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Enhanced solution representations for vehicle routing problems with split deliveries

《工程管理前沿(英文)》   页码 483-498 doi: 10.1007/s42524-023-0259-z

摘要: In this study, we investigate a forest-based solution representation for split delivery vehicle routing problems (SDVRPs), which have several practical applications and are among the most difficult vehicle routing problems. The new solution representation fully reflects the nature of split delivery, and can help reduce the search space when used in heuristic algorithms. Based on the forest structure, we devise three neighborhood search operators. To highlight the effectiveness of this solution representation, we integrate these operators into a standard tabu search framework. We conduct extensive experiments on three main SDVRPs addressed in the literature: The basic SDVRP, the multidepot SDVRP, and the SDVRP with time windows. The experimental results show that the new forest-based solution representation is particularly effective in designing and implementing neighborhood operators, and that our new approach outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms on standard datasets.

关键词: vehicle routing     multidepot     time windows     tabu search     split delivery    

A review on the electric vehicle routing problems: Variants and algorithms

Hu QIN , Xinxin SU, Teng REN, Zhixing LUO

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第3期   页码 370-389 doi: 10.1007/s42524-021-0157-1

摘要: Over the past decade, electric vehicles (EVs) have been considered in a growing number of models and methods for vehicle routing problems (VRPs). This study presents a comprehensive survey of EV routing problems and their many variants. We only consider the problems in which each vehicle may visit multiple vertices and be recharged during the trip. The related literature can be roughly divided into nine classes: Electric traveling salesman problem, green VRP, electric VRP, mixed electric VRP, electric location routing problem, hybrid electric VRP, electric dial-a-ride problem, electric two-echelon VRP, and electric pickup and delivery problem. For each of these nine classes, we focus on reviewing the settings of problem variants and the algorithms used to obtain their solutions.

关键词: electric vehicles     routing     recharging stations     exact algorithms     metaheuristics    



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第12期   页码 35-40



关键词: 蚁群算法     带时间窗车辆路径问题     物流管理     动态    

采用嵌入时空距离的混合蚁群算法求解一类受限车辆路径问题 Research Article


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第24卷 第7期   页码 1062-1079 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2200585

摘要: 本文研究了共享出行背景下一类受限车辆路径问题,该问题以用户订单为核心,每个订单具有预约时间限制以及起始点、目的地两个位置点转换,是典型的具有时间、空间双重约束的扩展车辆路径问题。根据该问题特征,我们建立了以运营成本最低和用户体验度最高为目标的路径规划模型。为更精确地求解模型,根据用户的时间和空间属性定义了时空距离表示函数,进而提出一种嵌入时空距离的混合蚁群算法。该算法可分为两个阶段,首先通过时空聚类,以用户之间时空距离为主要衡量指标对用户进行分类,为问题求解提供启发式信息;其次结合劳动分工策略和时空距离函数,提出一种改进蚁群算法进行优化求解,以得到最终调度路线。基于现有数据集和实际城市环境的仿真案例进行数值实验。与其他启发式算法相比,该算法将基准实例中求得的最短路径长度降低2%–14%;与其他现存路径规划算法相比,该算法在测试实例上求得的综合成本更有竞争力。最后,利用两个实际的城市环境仿真案例进一步验证了所提算法的有效性。

关键词: 受限车辆路径问题;时空距离函数;劳动分工策略;蚁群算法    

Two-echelon Emergency Response Problem and Simulation Considering Secondary Disasters

Han-peng Zhang,Yi Liao,Hui-xia Luo

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2014年 第1卷 第3期   页码 318-321 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014042

摘要: It is necessary for subsequent resource distribution planning that get expected relief time considering secondary disasters after natural disaster. The goal of this research is to develop a two-echelon emergency resource distribution model under condition of secondary disasters. Taking minimal maximize relief time as criterion of relief performance, we developed response strategies and simulation model to get the expected value. Numerical studies of this paper presented the result of response strategies.

关键词: simulation     secondary disasters     two-echelon vehicle routing model    

Group-based multiple pipe routing method for aero-engine focusing on parallel layout

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第16卷 第4期   页码 798-813 doi: 10.1007/s11465-021-0645-3

摘要: External pipe routing for aero-engine in limited three-dimensional space is a typical nondeterministic polynomial hard problem, where the parallel layout of pipes plays an important role in improving the utilization of layout space, facilitating pipe assembly, and maintenance. This paper presents an automatic multiple pipe routing method for aero-engine that focuses on parallel layout. The compressed visibility graph construction algorithm is proposed first to determine rapidly the rough path and interference relationship of the pipes to be routed. Based on these rough paths, the information of pipe grouping and sequencing are obtained according to the difference degree and interference degree, respectively. Subsequently, a coevolutionary improved differential evolution algorithm, which adopts the coevolutionary strategy, is used to solve multiple pipe layout optimization problem. By using this algorithm, pipes in the same group share the layout space information with one another, and the optimal layout solution of pipes in this group can be obtained in the same evolutionary progress. Furthermore, to eliminate the minor angle deviation of parallel pipes that would cause assembly stress in actual assembly, an accurate parallelization processing method based on the simulated annealing algorithm is proposed. Finally, the simulation results on an aero-engine demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.

关键词: multiple pipe routing     optimization algorithm     aero-engine     pipe grouping     parallel layout    

一种基于轨迹动力学的任务导向型飞行自组网赛博物理路由协议 Article

胡蝶, 杨少石, 龚旻, 冯志勇, 祝学军

《工程(英文)》 2022年 第19卷 第12期   页码 217-227 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.10.022


作为一种特殊的移动自组网(MANET),飞行自组网(FANET)具有在民用无线通信(如5G和6G)和国防工业中使能各种新兴应用的潜力。路由协议在FANET中起着关键作用。但是,在为FANET设计路由协议时,通常假设空中节点随机移动。这对于以任务为导向的FANET(MO-FANET)显然是不合适的。在该网络中,空中节点为了执行某些任务,通常保持良好的编队构型,沿着大致确定的飞行路径从给定的出发点向确定的目标点移动。本文提出了一种基于跨学科集成的新型赛博物理路由协议,基于MOFANET的特定移动模式,充分利用由任务决定的轨迹动力学模型,构建节点重新加入网络和互相分离的时间序列,并将其与每个节点的邻接矩阵一起作为先验信息。通过大量符合真实情况的NS-3 仿真试验,结果表明,与FANET中使用的现有代表性路由协议相比,本文提出的协议在保证更低的开销和更低的平均端到端延迟的同时,保持了相对适度和稳定的网络时延抖动,并实现了更高的数据包传输率(PDR)

关键词: 信息物理系统     飞行自组网     路由协议     轨迹动力学     无人机    

Branch-pipe-routing approach for ships using improved genetic algorithm

Haiteng SUI,Wentie NIU

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第11卷 第3期   页码 316-323 doi: 10.1007/s11465-016-0384-z


Branch-pipe routing plays fundamental and critical roles in ship-pipe design. The branch-pipe-routing problem is a complex combinatorial optimization problem and is thus difficult to solve when depending only on human experts. A modified genetic-algorithm-based approach is proposed in this paper to solve this problem. The simplified layout space is first divided into three-dimensional (3D) grids to build its mathematical model. Branch pipes in layout space are regarded as a combination of several two-point pipes, and the pipe route between two connection points is generated using an improved maze algorithm. The coding of branch pipes is then defined, and the genetic operators are devised, especially the complete crossover strategy that greatly accelerates the convergence speed. Finally, simulation tests demonstrate the performance of proposed method.

关键词: branch pipe     ship industry     piping system     optimization algorithm    

基于GPSR和Q网络的流量感知无人机ad-hoc网络路由协议 Research Articles

Yi-ning Chen, Ni-qi Lyu, Guang-hua Song, Bo-wei Yang, Xiao-hong Jiang,ch19930611@zju.edu.cn,lvniqi@gmail.com,ghsong@zju.edu.cn,boweiy@zju.edu.cn,jiangxh@zju.edu.cn

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第21卷 第9期   页码 1308-1320 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1900401

摘要: 在流量密集的无人机ad-hoc网络中,流量拥塞会增加网络时延和丢包,大大限制网络性能。因此,需要一个流量平衡策略控制流量。本文提出TQNGPSR,一个基于GPSR和Q网络的流量感知无人机ad-hoc网络路由协议。该协议利用邻居节点的拥塞信息实现流量平衡,并用一种强化学习算法-Q网络算法-评价当前节点每条无线链接的质量。基于对这些链接的评估,该协议可在多个选择中做出合理决定,降低网络时延和丢包率。在仿真环境中测试TQNGPSR、AODV、OLSR、GPSR和QNGPSR。结果表明,相比于GPSR和QNGPSR,TQNGPSR有更高包到达率和更低端到端时延。在高节点密度场景中,TQNGPSR在包到达率、端到端时延和吞吐量上优于AODV和OLSR。

关键词: 流量平衡;强化学习;地理信息路由;Q网络    



《中国工程科学》 2002年 第4卷 第7期   页码 60-68



关键词: 前缀扩展     DFR     路由     路由查找    



《中国工程科学》 2004年 第6卷 第12期   页码 73-77



关键词: 动态路由     综合启发式算法     波长变换     虚波长通道     链路权重    

一种基于SDN的NDN路由转发机制设计 None

Jia LI, Ren-chao XIE, Tao HUANG, Li SUN

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第9期   页码 1135-1150 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700698

摘要: 近年来,命名数据网络(named data networking,NDN)和软件定义网络(software defined networking,SDN)的结合被认为是网络架构创新的重要趋势,吸引了大量关注。虽然关于两者结合已有大量研究成果,但未能解决传统NDN的转发机制存在兴趣包泛洪和丢弃的固有问题。基于SDN在NDN架构设计了一种新型转发机制,在架构中分布式部署集中控制器,进行全局路由决策,并设计了兴趣包和数据包的具体转发流程。基于设计的转发机制,提出一种基于服务质量(quality of service,QoS)的新型路由算法,综合考虑资源消耗和网络负载均衡,并利用改进遗传算法求解。仿真结果表明所提路由转发机制有良好性能。

关键词: 基于SDN的NDN;转发机制;QoS路由;遗传算法    



《中国工程科学》 2010年 第12卷 第3期   页码 82-89



关键词: 蓄滞洪区     洪水演进     一、二维数值仿真     有限体积法     联合调度    



《中国工程科学》 1999年 第1卷 第1期   页码 11-18



关键词: 航天     大型运载火箭     发射服务     长征三号系列    

Recent developments in passive interconnected vehicle suspension

Wade A. SMITH, Nong ZHANG,

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第5卷 第1期   页码 1-18 doi: 10.1007/s11465-009-0092-z

摘要: This paper presents an overall review on the historical concept development and research advancement of passive hydraulically interconnected suspension (HIS) systems. It starts with an introduction to passive HIS systems and their various incarnations developed over many decades. Next, a description is provided of a recently proposed multidisciplinary approach for the frequency-domain analysis of vehicles fitted with an HIS. The experimental validation and applications of the method to both free and forced vibration analysis are discussed based on a simplified, roll-plane half-car model. A finite-element-method-based approddach for modelling the transient dynamics of an HIS vehicle is also briefly outlined. In addition, recent work on the investigation of NVH associated with HIS-equipped vehicles is mentioned. Discussion is then provided on future work to the further understanding of HIS and its applications. The paper concludes that interconnected suspension schemes can provide much greater flexibility to independently specify modal stiffness and damping parameters – a characteristic unique among passive suspensions. It points out that there is a need for system optimisation, and there are troublesome NVH issues that require solutions. It suggests that further research attention and effort be paid to NVH issues and system level optimisation to gain a greater understanding of HIS and to broaden its applications.

关键词: interconnected suspensions     rollover prevention     vehicle dynamics     ride comfort     multibody system dynamics     hydraulic system dynamics    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Enhanced solution representations for vehicle routing problems with split deliveries


A review on the electric vehicle routing problems: Variants and algorithms

Hu QIN , Xinxin SU, Teng REN, Zhixing LUO








Two-echelon Emergency Response Problem and Simulation Considering Secondary Disasters

Han-peng Zhang,Yi Liao,Hui-xia Luo


Group-based multiple pipe routing method for aero-engine focusing on parallel layout



胡蝶, 杨少石, 龚旻, 冯志勇, 祝学军


Branch-pipe-routing approach for ships using improved genetic algorithm

Haiteng SUI,Wentie NIU



Yi-ning Chen, Ni-qi Lyu, Guang-hua Song, Bo-wei Yang, Xiao-hong Jiang,ch19930611@zju.edu.cn,lvniqi@gmail.com,ghsong@zju.edu.cn,boweiy@zju.edu.cn,jiangxh@zju.edu.cn









Jia LI, Ren-chao XIE, Tao HUANG, Li SUN








Recent developments in passive interconnected vehicle suspension

Wade A. SMITH, Nong ZHANG,
