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Social responsibility in infrastructure mega-projects: A case study of ecological compensation for

Zheming LIU, Liangyan WANG, Zhaohan SHENG, Xinglin GAO

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 98-108 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018084

摘要: Ecological compensation plays an important role in implementing the social responsibility of infrastructure mega-projects. Based on the results of a field study, an in-depth interview, and archive data, this paper introduces the ecological compensation for (the Indo-Pacific humpbacked dolphin) during the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. It studies the concrete measures, decision-making processes, and organizational collaboration of the ecological compensation, using the method of a case study. The present study not only enriches our understanding of the ecological compensation practice during the construction of infrastructure mega-projects, but also extends the literature on the social responsibility of infrastructure mega-projects. This sheds light on the protection of the environment as well as biodiversity in the construction of future infrastructure mega-projects.

关键词: infrastructure mega-projects     social responsibility     ecological compensation     Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge     Sousa chinensis    

Coupling and evolution mechanism of infrastructure mega-projects complex ecosystem: Case study on Hong

Zebin ZHAO, Xiaolong XUE, Xinglin GAO, Gang LIU, Hengqin WU

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 17-29 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018080

摘要: Infrastructure mega-projects (IMP), which involve complex interactions and feedback, have more significant impact on economic, social, and other systems. This paper proposes a concept—the IMP complex ecosystem—to analyze IMP from a broad perspective of organic links across engineering, social, economic, and resource environments. Moreover, this paper proposes the theoretical concept, framework, and functions for the IMP complex ecosystem based on complex ecosystem theory. First, the coupling process between IMP complex ecosystem subsystems is analyzed through material flows, energy flows, information flows, and value streams. Second, a logistic model of the IMP complex ecosystem is proposed by analyzing the evolution conditions and motivations. Third, the evolution pattern of the IMP complex ecosystem is determined. Fourth, the positive evolution strategy of the IMP complex ecosystem based on dissipative structure theory and the influencing factors of the evolutionary process is introduced. Finally, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and are used as the case study. This paper also analyzes the coupling structure on the complex ecosystem of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and investigates the coupling and evolution mechanism application of the IMP complex ecosystem on protection for the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project.

关键词: infrastructure mega-projects (IMP)     Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge     complex ecosystem     coupling relationship     evolution mechanism    

A fuzzy model for assessing the risk exposure of procuring infrastructure mega-projects through public-private

Albert P.C. CHAN, Robert OSEI-KYEI, Yi HU, Yun LE

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 64-77 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018067

摘要: Considering the rapid urbanization growth rate particularly in developing countries, the number of infrastructure mega-projects over the past years has risen tremendously. Essentially, because infrastructure mega-projects require huge investment funds, better management skills, well qualified and experienced international expertise and technology innovation, they are mostly preferred to be procured using the PPP method compare to the use of the traditional bid-build system. In this regard, this paper aims to develop a fuzzy evaluation model for assessing the suitability of procuring infrastructure mega-projects through PPP by considering their risk exposure. The main body of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) is used as a case project to demonstrate the practicality of the risk evaluation model. The risk evaluation model consists of four critical risk groupings, these include, construction and land risks, commercial risks, operational risks and political risks. Using the risk evaluation equation, a risk index of 4.53 out of 5.00 is computed for the selected project if it is procured through the PPP scheme. This outcome shows that the case project is not suitable for the PPP approach because its risk exposure is very high. The model developed will enable PPP practitioners to predict the likely risk exposure of procuring infrastructure mega-projects through the PPP scheme.

关键词: infrastructure mega-projects     public-private partnership     Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge     Hong Kong     fuzzy    

Supplier development and its incentives in infrastructure mega-projects: A case study on Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao

Wei ZENG, Jinwen ZHANG, Hongwei WANG, Hongtao ZHOU

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 88-97 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018077

摘要: In this paper the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project is taken as a case to analyze supplier development in infrastructure mega-projects. Compared with manufacturing industry, the characteristics of supplier development in infrastructure mega-projects is analyzed in term of development motives, supplier selection, quality management, production mode, owner participation and risks. The critical factors influencing the construction supplier development are identified, which include incentives, collaboration, future market, trust and bilateral communication. Furthermore, focusing on the incentives for the supplier’s product quality and production capacity improvement, decision-making framework models are proposed to design the incentive mechanisms.

关键词: infrastructure mega-project     supplier development     critical success factors     incentives     case study    

Grasping institutional complexity in infrastructure mega-projects through the multi-level governance

Yi HU, Yun LE, Xinglin GAO, Yongkui LI, Mingqiang LIU

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 52-63 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018074

摘要: This study analyzes the design and operation of multi-level governance system for the smooth delivery of infrastructure mega-projects with high institutional complexity caused by market transition. From an institutional perspective, this study scrutinizes the structure, elements, and dynamics of the governance system of infrastructure mega-projects and then proposes an integrative framework based on the inductive case study of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge mega-project. Multiple evidences of archives, field studies, and interviews related to the case project are triangulated to further analyze the institutional effects, specifically those with government logics and market structures, on the design and operation of the three-level governance system. Results reveal that the co-evolution between governments and markets in China has shaped the vertical levels of the mega-project governance system and has further affected their evolution and operation across various stages of project development. This study contributes to the rapidly emerging research on complex system governance by proposing a systematic model of three-level mega-project governance to enhance the timely delivery of infrastructure mega-projects within budget.

关键词: institutional complexity     multi-level governance     infrastructure mega-project     China    

How does the improved DB mode degrade the complex integrity of infrastructure mega-projects?

Jinwen ZHANG, Yumin QIU

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 40-51 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018083

摘要: Complex integrity is one of the main characteristics of infrastructure mega-projects (IMPs). Cost, technology, risk, duration, environmental impact, and other uncertain complexities are interrelated and constitute a challenging and complex management problem. At present, there is no unified understanding of or solutions to these complex integrity problems. This study analyzes the complex integrity of the island-tunnel subproject of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) project and proposes an improved design-build (DB) mode in which the owner provides a preliminary design and has the right to form and manage consortium. This improved DB mode creatively degrades the special complexities that arise from multiple dimensions. On this basis, it is an efficacious way to grasp the main contradictions, integrate the effective resources, and degrade the complex integrity in multiple dimensions and at multiple levels so as to effectively deal with the complexity management of IMPs.

关键词: Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project     island-tunnel subproject     complex integrity     complexity degradation     the general contracting mode of design-build     the design-build consortium    

Mankind and Mega-projects

Naomi J. Brookes

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2014年 第1卷 第3期   页码 241-245 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014033

摘要: Throughout history mankind has sought to improve its economic and even its spiritual development through the creation of gargantuan and awe-inspiring infrastructure projects. The twenty-first century has seen the rapid growth of the use of this type of project in providing society’s needs: such projects are widely referred to as “mega-projects”. Mega-projects are extremely large-scale infrastructure projects typically costing more than $1 billion. Mega-projects include power-plant (conventional, nuclear or renewable), oil and gas extraction and processing projects and transport projects such as highways and tunnels, bridges, railways, seaports and even cultural events such as the Olympics. Mega-projects are united by their extreme complexity (both in technical and human terms) and by a long record of poor delivery. What to do in the face of this dilemma is a question that is still being asked by mega-project practitioners and academics alike. This paper presents the unique work of the MEGAPROJECT COST Action which brings together a multi-disciplinary network of over 80 researchers from 24 countries to respond to this dilemma. Mega-project’s aim involves capturing the existing performance of large infrastructural mega-projects and understanding how their delivery can be improved. In order to do this, the investigation has gathered together the MEGAPROJECT Portfolio. The Portfolio contains meta-data on a wide range of mega-projects from across countries and sectors and acts as a firm empirical foundation for the investigation’s activities. Having assembled the MEGAPROJECT Portfolio, this paper shows how analyzing the Portfolio shatters myths of mega-project management and identifies new areas of fruitful investigation. Mega-project’s findings downplay the importance of formal project management tools and techniques in insuring successful delivery. Instead mega-project highlights the need to concentrate on the impact of financing on project governance, the technical modularization of the project and the devastating roles that eternal stakeholders can have on mega-project delivery. Most importantly, it discusses how we can effectively learn across mega-projects in order to maximize their value to their stakeholders and to society as a whole.

关键词: mega-projects     major projects     project failure    

Smart construction site in mega construction projects: A case study on island tunneling project of Hong

Hongtao ZHOU, Hongwei WANG, Wei ZENG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 78-87 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018075

摘要: The construction sites of mega construction projects (MCP) often have numerous participants with interfacing work within a highly complex system. It is critical how to realize collaborative work and information sharing among such participants. The information and communication technologies (ICTs) provides a technical guarantee for solving this problem. Existing research has been achieved the partial processes digitization of construction site, but certain problems still exist: 1)information perception of the construction site is passive. 2) common collaboration and coordination problems in the construction industry have not been addressed. The emerging trends of ICTs have resulted in the integration of various computer technologies such as CPS, BIM, big data, and cloud computing into construction process, which would changes behavioral and management mode of construction sites. These new ICTs have been applied successfully in MCP, in particular, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project. A new management mode of construction sites is inspired by these case. In this paper, a new management mode of construction site for MCP has been proposed, namely, smart construction site. The ultimate goal of smart construction site is to accomplish safe, efficient and high-quality construction. This study put forward the conceptual framework for smart construction site, and have identified three key elements of smart construction site, including information support platform, collaboration work, and intelligent construction management. A case study on Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project work as an evidence to support the practicability of the proposed mode. Significant contributions of this study is to propose a new management mode for MCP in construction industry, which would enrich the body of knowledge or the construction management community. Future research should be dedicated to further explore the potential of smart construction site in MCP management.

关键词: mega construction projects     smart construction site     information perception     collaborative work     intelligent construction management     information and communication technologies    

Adaptability evolution of financing systems of mega projects

Xue YAN, Longmiao GAO, Huimin LIU

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第2期   页码 258-270 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0066-8

摘要: Mega projects require large funding, which often reaches tens or even hundreds of billions of yuan. In the state-oriented financing system, the huge fund gap has generally become an important factor restricting the development of mega projects worldwide. Since the 1980s, China’s long-span bridge projects have developed rapidly as typical mega projects as their financing systems have also undergone a series of changes and shown a high adaptability to complexity. However, the existing literature based on the perspective of evolution lacks focus on the complexity of mega project financing systems and its causes. Therefore, the complexity of the financing methods employed in the financing systems for China’s long-span bridges is analyzed in this work from the dimensions of time and regions through investigation and interviews. On the basis of the results and complex adaptive systems theory, the causes of the complexity are further explored in terms of the clustering effects of financing subjects and the deep uncertainty of financing environments. Then, the evolution rules of financing systems of mega projects are established from the aspect of financing subjects, financing environments, and financing methods. The research results can enrich decision-makers’ understanding of the essential attributes and formation mechanism of the financing systems of mega projects and provide powerful support for decision-making in financing.

关键词: adaptability evolution     financing methods     long-span bridges in China     mega projects    

Avoiding the innovation island in infrastructure mega-project

Hongquan CHEN, Quanke SU, Saixing ZENG, Daxin SUN, Jonathan Jingsheng SHI

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 109-124 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018073

摘要: Infrastructure mega-project (IMP) innovation is a complex process characterized by highly diverse innovators, a dynamic life-cycle, and stickiness of innovation knowledge. The IMP’s innovation network can be easily broken due to the fact that the network involves many different innovators across different industries and different projects. Further reasons for the fragility of the IMP’s innovation network are the dynamics of the IMP life-cycle, the diversity of the IMP’s innovative entities, the uniqueness of each IMP, and the temporary nature of each IMP’s organizations. The formed by the breaking of an IMP’s innovation network can stifle and harm innovation performance. Drawing from the knowledge-based view as well as innovation network theory, our research identifies the heterogeneous characte- ristics of IMP innovation. We propose a framework to analyze the formation mechanism of the IMP innovation island from three dimensions—the , the , and the . We look at the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project to elaborate the innovation island concept that negatively impacts IMP innovation. We also offer theoretical implications regarding the broader question of how IMPs can manage their innovation in practice.

关键词: innovation in mega-infrastructure projects     the diversity of innovation bodies     life-cycle dynamics     the unique and temporary nature of IMPs     innovation island    

Silk Roads for the 21st Century: Engineering Mega-Infrastructure for Development and Sustainability

Tony Marjoram

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第3期   页码 187-196 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016038

摘要: Infrastructure facilitates the movement of people, the production and distribution of goods and services, and underpins development. Infrastructure is expensive and long-lasting, and needs long-term policy, planning and management, in terms of design, construction, operation and maintenance. Infrastructure relates particularly to engineering and technology. All technological change brings economic, social, cultural and environmental change, planned and unpredicted. Mega levels of technology bring mega levels of change, effects and impacts. Mega infrastructure such as the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, the “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) initiative, announced by President Xi Jinping in 2013, will require equally mega policy, planning and management. This paper will discuss policy, planning and management issues relating to mega infrastructure and the OBOR initiative, with particular reference to energy, communications, transportation, health, emergency preparedness and response, and less predictable areas of change, for example in disease prevention and control, within the overall need for economic, environmental and ecological sustainability. The paper will discuss associated needs for education, training and capacity building in engineering. The paper will also refer to lessons learnt from the original Silk Road in the context of the development of civilizations and intercultural dialogue through the transfer of goods, services, technologies, ideas, knowledge, customs, cultures and philosophies, less predictable and unwanted transfers, for example of disease, and the need for awareness, policy, planning and management of such wider issues.

关键词: infrastructure     growth     development     sustainability     change     new Silk Roads    

Climate change and China’s mega urban regions

Chaolin GU, Sunsheng HAN

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第4期   页码 418-430 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0075-5

摘要: China’s mega urban regions are focal points of economic development and environmental concerns. This paper positions four mega urban regions (i.e., the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the Bohai Bay Area, and the South-eastern Fujian Province) along China’s coast into the national economy and elaborates their development challenges and planning innovations. Mega urban regions in China are spatial consequences of rapid economic transition. They deserve close scrutiny and demands for innovative planning responses in order to maintain their key role in driving economic growth but limiting their greenhouse gas emission.

关键词: climate change     mega urban region     urban planning    

Managing stakeholder dynamics and complexity in mega infrastructure projects

Geoffrey Qiping SHEN, Jin XUE

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第1期   页码 148-150 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0149-6

From systematicness to complexity: Fundamental thinking of mega-project management

Zhaohan SHENG, Han LIN

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 125-127 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018001

Special issue: Infrastructure mega-project management on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project

Chongqing GUO, Zhaohan SHENG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第1期   页码 1-3 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018002

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Social responsibility in infrastructure mega-projects: A case study of ecological compensation for

Zheming LIU, Liangyan WANG, Zhaohan SHENG, Xinglin GAO


Coupling and evolution mechanism of infrastructure mega-projects complex ecosystem: Case study on Hong

Zebin ZHAO, Xiaolong XUE, Xinglin GAO, Gang LIU, Hengqin WU


A fuzzy model for assessing the risk exposure of procuring infrastructure mega-projects through public-private

Albert P.C. CHAN, Robert OSEI-KYEI, Yi HU, Yun LE


Supplier development and its incentives in infrastructure mega-projects: A case study on Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao

Wei ZENG, Jinwen ZHANG, Hongwei WANG, Hongtao ZHOU


Grasping institutional complexity in infrastructure mega-projects through the multi-level governance

Yi HU, Yun LE, Xinglin GAO, Yongkui LI, Mingqiang LIU


How does the improved DB mode degrade the complex integrity of infrastructure mega-projects?

Jinwen ZHANG, Yumin QIU


Mankind and Mega-projects

Naomi J. Brookes


Smart construction site in mega construction projects: A case study on island tunneling project of Hong

Hongtao ZHOU, Hongwei WANG, Wei ZENG


Adaptability evolution of financing systems of mega projects

Xue YAN, Longmiao GAO, Huimin LIU


Avoiding the innovation island in infrastructure mega-project

Hongquan CHEN, Quanke SU, Saixing ZENG, Daxin SUN, Jonathan Jingsheng SHI


Silk Roads for the 21st Century: Engineering Mega-Infrastructure for Development and Sustainability

Tony Marjoram


Climate change and China’s mega urban regions

Chaolin GU, Sunsheng HAN


Managing stakeholder dynamics and complexity in mega infrastructure projects

Geoffrey Qiping SHEN, Jin XUE


From systematicness to complexity: Fundamental thinking of mega-project management

Zhaohan SHENG, Han LIN


Special issue: Infrastructure mega-project management on the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project

Chongqing GUO, Zhaohan SHENG
