
期刊论文 32


2022 4

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2018 2

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2016 3

2015 3

2014 2

2010 1

2009 2

2007 1

2005 3

2003 1

2002 1

2001 1

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运动补偿 2

BG算法 1

BSP) 1

FGR预测 1

HY-2 1

NOG小鼠 1


三维点云;孔洞修补;立体匹配;B样条 1

二次防御 1

交通工程 1

交通规划 1

产品设计;知识推送系统;增强训练集;多分类神经网络;知识匹配 1

产品设计;知识推送;适用概率匹配;多维情境;个性化 1

人脸建模 1

代码复用;代码推荐;树相似度;结构信息 1

侧边曲线方程 1

分辨率匹配 1

华北地区;水均衡;国土空间规划;以水定地;水土资源匹配;适水种植 1

吉赫兹横电磁波传输室(GTEM Cell) 1

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Design of an enhanced visual odometry by building and matching compressive panoramic landmarks online

Wei LU,Zhi-yu XIANG,Ji-lin LIU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第2期   页码 152-165 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400139

摘要: Efficient and precise localization is a prerequisite for the intelligent navigation of mobile robots. Traditional visual localization systems, such as visual odometry (VO) and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), suffer from two shortcomings: a drift problem caused by accumulated localization error, and erroneous motion estimation due to illumination variation and moving objects. In this paper, we propose an enhanced VO by introducing a panoramic camera into the traditional stereo-only VO system. Benefiting from the 360° field of view, the panoramic camera is responsible for three tasks: (1) detecting road junctions and building a landmark library online; (2) correcting the robot’s position when the landmarks are revisited with any orientation; (3) working as a panoramic compass when the stereo VO cannot provide reliable positioning results. To use the large-sized panoramic images efficiently, the concept of compressed sensing is introduced into the solution and an adaptive compressive feature is presented. Combined with our previous two-stage local binocular bundle adjustment (TLBBA) stereo VO, the new system can obtain reliable positioning results in quasi-real time. Experimental results of challenging long-range tests show that our enhanced VO is much more accurate and robust than the traditional VO, thanks to the compressive panoramic landmarks built online.

关键词: Visual odometry     Panoramic landmark     Landmark matching     Compressed sensing     Adaptive compressive feature    

Three potential benefits of the EU and IMO’s landmark efforts to monitor carbon dioxide emissions from

Shuaian WANG, Lu ZHEN, Harilaos N. PSARAFTIS

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第2期   页码 310-311 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0096-2

Beyond bag of latent topics: spatial pyramid matching for scene category recognition

Fu-xiang LU,Jun HUANG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第10期   页码 817-828 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1500070

摘要: We propose a heterogeneous, mid-level feature based method for recognizing natural scene categories. The proposed feature introduces spatial information among the latent topics by means of spatial pyramid, while the latent topics are obtained by using probabilistic latent semantic analysis (pLSA) based on the bag-of-words representation. The proposed feature always performs better than standard pLSA because the performance of pLSA is adversely affected in many cases due to the loss of spatial information. By combining various interest point detectors and local region descriptors used in the bag-of-words model, the proposed feature can make further improvement for diverse scene category recognition tasks. We also propose a two-stage framework for multi-class classification. In the first stage, for each of possible detector/descriptor pairs, adaptive boosting classifiers are employed to select the most discriminative topics and further compute posterior probabilities of an unknown image from those selected topics. The second stage uses the prod-max rule to combine information coming from multiple sources and assigns the unknown image to the scene category with the highest ‘final’ posterior probability. Experimental results on three benchmark scene datasets show that the proposed method exceeds most state-of-the-art methods.

关键词: Scene category recognition     Probabilistic latent semantic analysis     Bag-of-words     Adaptive boosting    



《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第11期   页码 28-35



关键词: 钻孔爆破     粉碎区     岩石-炸药匹配     波阻抗匹配    



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第2期   页码 15-19



关键词: 纪念性建筑     文物建筑     建筑设计     建筑环境    

Heuristic solution using decision tree model for enhanced XML schema matching of bridge structural calculation

Sang I. PARK, Sang-Ho LEE

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第6期   页码 1403-1417 doi: 10.1007/s11709-020-0666-8

摘要: Research on the quality of data in a structural calculation document (SCD) is lacking, although the SCD of a bridge is used as an essential reference during the entire lifecycle of the facility. XML Schema matching enables qualitative improvement of the stored data. This study aimed to enhance the applicability of XML Schema matching, which improves the speed and quality of information stored in bridge SCDs. First, the authors proposed a method of reducing the computing time for the schema matching of bridge SCDs. The computing speed of schema matching was increased by 13 to 1800 times by reducing the checking process of the correlations. Second, the authors developed a heuristic solution for selecting the optimal weight factors used in the matching process to maintain a high accuracy by introducing a decision tree. The decision tree model was built using the content elements stored in the SCD, design companies, bridge types, and weight factors as input variables, and the matching accuracy as the target variable. The inverse-calculation method was applied to extract the weight factors from the decision tree model for high-accuracy schema matching results.

关键词: structural calculation document     bridge structure     XML Schema matching     weight factor     data mining     decision tree model    



《中国工程科学》 2010年 第12卷 第1期   页码 56-60



关键词: 立体匹配     漫反射     镜面反射     色度    

Multi-UAV collaborative system with a feature fast matching algorithm

Tian-miao Wang, Yi-cheng Zhang, Jian-hong Liang, Yang Chen, Chao-lei Wang,zycet@126.com

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第21卷 第12期   页码 1671-1814 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2000047

摘要: We present a real-time monocular system with a new distributed structure for multi-UAV tasks. The system is different from other general SLAM systems in two aspects: First, it does not aim to build a global map, but to estimate the latest relative position between nearby vehicles; Second, there is no centralized structure in the proposed system, and each vehicle owns an individual metric map and an ego-motion estimator to obtain the relative position between its own map and the neighboring vehicles’. To realize the above characteristics in real time, we demonstrate an innovative algorithm to avoid catastrophic expansion of feature point matching workload due to the increased number of UAVs. Based on the hash and principal component analysis, the matching time complexity of this algorithm can be reduced from (log ) to (1). To evaluate the performance, the algorithm is verified on the acknowledged multi-view stereo benchmark dataset, and excellent results are obtained. Finally, through the simulation and real flight experiments, this improved SLAM system with the proposed algorithm is validated.



《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第6期   页码 65-69


星载微波辐射计多通道海洋参数反演需要基于同一位置、同一分辨率的多通道观测值,但由于星载微波辐射计设计的局限性,多通道观测地面像元位置和分辨率均不同,因此运用多通道分辨率匹配技术统一观测面元是扫描微波辐射计数据处理中的关键技术,基于海洋二号(HY-2)卫星扫描微波辐射计的成像原理和天线方向图,模拟各通道天线方向图在地面的投影,用Backus-Gilbert(BG)算法将高频观测亮温重采样到最低的低频6.6 GHz通道的观测位置和像元分辨率。结果表明,BG降低分辨率重采样算法能得到很好的拟合效果,并且不另引入噪声。

关键词: 扫描微波辐射计     HY-2     分辨率匹配     BG算法    

Overlap maximum matching ratio (OMMR): a new measure to evaluate overlaps of essential modules

Xiao-xia ZHANG,Qiang-hua XIAO,Bin LI,Sai HU,Hui-jun XIONG,Bi-hai ZHAO

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第4期   页码 293-300 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400282

摘要: Protein complexes are the basic units of macro-molecular organizations and help us to understand the cell’s mechanism. The development of the yeast two-hybrid, tandem affinity purification, and mass spectrometry high-throughput proteomic techniques supplies a large amount of protein-protein interaction data, which make it possible to predict overlapping complexes through computational methods. Research shows that overlapping complexes can contribute to identifying essential proteins, which are necessary for the organism to survive and reproduce, and for life’s activities. Scholars pay more attention to the evaluation of protein complexes. However, few of them focus on predicted overlaps. In this paper, an evaluation criterion called overlap maximum matching ratio (OMMR) is proposed to analyze the similarity between the identified overlaps and the benchmark overlap modules. Comparison of essential proteins and gene ontology (GO) analysis are also used to assess the quality of overlaps. We perform a comprehensive comparison of serveral overlapping complexes prediction approaches, using three yeast protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. We focus on the analysis of overlaps identified by these algorithms. Experimental results indicate the important of overlaps and reveal the relationship between overlaps and identification of essential proteins.

关键词: Protein-protein interaction network     Essential protein modules     Overlap     Overlap maximum matching ratio    



《中国工程科学》 2002年 第4卷 第1期   页码 47-53



关键词: 视频处理     运动补偿     运动估计     块匹配检测标准    

基于适用概率匹配与多维情境驱动的设计知识推送技术 None

Shu-you ZHANG, Ye GU, Xiao-jian LIU, Jian-rong TAN

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第19卷 第2期   页码 235-245 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700763

摘要: 为了提高产品智能设计过程中设计知识的使用效率和质量,有必要向设计人员主动推送设计知识。知识推送主要包括知识匹配和匹配结果的合理推送两个方面。针对现有知识匹配通常缺乏智能性和匹配结果推送缺少个性化的问题,提出基于适用概率匹配和多维情境驱动的设计知识推送技术。构建包括设计知识表示向量、设计案例特征向量和映射布尔矩阵等的训练样本集,通过贝叶斯理论计算设计知识适用与不适用于设计内容的概率,即二者之间的匹配度,得到推送知识集。构建等级化设计内容模型对推送知识集进行过滤,通过设计知识、设计上下文、设计内容和设计人员等多维情境驱动,实现个性化的设计知识推送。在数控机床智能设计平台中的知识推送应用,证明了该技术的可行性和正确性。

关键词: 产品设计;知识推送;适用概率匹配;多维情境;个性化    

基于云计算的自适应可调节GPS轨迹地图匹配策略 Article

Aftab Ahmed CHANDIO,Nikos TZIRITAS,Fan ZHANG,Ling YIN,Cheng-Zhong XU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第17卷 第12期   页码 1305-1319 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1600027

摘要: 在本文中,我们提出一种实时地图匹配方法(Real-time map-matching, RT-MM)。

关键词: 地图匹配,GPS轨迹,可调节,云计算,块同步并行计算(Bulk synchronous parallel     BSP)    



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第2期   页码 47-56



关键词: 人脸建模     模型匹配     随机梯度下降     非统一抽样     多分辨率分析    

An investigation on stress distribution effect on multi- piezoelectric energy harvesters

Hailu YANG, Dongwei CAO

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第3期   页码 301-307 doi: 10.1007/s11709-017-0404-z

摘要: With the fast development of piezoelectric materials and due to its green and renewable characteristics, the piezoelectric energy harvesting technology has been paid more and more attention by pavement engineers. The stress distribution will significantly affect the piezoelectric material performance. In this paper, the effects of multiple piezoelectric elements on the generation of electrical energy and output power are studied. In the case of constant external load, the number of the piezoelectric units does not necessarily produce more energy. When the same multi piezoelectric units work together, if the stress state of the piezoelectric units is different, the total output energy affected by the connection mode. For uneven stress distribution, the optimal output mode is that each of the piezoelectric units rectified before connected in parallel.

关键词: piezoelectric transducer     uneven stress     impedance matching     optimal energy output    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Design of an enhanced visual odometry by building and matching compressive panoramic landmarks online

Wei LU,Zhi-yu XIANG,Ji-lin LIU


Three potential benefits of the EU and IMO’s landmark efforts to monitor carbon dioxide emissions from

Shuaian WANG, Lu ZHEN, Harilaos N. PSARAFTIS


Beyond bag of latent topics: spatial pyramid matching for scene category recognition

Fu-xiang LU,Jun HUANG








Heuristic solution using decision tree model for enhanced XML schema matching of bridge structural calculation

Sang I. PARK, Sang-Ho LEE





Multi-UAV collaborative system with a feature fast matching algorithm

Tian-miao Wang, Yi-cheng Zhang, Jian-hong Liang, Yang Chen, Chao-lei Wang,zycet@126.com





Overlap maximum matching ratio (OMMR): a new measure to evaluate overlaps of essential modules

Xiao-xia ZHANG,Qiang-hua XIAO,Bin LI,Sai HU,Hui-jun XIONG,Bi-hai ZHAO






Shu-you ZHANG, Ye GU, Xiao-jian LIU, Jian-rong TAN



Aftab Ahmed CHANDIO,Nikos TZIRITAS,Fan ZHANG,Ling YIN,Cheng-Zhong XU





An investigation on stress distribution effect on multi- piezoelectric energy harvesters

Hailu YANG, Dongwei CAO
