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二氧化碳捕集与封存研究设施 1

净温室气体减排 1

监测 1

能源消费 1


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Spatiotemporal evolution and driving factors for GHG emissions of aluminum industry in China

《能源前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第2期   页码 294-305 doi: 10.1007/s11708-022-0819-7

摘要: China’s aluminum (Al) production has released a huge amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As one of the biggest country of primary Al production, China must mitigate its overall GHG emission from its Al industry so that the national carbon neutrality target can be achieved. Under such a background, the study described in this paper conducts a dynamic material flow analysis to reveal the spatiotemporal evolution features of Al flows in China from 2000 to 2020. Decomposition analysis is also performed to uncover the driving factors of GHG emission generated from the Al industry. The major findings include the fact that China’s primary Al production center has transferred to the western region; the primary Al smelting and carbon anode consumption are the most carbon-intensive processes in the Al life cycle; the accumulative GHG emission from electricity accounts for 78.14% of the total GHG emission generated from the Al industry; China’s current Al recycling ratio is low although the corresponding GHG emission can be reduced by 93.73% if all the primary Al can be replaced by secondary Al; and the total GHG emission can be reduced by 88.58% if major primary Al manufacturing firms are transferred from Inner Mongolia to Yunnan. Based upon these findings and considering regional disparity, several policy implications are proposed, including promotion of secondary Al production, support of clean electricity penetration, and relocation of the Al industry.

关键词: aluminum     material flow analysis     GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions     LMDI (logarithmic mean divisa index)    

Abating transport GHG emissions by hydrogen fuel cell vehicles: Chances for the developing world

Han HAO, Zhexuan MU, Zongwei LIU, Fuquan ZHAO

《能源前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第3期   页码 466-480 doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0561-3


Fuel cell vehicles, as the most promising clean vehicle technology for the future, represent the major chances for the developing world to avoid high-carbon lock-in in the transportation sector. In this paper, by taking China as an example, the unique advantages for China to deploy fuel cell vehicles are reviewed. Subsequently, this paper analyzes the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from 19 fuel cell vehicle utilization pathways by using the life cycle assessment approach. The results show that with the current grid mix in China, hydrogen from water electrolysis has the highest GHG emissions, at 3.10 kgCO2/km, while by-product hydrogen from the chlor-alkali industry has the lowest level, at 0.08 kgCO2/km. Regarding hydrogen storage and transportation, a combination of gas-hydrogen road transportation and single compression in the refueling station has the lowest GHG emissions. Regarding vehicle operation, GHG emissions from indirect methanol fuel cell are proved to be lower than those from direct hydrogen fuel cells. It is recommended that although fuel cell vehicles are promising for the developing world in reducing GHG emissions, the vehicle technology and hydrogen production issues should be well addressed to ensure the life-cycle low-carbon performance.

关键词: hydrogen     fuel cell vehicle     life cycle assessment     energy consumption     greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions     China    

Revealing the GHG reduction potential of emerging biomass-based CO utilization with an iron cycle system

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第10期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1727-8


● Greenhouse gas mitigation by biomass-based CO2 utilization with a Fe cycle system.

关键词: Carbon dioxide utilization     Hydrothermal reactions     Biomass-based CO2 reduction     Simulation     Ex-ante LCA    

Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and economic viability of sugar crops in China

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023529


● Sugarcane and sugar beet yield and carbon footprint rose with time but profit declined

关键词: Economic profits     GHG emissions     labor input     nitrogen input     sugar    

Accounting greenhouse gas emissions of food consumption between urban and rural residents in China: a whole production perspective

《能源前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第2期   页码 357-374 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0763-y

摘要: Food consumption is necessary for human survival. On a global scale, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission related to food consumption accounts for 19%–29% of the total GHG emission. China has the largest population in the world, which is experiencing a rapid development. Under the background of urbanization and the adjustment of the diet structure of Chinese residents, it is critical to mitigate the overall GHG emission caused by food consumption. This study aims to employ a single-region input-output (SRIO) model and a multi-regional input-output (MRIO) model to measure GHG emission generated from food consumption in China and compare the contributions of different industrial sectors, uncovering the differences between urban and rural residents and among different provinces (autonomous regions/municipalities), as well as identifying the driving forces of GHG emission from food consumption at a national level. The results indicate that the total GHG emission generated from food consumption in China tripled from 157 Mt CO2e in 2002 to 452 Mt CO2e in 2017. The fastest growing GHG emission is from the consumption of other processed food and meat products. Although GHG emissions from both urban and rural residents increased, the gap between them is increasing. Agriculture, processing and manufacture of food, manufacture of chemical and transportation, storage and post services sectors are key sectors inducing food consumption related GHG emissions. From a regional perspective, the top five emission provinces (autonomous regions/municipalities) include Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu. Based on such results, policy recommendations are proposed to mitigate the overall GHG emission from food consumption.

关键词: greenhouse gas (GHG) emission     food consumption     industry sectors     mitigation measures     urban governance    

Quantification of energy related industrial eco-efficiency of China

Jiansu MAO, Yanchun DU, Linyu XU, Yong ZENG

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第4期   页码 585-596 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0289-8

摘要: Improving eco-efficiency is propitious for saving resources and reducing emissions, and has become a popular route to sustainable development. We define two energy-related eco-efficiencies: energy efficiency (ENE) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission-related eco-efficiency (GEE) using energy consumption and the associated GHG emissions as the environmental impacts. Using statistical data, we analyze China’s energy consumption and GHG emissions by industrial subsystem and sector, and estimate the ENE and GEE values for China in 2007 as 4.871×10 ?US$/PJ and 4.26×10 US$/TgCO eq, respectively. Industry is the primary contributing subsystem of China’s economy, contributing 45.2% to the total economic production, using 79.6% of the energy consumed, and generating 91.4% of the total GHG emissions. We distinguish the individual contributions of the 39 industrial sectors to the national economy, overall energy consumption, and GHG emissions, and estimate their energy-related eco-efficiencies. The results show that although ferrous metal production contributes only 3.5% to the national industrial economy, it consumes the most industrial energy (20% of total), contributes 16% to the total industrial global warming potential (GWP), and ranks third in GHG emissions. The power and heat sector ranks first in GHG emissions and contributes one-third of the total industrial GWP, although it only consumes about 8% of total industrial energy and, like ferrous metal production, contributes 3.5% to the national economy. The ENE of the ferrous metal and power and heat sectors are only 8 and 2.1×10 US$/PJ, while the GEE for these two sectors are 9 and 4×10 US$/GgCO eq, respectively; these are nearly the lowest ENE and GEE values among all 39 industry sectors. Finally, we discuss the possibility of eco-efficiency improvement through a comparison with other countries.

关键词: eco-efficiency     greenhouse gas (GHG)     global warming potential (GWP)     industrial sectors     energy saving    

二氧化碳捕集与封存——历史与未来之路 Review

马劲风, 李琳, 王浩璠, 杜艺, 马俊杰, 张小莉, 王震亮

《工程(英文)》 2022年 第14卷 第7期   页码 33-43 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.11.024


二氧化碳捕集与封存(CCS)的大规模部署在全球实现净零排放的道路中显得越发紧迫,但CCS的全球部 署显著落后于预期。回顾和学习先进国家CCS的成功实例与历史,有助于包括中国在内的国家采取科 学的方法来推动与部署CCS项目。在CCS关键技术研发与示范中,本文认为先进国家CCS科技基础研 究设施的建立是其CCS技术源头创新、成本降低、风险降低、商业化推广及人才培养的源泉。除了激励 政策外,CCS的良性发展,需要从科技基础研究设施过渡到规模化商业化设施,不然难以跨越从小规模示 范到百万吨级CCS中心(hub)与千万吨级CCS hub实施的技术障碍。CO2地质封存是CCS项目的最终目 标与解决捕集CO2归宿的驱动力。进一步提高观测、监测和证实(MMV)CO2封存量、减排量与安全性技 术的精度,仍然是地质封存面临的问题。咸水层CO2封存可以更好地耦合多种碳排放源,是目前需要优 先发展的方向。降低低浓度CO2捕集的能耗、减小化学吸收剂的衰竭、提高燃烧后CO2捕集系统的运行效率和稳定性成为制约大规模CCS部署的关键。对于各国最大程度地开采化石燃料而不是从环境友好 程度较低的产油国进口石油,CO2驱油提高石油采收率(CO2-EOR)也非常重要。

关键词: 二氧化碳捕集与封存研究设施     净温室气体减排     能源消费     监测    

Spatial targeting evaluation of energy and environmental performance of waste-to-energy processing

Petar S. Varbanov, Timothy G. Walmsley, Yee V. Fan, Jiří J. Klemeš, Simon J. Perry

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第4期   页码 731-744 doi: 10.1007/s11705-018-1772-1


Waste-to-energy supply chains are important potential contributors to minimising the environmental impacts of municipal solid waste by reducing the amounts of waste sent to landfill, as well as the fossil fuel consumption and environmental footprints. Accounting for the spatial and transport properties of the waste-to-energy supply chains is crucial for understanding the problem and improving the supply chain designs. The most significant challenge is the distributed nature of the waste generation and the household energy demands. The current work proposes concepts and a procedure for targeting the size of the municipal solid waste collection zone as the first step in the waste-to-energy supply chains synthesis. The formulated concepts and the provided case study reveal trends of reducing the net greenhouse gas savings and energy recovery by increasing the collection zone size. Population density has a positive correlation with the greenhouse gas saving and energy recovery performance. For smaller zone size the energy recovery from waste approaches and in some cases may surpass the energy spent on waste transportation. The energy recovery and greenhouse gas savings remain significant even for collection zones as large as 200 km2. The obtained trends are discussed and key directions for future work are proposed.

关键词: waste-to-energy     supply chain optimisation     GHG savings     energy recovery ratio    


Antonius G. T. SCHUT, Emily C. COOLEDGE, Marc MORAINE, Gerrie W. J. VAN DE VEN, Davey L. JONES, David R. CHADWICK

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第1期   页码 111-129 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020373

摘要: Ongoing specialization of crop and livestock systems provides socioeconomic benefits to the farmer but has led to greater externalization of environmental costs when compared to mixed farming systems. Better integration of crop and livestock systems offers great potential to rebalance the economic and environmental trade-offs in both systems. The aims of this study were to analyze changes in farm structure and review and evaluate the potential for reintegrating specialized intensive crop and livestock systems, with specific emphasis on identifying the co-benefits and barriers to reintegration. Historically, animals were essential to recycle nutrients in the farming system but this became less important with the availability of synthetic fertilisers. Although mixed farm systems can be economically attractive, benefits of scale combined with socio-economic factors have resulted in on-farm and regional specialization with negative environmental impacts. Reintegration is therefore needed to reduce nutrient surpluses at farm, regional and national levels, and to improve soil quality in intensive cropping systems. Reintegration offers practical and cost-effective options to widen crop rotations and promotes the use of organic inputs and associated benefits, reducing dependency on synthetic fertilisers, biocides and manure processing costs. Circular agriculture goes beyond manure management and requires adaptation of both food production and consumption patterns, matching local capacity to produce with food demand. Consequently, feed transport, greenhouse gas emissions, nutrient surpluses and nutrient losses to the environment can be reduced. It is concluded that reintegration of specialized farms within a region can provide benefits to farmers but may also lead to further intensification of land use. New approaches within a food system context offer alternatives for reintegration, but require strong policy incentives which show clear, tangible and lasting benefits for farmers, the environment and the wider community.

关键词: circular agriculture     coupled farming systems     mixed farming     specialised farming systems     GHG    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Spatiotemporal evolution and driving factors for GHG emissions of aluminum industry in China


Abating transport GHG emissions by hydrogen fuel cell vehicles: Chances for the developing world

Han HAO, Zhexuan MU, Zongwei LIU, Fuquan ZHAO


Revealing the GHG reduction potential of emerging biomass-based CO utilization with an iron cycle system


Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and economic viability of sugar crops in China


Accounting greenhouse gas emissions of food consumption between urban and rural residents in China: a whole production perspective


Quantification of energy related industrial eco-efficiency of China

Jiansu MAO, Yanchun DU, Linyu XU, Yong ZENG



马劲风, 李琳, 王浩璠, 杜艺, 马俊杰, 张小莉, 王震亮


Spatial targeting evaluation of energy and environmental performance of waste-to-energy processing

Petar S. Varbanov, Timothy G. Walmsley, Yee V. Fan, Jiří J. Klemeš, Simon J. Perry



Antonius G. T. SCHUT, Emily C. COOLEDGE, Marc MORAINE, Gerrie W. J. VAN DE VEN, Davey L. JONES, David R. CHADWICK
