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electroencephalogram signals using spatial constraint independent component analysis based recursive least squares in brain-computerinterface

Bang-hua YANG,Liang-fei HE,Lin LIN,Qian WANG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第6期   页码 486-496 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400299

摘要: Ocular artifacts cause the main interfering signals within electroencephalogram (EEG) signal measurements. An adaptive filter based on reference signals from an electrooculogram (EOG) can reduce ocular interference, but collecting EOG signals during a long-term EEG recording is inconvenient and uncomfortable for the subject. To remove ocular artifacts from EEG in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), a method named spatial constraint independent component analysis based recursive least squares (SCICA-RLS) is proposed. The method consists of two stages. In the first stage, independent component analysis (ICA) is used to decompose multiple EEG channels into an equal number of independent components (ICs). Ocular ICs are identified by an automatic artifact detection method based on kurtosis. Then empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is employed to remove any cerebral activity from the identified ocular ICs to obtain exact artifact ICs. In the second stage, first, SCICA applies exact artifact ICs obtained in the first stage as a constraint to extract artifact ICs from the given EEG signal. These extracted ICs are called spatial constraint ICs (SC-ICs). Then the RLS based adaptive filter uses SC-ICs as reference signals to reduce interference, which avoids the need for parallel EOG recordings. In addition, the proposed method has the ability of fast computation as it is not necessary for SCICA to identify all ICs like ICA. Based on the EEG data recorded from seven subjects, the new approach can lead to average classification accuracies of 3.3% and 12.6% higher than those of the standard ICA and raw EEG, respectively. In addition, the proposed method has 83.5% and 83.8% reduction in time-consumption compared with the standard ICA and ICA-RLS, respectively, which demonstrates a better and faster OA reduction.

关键词: Ocular artifacts     Electroencephalogram (EEG)     Electrooculogram (EOG)     Brain-computer interface (BCI)     Spatial constraint independent component analysis based recursive least squares (SCICA-RLS)    

基于脑电图中文拼音输入系统的脑机接口综述 None

Ming-hui SHI, Chang-le ZHOU, Jun XIE, Shao-zi LI, Qing-yang HONG, Min JIANG, Fei CHAO, Wei-feng REN, Xiang-qian LIU, Da-jun ZHOU, Tian-yu YANG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第3期   页码 423-436 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601509

摘要: 基于脑电图(EEG)的脑机接口能够让用户通过脑电信号与外部环境通信,而不必依赖于肌肉等大脑信号的常规输出路径。基于EEG的拼写器是EEG的重要应用,可将脑电信号转换为拼写特定字符或词的意图,从而帮助重度残疾患者(如肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者,ALS患者)。近年来,基于EEG的英文拼写器(EEGES)已得到较广泛研究,而基于脑电的中文拼写器(EEGCS)则研究甚少。由于英文只包含26个字母,而中文包含11000多个图形字符,因此,EEGCS比EEGES更难开发。本文旨在对EEGCS系统的相关文献进行综述,首先,对当前EEGCS系统进行了系统地分类,为后续讨论奠定基础;然后,提出统一当前EEGCS和EEGES的通用系统架构,其中将基于EEG的选择作为核心部件;最后,对当前各种EEGCS系统进行综述和讨论,指出EEGCS研究的当前进展、存在的问题和未来方向。

关键词: 脑机接口(BCI);脑电图(EEG);中文拼写器;英文拼写器    

系统神经工程综述:神经成像、接口及调控技术研究进展 Review

Bradley J. Edelman,Nessa Johnson,Abbas Sohrabpour,童善保,Nitish Thakor,Bin He

《工程(英文)》 2015年 第1卷 第3期   页码 292-308 doi: 10.15302/J-ENG-2015078


本文综述了在系统层面研究大脑内部活动最先进的技术。负责我们日常生活的神经活动是由大脑不同区域复杂的协调过程共同完成的。表面上,不同功能由具体的解剖结构所控制,然而事实上是通过内部大量相互连接的神经元和突触通路的动态网络来实现的。因此,从系统层面能更好地理解大脑的正常生理或病理状态。目前已有很多神经工程技术,但本文将重点关注三个领域:神经成像、神经接口和神经调控技术。神经成像能够帮助我们描绘大脑的结构和功能,这对理解正常和疾病状态下的神经系统功能至关重要。基于神经影像的知识,可以开发神经接口与神经系统进行交流,或者调控大脑的活动。这三个领域的研究对开发相关的仪器、设备及其应用很关键。在神经反馈的基础上,通过神经接口 (侵入式或非侵入式) 监测神经活动 (通过神经影像模式),以一定的刺激参数,调控和改变神经功能。总之,系统神经工程是指利用工程工具和技术来成像、解码和调控大脑,进一步理解大脑的正常功能及障碍修复。这些领域之间的相互交叉将引领系统神经工程的发展方向——发展神经技术,来增强对大脑整体功能和功能障碍的理解,以及对神经和精神障碍的干预。

关键词: 系统神经工程     神经成像     神经接口     神经调节     神经技术     脑&ndash     计算机接口     脑&ndash     机器接口     神经刺激    


Chris Palmer

《工程(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第2期   页码 3-5 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.12.004

EEG-controlled functional electrical stimulation rehabilitation for chronic stroke: system design and clinical application

《医学前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第5期   页码 740-749 doi: 10.1007/s11684-020-0794-5

摘要: Stroke is one of the most serious diseases that threaten human life and health. It is a major cause of death and disability in the clinic. New strategies for motor rehabilitation after stroke are undergoing exploration. We aimed to develop a novel artificial neural rehabilitation system, which integrates brain--computer interface (BCI) and functional electrical stimulation (FES) technologies, for limb motor function recovery after stroke. We conducted clinical trials (including controlled trials) in 32 patients with chronic stroke. Patients were randomly divided into the BCI-FES group and the neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) group. The changes in outcome measures during intervention were compared between groups, and the trends of ERD values based on EEG were analyzed for BCI-FES group. Results showed that the increase in Fugl Meyer Assessment of the Upper Extremity (FMA-UE) and Kendall Manual Muscle Testing (Kendall MMT) scores of the BCI-FES group was significantly higher than that in the sham group, which indicated the practicality and superiority of the BCI-FES system in clinical practice. The change in the laterality coefficient (LC) values based on μ-ERD (ΔLCm-ERD) had high significant positive correlation with the change in FMA-UE(r= 0.6093, P=0.012), which provides theoretical basis for exploring novel objective evaluation methods.

关键词: brain–computer interface     functional electrical stimulation     electroencephalogram     laterality coefficient     chronic stroke    

EEG controlled neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the upper limb for stroke patients

Hock Guan TAN, Cheng Yap SHEE, Keng He KONG, Cuntai GUAN, Wei Tech ANG

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第6卷 第1期   页码 71-81 doi: 10.1007/s11465-011-0207-1


This paper describes the Brain Computer Interface (BCI) system and the experiments to allow post-acute (<3 months) stroke patients to use electroencephalogram (EEG) to trigger neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)-assisted extension of the wrist/fingers, which are essential pre-requisites for useful hand function. EEG was recorded while subjects performed motor imagery of their paretic limb, and then analyzed to determine the optimal frequency range within the -rhythm, with the greatest attenuation. Aided by visual feedback, subjects then trained to regulate their -rhythm EEG to operate the BCI to trigger NMES of the wrist/finger. 6 post-acute stroke patients successfully completed the training, with 4 able to learn to control and use the BCI to initiate NMES. This result is consistent with the reported BCI literacy rate of healthy subjects. Thereafter, without the loss of generality, the controller of the NMES is developed and is based on a model of the upper limb muscle (biceps/triceps) groups to determine the intensity of NMES required to flex or extend the forearm by a specific angle. The muscle model is based on a phenomenological approach, with parameters that are easily measured and conveniently implemented.

关键词: brain computer interface     neuromuscular electrical stimulation     stroke     musculoskeletal modeling    

一种面向机器情感智能的人格引导型情感脑机接口 Research Article


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第23卷 第8期   页码 1158-1173 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2100489

摘要: 情感脑机接口(braincomputer interfaces, BCIs)已成为在人机协作中实现情感智能的一个重要途径。

关键词: 脑电图;情感识别;注意力机制;人格特征    

Actor-Critic强化学习算法及其在开发基于计算机视觉的界面跟踪中的应用 Article

Oguzhan Dogru, Kirubakaran Velswamy, 黄彪

《工程(英文)》 2021年 第7卷 第9期   页码 1248-1261 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.04.027


本文通过将对象跟踪形式化为序列决策过程,使控制理论与计算机视觉实现同步。强化学习(RL)智能体成功跟踪了两种液体之间的界面,这通常是化学、石化、冶金和石油行业中跟踪的关键变量。该方法使用少于100 张图像来创建环境,智能体无需专家知识即可从中生成自己的数据。与依赖大量参数的监督学习(SL)方法不同,这种方法需要的参数少得多,这自然降低了维护成本。除了经济性外,该智能体还对环境不确定性(如遮挡、强度变化和过度噪声)具有鲁棒性。在闭环控制情境下,基于界面位置的偏差被选作训练阶段的优化目标。该方法展示了RL方法在油砂行业中的实时对象跟踪应用。本文除了介绍界面跟踪问题外,还详细回顾了最有效的RL方法之一——actor-critic策略。

关键词: 界面跟踪     对象跟踪     遮挡     强化学习     均匀流形逼近和投影    


许敏鹏, 何峰, 钟子平, 顾晓松, 明东

《工程(英文)》 2021年 第7卷 第12期   页码 1710-1712 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.09.011

Outcomes of patients awaiting lung transplantation after the implementation of donation after brain death

《医学前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第5期   页码 760-765 doi: 10.1007/s11684-021-0899-5

摘要: Voluntary contribution has become the only source of donor lungs in China since 2015. To elaborate the outcomes of patients awaiting lung transplantation (LTx) after the implementation of donation after brain death, we performed a retrospective study that encompassed 205 patients with end-stage lung disease who registered for LTx at Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital from January 1, 2015 to January 1, 2021. A total of 180 patients were enrolled in the study. The median waiting time was 1.25 months. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) (103/180, 57.2%) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (56/180, 31.1%) were the most common diseases in our study population. The mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) of patients in the died-waiting group was higher than that of the survivors (53.29±21.71 mmHg vs. 42.11±18.58 mmHg, P=0.002). The mortality of patients with ILD (34/103, 33.00%) was nearly twice that of patients with COPD (10/56, 17.86%) while awaiting LTx (P=0.041). In the died-waiting group, patients with ILD had a shorter median waiting time than patients with COPD after being listed (0.865 months vs. 4.720 months, P=0.030). ILD as primary disease and mPAP > 35 mmHg were two significant independent risk factors for waitlist mortality, with hazard ratios (HR) of 3.483 (95% CI 1.311–9.111; P=0.011) and 3.500 (95% CI 1.435–8.536; P=0.006). Hence, LTx is more urgently needed in patients with ILD and pulmonary hypertension.

关键词: lung transplantation     donation after brain death     waitlist    

Cooling strategies and transport theories for brain hypothermia resuscitation

LIU Jing

《能源前沿(英文)》 2007年 第1卷 第1期   页码 32-57 doi: 10.1007/s11708-007-0004-z

摘要: The brain is one of the most important organs in a biological body whose normal function depends heavily on an uninterrupted delivery of oxygen. Unlike skeletal muscles that can survive for hours without oxygen, neuron cells in the brain are easily subjected to an irreversible damage within minutes from the onset of oxygen deficiency. With the interruption of cardiopulmonary circulation in many cardiac surgical procedures or accidental events leading to cerebral circulation arrest, an imbalance between energy production and consumption will occur which causes a rapid depletion of oxygen due to the interrupted blood-flow to the brain. Meanwhile, the cooling function of the blood flow on the hot tissue will be stopped, while metabolic heat generation in the tissues still keeps running for awhile. Under such adverse situations, the potential for cerebral protection through hypothermia has been intensively investigated in clinics by lowering brain temperature to restrain the cerebral oxygen demands. The reason can be attributed to the decreased metabolic requirements of the cold brain tissues, which allows a longer duration for the brain to endure reduced oxygen delivery. It is now clear that hypothermia would serve as the principal way for neurologic protection in a wide variety of emergency medicines, especially in cerebral damage, anoxia, circulatory arrest, respiratory occlusion, etc. However, although brain cooling has been found uniquely significant in clinical practices, the serious lack of knowledge on the mechanisms involved prevents its further advancement in brain resuscitation. Compared with the expanded trials in clinics, only very limited efforts were made to probe the engineering issues involved, which turns out to be a major obstacle for the successful operation of brain hypothermia resuscitation. From the viewpoint of biothermal medical engineering, the major theories and strategies for administering brain cooling can generally be classified into three categories: heat transfer, oxygen transport and cooling strategy. Aiming to provide a complete overview of the brain hypothermia resuscitation, this article comprehensively summarizes the recent progresses made in theoretical, practical and experimental techniques in the area. Particularly, attention is paid to the mathematical models to quantify the heat and oxygen transport inside the cerebral tissues. Typical cooling strategies to effectively lower brain temperature and thus decrease oxygen consumption rate in the cerebral tissues are analyzed. Approaches to deliver oxygen directly to the target tissues are discussed. Meanwhile, some future efforts worth pursuing within the area of brain cooling are suggested.

关键词: mathematical     interruption     hypothermia     metabolic     generation    

Effect of interface adhesion factor on the bearing capacity of strip footing placed on cohesive soil

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第15卷 第6期   页码 1494-1503 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0768-y

摘要: The problem related to bearing capacity of footing either on pure soil or on pure rock mass has been investigated over the years. Currently, no study deals with the bearing capacity of strip footing on a cohesive soil layer overlying rock mass. Therefore, by implementing the lower bound finite element limit analysis in conjunction with the second-order cone programming and the power cone programming, the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing located on a cohesive soil overlying rock mass is determined in this study. By considering the different values of interface adhesion factor (αcr) between the cohesive soil and rock mass, the ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing is expressed in terms of influence factor (If) for different values of cohesive soil layer cover ratio (Tcs/B). The failure of cohesive soil is modeled by using Mohr−Coulomb yield criterion, whereas Generalized Hoek−Brown yield criterion is utilized to model the rock mass at failure. The variations ofIf with different magnitudes of αcr are studied by considering the influence of the rock mass strength parameters of beneath rock mass layer. To examine stress distribution at different depths, failure patterns are also plotted.

关键词: bearing capacity     soil-rock interface     Hoek−Brown yield criterion     plasticity     limit analysis    

Tramadol reinforces antidepressant effects of ketamine with increased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic


《医学前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第4期   页码 411-415 doi: 10.1007/s11684-012-0226-2


Ketamine exerts rapid and robust antidepressant properties in both animal models and depressed patients and tramadol possesses potential antidepressant effects. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is an important biomarker for mood disorders and tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) is a high affinity catalytic receptor for BDNF. We hypothesized that tramadol pretreatment might reinforce ketamine-elicited antidepressant effects with significant changes in hippocampal BDNF and TrkB levels in rats. Immobility time of rats receiving different treatment in the forced swimming test (FST) was observed. Levels of BDNF and TrkB in hippocampus were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. Results showed that tramadol (5 mg/kg) administrated alone neither elicited antidepressant effects nor altered BDNF or TrkB level. However, pretreatment with tramadol (5 mg/kg) enhanced the ketamine (10 mg/kg) -elicited antidepressant effects and upregulated the BDNF and TrkB levels in hippocampus. In conclusion, tramadol pretreatment reinforces the ketamine-elicited antidepressant effects, which is associated with the increased levels of BDNF and TrkB in rat hippocampus.

关键词: tramadol     ketamine     antidepressant     brain-derived neurotrophic factor     tropomyosin-related kinase B    

The influence of brain death on donor liver and the potential mechanisms of protective intervention


《医学前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第1期   页码 8-14 doi: 10.1007/s11684-011-0109-y


Brain-dead donors have become one of the main sources of organs for transplantation in Western countries. The quality of donor organs is closely related to the outcome of the transplantation. Experimental studies have confirmed the inferior graft survival of livers from brain-dead donors compared with those from living donors. Studies conducted in the past 10 years have shown that brain death is associated with effects on the decreased donor organ quality. However, whether the decrease in the viability of donor organs is caused by brain death or by the events before and after brain death remains uncertain. The purpose of this review is to introduce the advances and controversies regarding the influence of brain death on the viability of donor livers and to summarize the mechanisms of the different protective interventions for donor livers.

关键词: brain death     donor liver    

Experimental verification of the interface wave method to detect interlaminar damage of a metal multilayer

Bing LI,Xu GENG,Tong LU,Lei QIANG,Minghang LI

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第10卷 第4期   页码 380-391 doi: 10.1007/s11465-015-0365-7


The interface wave traveling along the boundary of two materials has been studied for nearly a century. However, experiments, engineering applications, and interface wave applications to the non-destructive inspection of interlaminar composite have developed slowly. In this research, an experiment that applies Stoneley waves (a type of interfacial wave between two solid half-spaces) is implemented to detect the damage in a multilayer structure. The feasibility of this method is also verified. First, the wave velocity and wave structure of Stoneley waves at a perfectly bonded aluminum-steel interface are obtained by solving the Stoneley wave dispersion equation of two elastic half-spaces. Thereafter, an experiment is conducted to measure the Stoneley wave velocity of an aluminum-steel laminated beam and to locate interlaminar cracks by referring to the Stoneley wave velocity and echo wave time. Results indicate that the location error is less than 2%. Therefore, Stoneley waves show great potential as a non-destructive inspection method of a multilayer structure.

关键词: crack localization     interface waves     Stoneley waves     interlaminar damage     multilayer structure    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

electroencephalogram signals using spatial constraint independent component analysis based recursive least squares in brain-computerinterface

Bang-hua YANG,Liang-fei HE,Lin LIN,Qian WANG



Ming-hui SHI, Chang-le ZHOU, Jun XIE, Shao-zi LI, Qing-yang HONG, Min JIANG, Fei CHAO, Wei-feng REN, Xiang-qian LIU, Da-jun ZHOU, Tian-yu YANG



Bradley J. Edelman,Nessa Johnson,Abbas Sohrabpour,童善保,Nitish Thakor,Bin He



Chris Palmer


EEG-controlled functional electrical stimulation rehabilitation for chronic stroke: system design and clinical application


EEG controlled neuromuscular electrical stimulation of the upper limb for stroke patients

Hock Guan TAN, Cheng Yap SHEE, Keng He KONG, Cuntai GUAN, Wei Tech ANG






Oguzhan Dogru, Kirubakaran Velswamy, 黄彪



许敏鹏, 何峰, 钟子平, 顾晓松, 明东


Outcomes of patients awaiting lung transplantation after the implementation of donation after brain death


Cooling strategies and transport theories for brain hypothermia resuscitation

LIU Jing


Effect of interface adhesion factor on the bearing capacity of strip footing placed on cohesive soil


Tramadol reinforces antidepressant effects of ketamine with increased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic



The influence of brain death on donor liver and the potential mechanisms of protective intervention



Experimental verification of the interface wave method to detect interlaminar damage of a metal multilayer

Bing LI,Xu GENG,Tong LU,Lei QIANG,Minghang LI
