitable for climate-impact modeling at global and ecosystems levels, spatial analyses conducted at local scales require climate data with increased spatial accuracy. This is particularly true for research focused on the evaluation of adaptive forest management strategies. In this study, we developed an application, ClimateAP, to generate scale-free (i.e., specific to point locations) climate data for historical (1901–2015) and future (2011–2100) years and periods. ClimateAP uses the best available interpolated climate data for the reference period 1961–1990 as baseline data. It downscales the baseline data from a moderate spatial resolution to scale-free point data through dynamic local elevation adjustments. It also integrates and downscales the historical and future climate data using a delta approach. In the case of future climate data, two greenhouse gas representative concentration pathways (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) and 15 general circulation models are included to allow for the assessment of alternative climate scenarios. In addition, ClimateAP generates a large number of biologically relevant climate variables derived from primary monthly variables. The effectiveness of the local downscaling was determined based on the strength of the local linear regression for the estimate of lapse rate. The accuracy of the ClimateAP output was evaluated through comparisons of ClimateAP output against observations from 1805 weather stations in the Asia Pacific region. The local linear regression explained 70%–80% and 0%–50% of the total variation in monthly temperatures and precipitation, respectively, in most cases. ClimateAP reduced prediction error by up to 27% and 60% for monthly temperature and precipitation, respectively, relative to the original baselines data. The improvements for baseline portions of historical and future were more substantial. Applications and limitations of the software are discussed.

关键词: biologically relevant climate variables     downscaling     dynamic local regression     future climate     historical climate    

Dynamic response surface methodology using Lasso regression for organic pharmaceutical synthesis

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第2期   页码 221-236 doi: 10.1007/s11705-021-2061-y

摘要: To study the dynamic behavior of a process, time-resolved data are collected at different time instants during each of a series of experiments, which are usually designed with the design of experiments or the design of dynamic experiments methodologies. For utilizing such time-resolved data to model the dynamic behavior, dynamic response surface methodology (DRSM), a data-driven modeling method, has been proposed. Two approaches can be adopted in the estimation of the model parameters: stepwise regression, used in several of previous publications, and Lasso regression, which is newly incorporated in this paper for the estimation of DRSM models. Here, we show that both approaches yield similarly accurate models, while the computational time of Lasso is on average two magnitude smaller. Two case studies are performed to show the advantages of the proposed method. In the first case study, where the concentrations of different species are modeled directly, DRSM method provides more accurate models compared to the models in the literature. The second case study, where the reaction extents are modeled instead of the species concentrations, illustrates the versatility of the DRSM methodology. Therefore, DRSM with Lasso regression can provide faster and more accurate data-driven models for a variety of organic synthesis datasets.

关键词: data-driven modeling     pharmaceutical organic synthesis     Lasso regression     dynamic response surface methodology    

联合局部学习和组稀疏回归的无监督特征选择 Regular Papers

Yue WU, Can WANG, Yue-qing ZHANG, Jia-jun BU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第4期   页码 538-553 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700804

摘要: 近十年,特征选择备受关注。通过挑选特征子集,可有效提升学习算法效率。由于难以获取标签信息,无监督特征选择算法相较于有监督特征选择算法应用更为广泛,其关键在于找出更能反映数据分布的特征集合。由于数据集中存在冗余和噪声,使用全部特征并不能很好展现数据的真实分布。为解决这一问题,本文提出联合局部学习和组稀疏回归的无监督特征选择算法。将基于局部学习聚类方法与组稀疏回归算法有机整合,选出有效反映数据流形分布同时保持组稀疏结构的特征。通过迭代算法,回归系数汇聚到重要特征上,选出能得到更优聚类效果的特征。对多个实际数据集(图像、声音和网页)的实验证明了该算法的有效性。

关键词: 无监督;局部学习;组稀疏回归;特征选择    

一种局部二次嵌入学习算法及其在软测量中的应用 Article

包垚垚, 朱远明, 钱峰

《工程(英文)》 2022年 第18卷 第11期   页码 186-196 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.04.025


鉴于元学习在众多领域取得的巨大成就,本文针对数据回归问题提出了融合度量学习和神经网络(NN)的局部二次嵌入学习(LQEL)算法。首先,通过优化输入输出空间里样本间度量的全局一致性来改进马氏度量(Mahalanobis metric)学习算法;同时,通过引入松弛约束进一步证明了改进的度量学习问题等价于一个凸规划问题。然后,基于局部二次插值假设原理,引入了两个轻量级的神经网络,其一用于学习局部二次模型中的系数矩阵,另一个则用于对从不同局部近邻获得的预测结果进行权重分配。最后,将两个子模型嵌入统一的回归框架中,并通过随机梯度下降(SGD)算法学习模型参数。所提出的算法优势在于可充分利用目标标签中隐含的信息找到更可靠的参考样本。并且,使用LQEL算法对变量进行差分建模,避免了因传感器漂移或不可测量变量导致的模型退化问题。多个基准数据集和两个实际工业应用数据集的计算结果表明,所提出的方法优于几种典型的回归方法。

关键词: 局部二次嵌入     度量学习     回归机     软测量    

High-order phase-field model with the local and second-order max-entropy approximants

Fatemeh AMIRI

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第2期   页码 406-416 doi: 10.1007/s11709-018-0475-5

摘要: We approximate the fracture surface energy functional based on phase-field method with smooth local maximum entropy (LME) and second-order maximum entropy (SME) approximants. The higher-order continuity of the meshfree methods such as LME and SME approximants allows to directly solve the fourth-order phase-field equations without splitting the fourth-order differential equation into two second-order differential equations. We will first show that the crack surface functional can be captured more accurately in the fourth-order model with smooth approximants such as LME, SME and B-spline. Furthermore, smaller length scale parameter is needed for the fourth-order model to approximate the energy functional. We also study SME approximants and drive the formulations. The proposed meshfree fourth-order phase-field formulation show more stable results for SME compared to LME meshfree methods.

关键词: second-order maximum entropy     local maximum entropy     second- and fourth-order phase-field models     B-spline    

Local uncorrelated local discriminant embedding for face recognition

Xiao-hu MA,Meng YANG,Zhao ZHANG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第17卷 第3期   页码 212-223 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500255

摘要: The feature extraction algorithm plays an important role in face recognition. However, the extracted features also have overlapping discriminant information. A property of the statistical uncorrelated criterion is that it eliminates the redundancy among the extracted discriminant features, while many algorithms generally ignore this property. In this paper, we introduce a novel feature extraction method called local uncorrelated local discriminant embedding (LULDE). The proposed approach can be seen as an extension of a local discriminant embedding (LDE) framework in three ways. First, a new local statistical uncorrelated criterion is proposed, which effectively captures the local information of interclass and intraclass. Second, we reconstruct the affinity matrices of an intrinsic graph and a penalty graph, which are mentioned in LDE to enhance the discriminant property. Finally, it overcomes the small-sample-size problem without using principal component analysis to preprocess the original data, which avoids losing some discriminant information. Experimental results on Yale, ORL, Extended Yale B, and FERET databases demonstrate that LULDE outperforms LDE and other representative uncorrelated feature extraction methods.

关键词: Feature extraction     Local discriminant embedding     Local uncorrelated criterion     Face recognition    

Making central-local relations work: Comparing America and China environmental governance systems


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第4期   页码 418-433 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0068-3

摘要: The challenge of making central requirements work at local levels is a common problem for environmental governance throughout the world. Countries can learn from one another s approaches, but must understand the local context in w


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第1期   页码 61-72 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2022476


● Promotion of local sustainable innovation developed by forest farmers.

关键词: agroforestry     forest farmers     local innovation     relative advantage     social forestry    

Multiple regression models for energy consumption of office buildings in different climates in China

Siyu ZHOU, Neng ZHU

《能源前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第1期   页码 103-110 doi: 10.1007/s11708-012-0220-z

摘要: The energy consumption of office buildings in China has been growing significantly in recent years. Obviously, there are significant relationships between building envelope and the energy consumption of office buildings. The 8 key building envelope influencing factors were found in this paper to evaluate their effects on the energy consumption of the air-conditioning system. The typical combinations of the key influencing factors were performed in Trnsy simulation. Then on the basis of the simulated results, the multiple regression models were developed respectively for the four climates of China—hot summer and warm winter, hot summer and cold winter, cold, and severely cold. According to the analysis of regression coefficients, the appropriate building envelope design schemes were discussed in different climates. At last, the regression model evaluations consisting of the simulation evaluations and the actual case evaluations were performed to verify the feasibility and accuracy of the regression models. The error rates are within±5% in the simulation evaluations and within±15% in the actual case evaluations. It is believed that the regression models developed in this paper can be used to estimate the energy consumption of office buildings in different climates when various building envelope designs are considered.

关键词: regression model     energy consumption     building envelope     office building     different climates    

Role of local governments in fostering the development of an emerging industry: A market-oriented policy

Jun JIN, Maureen McKELVEY, Ying DONG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第3期   页码 447-458 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0104-6

摘要: This research investigates the role of local governments in stimulating an emerging industry and focuses on the specific growth of the new energy vehicle industry in Hangzhou, China. This research confirms that enabling firms to access emerging technology, acquire financial support, and touch customers and/or suppliers are critical to foster the emergence and development of industries. Moreover, the primary contribution of this study is to emphasize the support of the local government in the development of emerging industries on the perspective of the creation of a large-scale market demand. The creation of large-scale market demand may inspire actors to be proactive in responding to these incentives; thus, public and private actions may help increase the accessibility to technology, infrastructure, and finances. Hence, a market-oriented policy that incentivizes the creation and expansion of market demand among diverse public and private actors should be seen as the key issue for the emergence and growth of emerging industries. Policies should also be adopted promptly with the development of the market.

关键词: market demand     local government     new energy vehicles    

Obstacle-circumventing adaptive control of a four-wheeled mobile robot subjected to motion uncertainties

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第18卷 第3期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-023-0753-3

摘要: To achieve the collision-free trajectory tracking of the four-wheeled mobile robot (FMR), existing methods resolve the tracking control and obstacle avoidance separately. Guaranteeing the synergistic robustness and smooth navigation of mobile robots subjected to motion uncertainties in a dynamic environment using this non-cooperative processing method is difficult. To address this challenge, this paper proposes an obstacle-circumventing adaptive control (OCAC) framework. Specifically, a novel anti-disturbance terminal slide mode control with adaptive gains is formulated, incorporating specified control laws for different stages. This formulation guarantees rapid convergence and simultaneous chattering elimination. By introducing sub-target points, a new sub-target dynamic tracking regression obstacle avoidance strategy is presented to transfer the obstacle avoidance problem into a dynamic tracking one, thereby reducing the burden of local path searching while ensuring system stability during obstacle circumvention. Comparative experiments demonstrate that the proposed OCAC method can strengthen the convergence and obstacle avoidance efficiency of the concerned FMR system.

关键词: four-wheeled mobile robot     obstacle-circumventing adaptive control     adaptive anti-disturbance terminal sliding mode control     sub-target dynamic tracking regression obstacle avoidance    

Understand the local and regional contributions on air pollution from the view of human health impacts

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1382-2


• PM2.5-related deaths were estimated to be 227 thousand in BTH & surrounding regions.

关键词: PM2.5     Regional transport     Local emissions     Health impact     Environmental inequality    

Interaction behavior and load sharing pattern of piled raft using nonlinear regression and LM algorithm-based

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第5期   页码 1181-1198 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0744-6

摘要: In the recent era, piled raft foundation (PRF) has been considered an emergent technology for offshore and onshore structures. In previous studies, there is a lack of illustration regarding the load sharing and interaction behavior which are considered the main intents in the present study. Finite element (FE) models are prepared with various design variables in a double-layer soil system, and the load sharing and interaction factors of piled rafts are estimated. The obtained results are then checked statistically with nonlinear multiple regression (NMR) and artificial neural network (ANN) modeling, and some prediction models are proposed. ANN models are prepared with Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm for load sharing and interaction factors through backpropagation technique. The factor of safety (FS) of PRF is also estimated using the proposed NMR and ANN models, which can be used for developing the design strategy of PRF.

关键词: interaction     load sharing ratio     piled raft     nonlinear regression     artificial neural network    

Multivariable regression model for Fox depth correction factor

Ravi Kant MITTAL, Sanket RAWAT, Piyush BANSAL

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第1期   页码 103-109 doi: 10.1007/s11709-018-0474-6

摘要: This paper presents a simple and efficient equation for calculating the Fox depth correction factor used in computation of settlement reduction due to foundation embedment. Classical solution of Boussinesq theory was used originally to develop the Fox depth correction factor equations which were rather complex in nature. The equations were later simplified in the form of graphs and tables and referred in various international code of practices and standard texts for an unsophisticated and quick analysis. However, these tables and graphs provide the factor only for limited values of the input variables and hence again complicates the process of automation of analysis. Therefore, this paper presents a non-linear regression model for the analysis of effect of embedment developed using “IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences” software. Through multiple iterations, the value of coefficient of determination is found to reach 0.987. The equation is straightforward, competent and easy to use for both manual and automated calculation of the Fox depth correction factor for wide range of input values. Using the developed equation, parametric study is also conducted in the later part of the paper to analyse the extent of effect of a particular variable on the Fox depth factor.

关键词: settlement     embedment     Fox depth correction factor     regression     multivariable    

of driver-response relationships: identifying factors using a novel framework integrating quantile regression

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第6期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1676-2


● A novel framework integrating quantile regression with machine learning is proposed.

关键词: Driver-response     Upper boundary of relationship     Interpretable machine learning     Quantile regression     Total phosphorus     Chlorophyll a    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

ClimateAP: an application for dynamic local downscaling of historical and future climate data in Asia

Tongli WANG, Guangyu WANG, John L. INNES, Brad SEELY, Baozhang CHEN


Dynamic response surface methodology using Lasso regression for organic pharmaceutical synthesis



Yue WU, Can WANG, Yue-qing ZHANG, Jia-jun BU



包垚垚, 朱远明, 钱峰


High-order phase-field model with the local and second-order max-entropy approximants

Fatemeh AMIRI


Local uncorrelated local discriminant embedding for face recognition

Xiao-hu MA,Meng YANG,Zhao ZHANG


Making central-local relations work: Comparing America and China environmental governance systems





Multiple regression models for energy consumption of office buildings in different climates in China

Siyu ZHOU, Neng ZHU


Role of local governments in fostering the development of an emerging industry: A market-oriented policy

Jun JIN, Maureen McKELVEY, Ying DONG


Obstacle-circumventing adaptive control of a four-wheeled mobile robot subjected to motion uncertainties


Understand the local and regional contributions on air pollution from the view of human health impacts


Interaction behavior and load sharing pattern of piled raft using nonlinear regression and LM algorithm-based


Multivariable regression model for Fox depth correction factor

Ravi Kant MITTAL, Sanket RAWAT, Piyush BANSAL


of driver-response relationships: identifying factors using a novel framework integrating quantile regression
