
期刊论文 5


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2005 1


建筑环境 1

建筑设计 1

文物建筑 1

纪念性建筑 1

面部特征定位;几何特征;外貌特征;笑容识别 1

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Design of an enhanced visual odometry by building and matching compressive panoramic landmarks online

Wei LU,Zhi-yu XIANG,Ji-lin LIU

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第16卷 第2期   页码 152-165 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1400139

摘要: Efficient and precise localization is a prerequisite for the intelligent navigation of mobile robots. Traditional visual localization systems, such as visual odometry (VO) and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), suffer from two shortcomings: a drift problem caused by accumulated localization error, and erroneous motion estimation due to illumination variation and moving objects. In this paper, we propose an enhanced VO by introducing a panoramic camera into the traditional stereo-only VO system. Benefiting from the 360° field of view, the panoramic camera is responsible for three tasks: (1) detecting road junctions and building a landmark library online; (2) correcting the robot’s position when the landmarks are revisited with any orientation; (3) working as a panoramic compass when the stereo VO cannot provide reliable positioning results. To use the large-sized panoramic images efficiently, the concept of compressed sensing is introduced into the solution and an adaptive compressive feature is presented. Combined with our previous two-stage local binocular bundle adjustment (TLBBA) stereo VO, the new system can obtain reliable positioning results in quasi-real time. Experimental results of challenging long-range tests show that our enhanced VO is much more accurate and robust than the traditional VO, thanks to the compressive panoramic landmarks built online.

关键词: Visual odometry     Panoramic landmark     Landmark matching     Compressed sensing     Adaptive compressive feature    

Panoramic variation analysis of a family with neurodevelopmental disorders caused by biallelic loss-of-function

《医学前沿(英文)》 doi: 10.1007/s11684-023-1006-x

摘要: Highly clinical and genetic heterogeneity of neurodevelopmental disorders presents a major challenge in clinical genetics and medicine. Panoramic variation analysis is imperative to analyze the disease phenotypes resulting from multilocus genomic variation. Here, a Pakistani family with parental consanguinity was presented, characterized with severe intellectual disability (ID), spastic paraplegia, and deafness. Homozygosity mapping, integrated single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array, whole-exome sequencing, and whole-genome sequencing were performed, and homozygous variants in TMEM141 (c.270G>A, p.Trp90*), DDHD2 (c.411+767_c.1249-327del), and LHFPL5 (c.250delC, p.Leu84*) were identified. A Tmem141p.Trp90*/p.Trp90* mouse model was generated. Behavioral studies showed impairments in learning ability and motor coordination. Brain slice electrophysiology and Golgi staining demonstrated deficient synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons and abnormal dendritic branching in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Transmission electron microscopy showed abnormal mitochondrial morphology. Furthermore, studies on a human in vitro neuronal model (SH-SY5Y cells) with stable shRNA-mediated knockdown of TMEM141 showed deleterious effect on bioenergetic function, possibly explaining the pathogenesis of replicated phenotypes in the cross-species mouse model. Conclusively, panoramic variation analysis revealed that multilocus genomic variations of TMEM141, DDHD2, and LHFPL5 together caused variable phenotypes in patient. Notably, the biallelic loss-of-function variants of TMEM141 were responsible for syndromic ID.

关键词: neurodevelopmental disorder     autosomal recessive intellectual disability     consanguinity     spastic paraplegia     hearing loss     TMEM141    

Three potential benefits of the EU and IMO’s landmark efforts to monitor carbon dioxide emissions from

Shuaian WANG, Lu ZHEN, Harilaos N. PSARAFTIS

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第2期   页码 310-311 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0096-2



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第2期   页码 15-19



关键词: 纪念性建筑     文物建筑     建筑设计     建筑环境    

基于特定区域纹理描述和面部动态变化的自发性微笑判别技术 Article

Ping-ping WU, Hong LIU, Xue-wu ZHANG, Yuan GAO

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第18卷 第7期   页码 955-967 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1600041

摘要: 微笑作为一种典型的生物多样性特征信号,在社会交往中有较大影响力,它揭示了人的情感感受和内心状态。自发性的微笑与假笑由不同大脑系统发出,在形态学和动力学上均存在差异。区分这两种类型的微笑仍具有挑战性,因为其中细微差别很难被肉眼观察到,仍有待被识别捕捉。已有相关研究大多是提取自发性微笑的几何特征,而外观特征并没有被充分利用,导致纹理信息的丢失。本文提出一种基于特定区域纹理描述来表示不同面部区域的局部模式变化,从而弥补几何特征研究的局限性。每个面部区域的时间相位是通过计算相应的面部区域强度来划分,而非仅考虑嘴巴区域强度。同时利用支持向量机的中层融合策略,将两种特征类型结合起来。实验结果表明,本文提出的外观表示法及其与基于几何形状的人脸动力学的结合技术,在BBC、SPOS、MMI和UvA-NEMO四个基准数据库中得到很好的应用。

关键词: 面部特征定位;几何特征;外貌特征;笑容识别    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Design of an enhanced visual odometry by building and matching compressive panoramic landmarks online

Wei LU,Zhi-yu XIANG,Ji-lin LIU


Panoramic variation analysis of a family with neurodevelopmental disorders caused by biallelic loss-of-function


Three potential benefits of the EU and IMO’s landmark efforts to monitor carbon dioxide emissions from

Shuaian WANG, Lu ZHEN, Harilaos N. PSARAFTIS






Ping-ping WU, Hong LIU, Xue-wu ZHANG, Yuan GAO
