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排序: 展示方式:

Theory and method of mechanism system design

Huijun ZOU, Qinghua LIANG, Qing ZHANG

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2010年 第5卷 第4期   页码 399-411 doi: 10.1007/s11465-010-0116-8

摘要: Conceptual design is the most critical and creative phase of design. Recently, increasing attention has been directed to supporting conceptual-level computer aided creative design and its theories and methodologies. Specifically, for conceptual design of mechanical products, this paper presents a novel function solving model for mechanical product design and highlights the importance of systematic synthesis to achieve creative design. Then it builds a framework as a function-effect-process-action- mechanisms (FEPAM) mapping process, which enables creative design on the basis of conceiving different action schemes. After that, several key points are elaborated including 1) representing and decomposition methods of functions and motion behaviors; 2) action scheme representing method based on network plan techniques; and 3) variation and creation methods based on action scheme transformations.

关键词: mechanism system creative design     process model     function solving model     process action procedure     mechanisms knowledge base     principle of mechanism system composition    

Creative design inspired by biological knowledge: Technologies and methods

Runhua TAN, Wei LIU, Guozhong CAO, Yuan SHI

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第14卷 第1期   页码 1-14 doi: 10.1007/s11465-018-0511-0

摘要: Biological knowledge is becoming an important source of inspiration for developing creative solutions to engineering design problems and even has a huge potential in formulating ideas that can help firms compete successfully in a dynamic market. To identify the technologies and methods that can facilitate the development of biologically inspired creative designs, this research briefly reviews the existing biological-knowledge-based theories and methods and examines the application of biological-knowledge-inspired designs in various fields. Afterward, this research thoroughly examines the four dimensions of key technologies that underlie the biologically inspired design (BID) process. This research then discusses the future development trends of the BID process before presenting the conclusions.

关键词: creative design     biologically inspired methods     key technologies    

Experimental study of the restoring force mechanism in the self-centering beam (SCB)

Abhilasha MAURYA,Matthew R. EATHERTON

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第3期   页码 272-282 doi: 10.1007/s11709-016-0346-x

摘要: In the past, several self-centering (SC) seismic systems have been developed. However, examples of self-centering systems used in practice are limited due to unusual field construction practices, high initial cost premiums and deformation incompatibility with the gravity framing. A self centering beam moment frame (SCB-MF) has been developed that mitigates several of these issues while adding to the advantages of a typical SC system. The self-centering beam (SCB) is a shop-fabricated, self-contained structural component that when implemented in a moment resisting frame can bring a building back to plumb after an earthquake. This paper describes the SCB concepts and experimental program on five SCB specimens at two-third scale relative to a prototype building. Experimental results are presented including the global force-deformation behavior. The SCBs are shown to undergo 5%–6% story drift without any observable damage to the SCB body and columns. Strength equations developed for the SCB predict the moment capacity well, with a mean difference of 6% between experimental and predicted capacities. The behavior of the restoring force mechanism is described. The limit states that cause a loss in system's restoring force which lead to a decrease in the self-centering capacity of the SCB-MF, are presented.

关键词: self-centering seismic system     seismic design     hysteretic behavior     restoring force     resilient structural system    



《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第2期   页码 63-70 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.02.009


数字创意产业作为国家“十三五”规划确定的战略性新兴产业之一,以全球数字化和网络化为背景,以文化创意、内容生产、版权利用为发展核心,通过融合渗透带动周边产业集群的发展。相关产业发展壮大的基础性支撑在于数字创意技术与创新设计,而这又是我国产业发展的薄弱环节,且面临未来发展路径的缺失状态。本文结合产业数据调研结果,系统梳理了我国数字创意技术中的使能技术、应用技术和终端设备技术的发展现状,总结了超高清视频、三维声、虚拟现实 / 增强现实(VR/AR)、数字内容生产和创新设计软件等具体方向存在的问题与短板。研究表明,设立数字创意技术国家科技重大专项,建设数字创意技术国家工程研究中心,提高数字创意技术人才培养质量,积极参与国际合作并扩大中国文化的影响力,将有力推动我国数字创意技术的中长期发展。

关键词: 数字创意     文化创意     创新设计     超高清视频     虚拟现实    



《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第2期   页码 55-62 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.02.008



关键词: 数字创意产业     技术装备     文化内容     创新设计     融合发展    

Optimal design of a linkage–cam mechanism-based redundantly actuated parallel manipulator

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第16卷 第3期   页码 451-467 doi: 10.1007/s11465-021-0634-6

摘要: A redundantly actuated parallel manipulator (RAPM) with mixed translational and rotational degrees of freedom (DOFs) is challenged for its dimensionally homogeneous Jacobian modeling and optimal design of architecture. In this paper, a means to achieve redundant actuation by adding kinematic constraints is introduced, which reduces the DOFs of the end-effector (EE). A generic dimensionally homogeneous Jacobian is developed for this type of RAPMs, which maps the generalized velocities of three points on the EE to the joint velocities. A new optimization algorithm derived from this dimensionally homogeneous Jacobian is proposed for the optimal design of this type of RAPMs. As an example, this paper presents a spatial RAPM involving linkages and cam mechanisms. This RAPM has 4 DOFs and 6 translational actuations. The linkage lengths and the position of the universal joints of the RAPM are optimized based on the dimensionally homogeneous Jacobian.

关键词: redundant actuation     parallel manipulator     linkage–cam mechanism     Jacobian     optimal design    



《中国工程科学》 2006年 第8卷 第9期   页码 13-18



关键词: 数字化设计     计算机辅助概念设计     知识工程     虚拟原型     创新设计    

Design and analysis of partially decoupled translational parallel mechanisms with single-loop structures

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第17卷 第3期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0695-1

摘要: This study presents a family of novel translational parallel mechanisms (TPMs) with single-loop topological structures. The proposed mechanism consists of only revolute and prismatic joints. The novel TPMs are simpler in structure and have fewer joints and components than the well-known Delta Robot. Four types of 2-degree of freedom driving systems are applied to different limb structures to avoid the moving actuator that causes the problem of increased moving mass. Four sample TPMs are constructed using the synthesized limbs, and one of them is investigated in terms of kinematic performance. First, a position analysis is performed and validated through numerical simulation to reveal the characteristics of partially decoupled motion, which improves the controllability of TPM. Second, singular configurations are identified, and the resulting singularity curve is obtained. Lastly, the workspace of TPM is analyzed, and the relationship between the singular configurations and the reachable workspace is explored. The workspace of the 3-CRR (C denotes the cylindrical joint and R denotes the revolute joint) translational mechanism is also presented to prove that the proposed TPM has a fairly large workspace.

关键词: translational parallel mechanism     single loop     multiple driving system     workspace analysis     singularity    

Design of a novel side-mounted leg mechanism with high flexibility for a multi-mission quadruped earth

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第18卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0740-0

摘要: Earth rover is a class of emerging wheeled-leg robots for nature exploration. At present, few methods for these robots’ leg design utilize a side-mounted spatial parallel mechanism. Thus, this paper presents a complete design process of a novel 5-degree-of-freedom (5-DOF) hybrid leg mechanism for our quadruped earth rover BJTUBOT. First, a general approach is proposed for constructing the novel leg mechanism. Subsequently, by evaluating the basic locomotion task (LT) of the rover based on screw theory, we determine the desired motion characteristic of the side-mounted leg and carry out its two feasible configurations. With regard to the synthesis method of the parallel mechanism, a family of concise hybrid leg mechanisms using the 6-DOF limbs and an L1F1C limb (which can provide a constraint force and a couple) is designed. In verifying the motion characteristics of this kind of leg, we select a typical (3-UPRU&RRRR)&R mechanism and then analyze its kinematic model, singularities, velocity mapping, workspace, dexterity, statics, and kinetostatic performance. Furthermore, the virtual quadruped rover equipped with this innovative leg mechanism is built. Various basic and specific LTs of the rover are demonstrated by simulation, which indicates that the flexibility of the legs can help the rover achieve multitasking.

关键词: design synthesis     parallel mechanism     hybrid leg mechanism     screw theory     quadruped robot    

SmartPaint:一种基于生成式对抗神经网络的人机协同绘画系统 Special Feature on Intelligent Design

Lingyun SUN, Pei CHEN, Wei XIANG, Peng CHEN, Wei-yue GAO, Ke-jun ZHANG

《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第20卷 第12期   页码 1644-1656 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1900386

摘要: 当前人工智能在模仿和大批量生产设计作品中扮演重要角色(如电商广告),而在与用户合作创作时表现欠佳。人们有能力使用草图表达创意想法,但缺乏专业绘画技巧完成精美画作。已有人工智能方法无法基于用户输入草图的语义输出具有艺术美感的画作。本文开发了一种基于生成式对抗神经网络的人机协作绘画系统——SmartPaint,支持人机合作创作动漫风景画作。该系统使用动漫图像数据及其相应语义标注图、边缘检测图训练生成式对抗神经网络。通过此种方式,该系统能够同时理解动漫风格以及风景图像中物体的语义和空间关系。在使用中,用户输入草图作为语义标注图,系统自动为其合成边缘图;根据合成的边缘图生成具有恰当风格纹理的画作,从而稳定地处理多样化草图。实验证明该系统可有效满足用户创作需求,生成高质量动漫风格画作。

关键词: 协同绘画;深度学习;图像生成    

Mechanism design of reverse auction on concession period and generalized quality for PPP projects

Xianjia WANG, Shiwei WU

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第2期   页码 156-170 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017016

摘要: Reverse auctions of PPP projects usually require the bid to specify several characteristics of quality and the concession period to be fulfilled. This paper sets up a summary function of generalized quality, which contributes to reducing the dimensions of information. Thus, the multidimensional reverse auction model of a PPP project can be replaced by a two-dimensional direct mechanism based on the concession period and the generalized quality. Based on the theory of the revelation principle, the feasibility conditions, equilibrium solution and generalized quality requirements of such a mechanism, considering the influence of a variable investment structure are described. Moreover, two feasible multidimensional reverse auctions for implementing such a direct mechanism: Adjusting the scoring function and establishing a special reverse auction rule are built. The analysis shows that in these types of reverse auctions, optimal allocation can be achieved, the social benefit under the incomplete information will be maximized, and the private sector with the highest integrated management level wins the bid. In such a direct mechanism, the investment and financial pressure of the public sector can be reduced.

关键词: PPP project     reverse auction     mechanism design     multidimensional information     scoring function     two-stage bidding    

Analysis and optimal design of an underactuated finger mechanism for LARM hand

Shuangji YAO, Marco CECCARELLI, Giuseppe CARBONE, Qiang ZHAN, Zhen LU

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第6卷 第3期   页码 332-343 doi: 10.1007/s11465-011-0229-8


This paper aims to present general design considerations and optimality criteria for underactuated mechanisms in finger designs. Design issues related to grasping task of robotic fingers are discussed. Performance characteristics are outlined as referring to several aspects of finger mechanisms. Optimality criteria of the finger performances are formulated after careful analysis. A general design algorithm is summarized and formulated as a suitable multi-objective optimization problem. A numerical case of an underactuated robot finger design for Laboratory of Robotics and Mechatronics (LARM) hand is illustrated with the aim to show the practical feasibility of the proposed concepts and computations.

关键词: robotic finger     underactuated mechanisms     design considerations    

Mechanical design, modeling, and identification for a novel antagonistic variable stiffness dexterous

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第17卷 第3期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0691-5

摘要: This study traces the development of dexterous hand research and proposes a novel antagonistic variable stiffness dexterous finger mechanism to improve the safety of dexterous hand in unpredictable environments, such as unstructured or man-made operational errors through comprehensive consideration of cost, accuracy, manufacturing, and application. Based on the concept of mechanical passive compliance, which is widely implemented in robots for interactions, a finger is dedicated to improving mechanical robustness. The finger mechanism not only achieves passive compliance against physical impacts, but also implements the variable stiffness actuator principle in a compact finger without adding supererogatory actuators. It achieves finger stiffness adjustability according to the biologically inspired stiffness variation principle of discarding some mobilities to adjust stiffness. The mechanical design of the finger and its stiffness adjusting methods are elaborated. The stiffness characteristics of the finger joint and the actuation unit are analyzed. Experimental results of the finger joint stiffness identification and finger impact tests under different finger stiffness presets are provided to verify the validity of the model. Fingers have been experimentally proven to be robust against physical impacts. Moreover, the experimental part verifies that fingers have good power, grasping, and manipulation performance.

关键词: multifingered hand     mechanism design     robot safety     variable stiffness actuator    

The Supply Chain Contract Design under Cap-and-Trade Mechanism with Free Riding

Fu-qiang Wang,Jun Liu

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第3期   页码 277-286 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2015049

摘要: This paper studies the influence of free riding on enterprise product pricing and carbon emissions reduction investment, as well as the contract design to achieve supply chain coordination under the carbon trading mechanism. First, we discuss the situation where carbon emissions reduction investment affects the product price and income. It demonstrates that the optimal investment of the upstream manufacturer increases with the degree of the free riding of the downstream manufacturer. The upstream manufacturer can improve their carbon reduction investment and the whole supply chain achieves Pareto improvement when the investment cost sharing contract is introduced. Nevertheless, under the cost-sharing contract the optimal investment of the decentralized supply chain is still lower than that of the centralized supply chain, and only in some particular cases can the two types of supply chain achieve equal total profits. Then, we preliminarily explore the situation where the product price and income is influenced by carbon emissions reduction investment. The consequences indicate that the optimal investment of the upstream manufacturers in this situation is less than the former one’s, and the transfer payment mechanism is able to improve the level of the supply chain overall carbon emissions-reduction. Moreover, compared to the former situation, the effects of free riding of the downstream manufacturer are even more serious. The conclusions can provide some intellectual support for manufacturing enterprises to make reasonable emissions reduction strategies and coordinate the supply chain existing in free riding.

关键词: carbon emissions reduction     free riding     supply chain contract design     cap-and-trade    

Design and analysis of the gripper mechanism based on generalized parallel mechanisms with configurable

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第16卷 第4期   页码 765-781 doi: 10.1007/s11465-021-0655-1

摘要: Generalized parallel mechanisms with a configurable moving platform have become popular in the research field of parallel mechanism. This type of gripper mechanism can be applied to grasp large or heavy objects in different environments that are dangerous and complex for humans. This study proposes a family of novel (5 + 1) degrees of freedom (three translations and two rotations plus an additional grasping motion) gripper mechanisms based on the generalized parallel mechanisms with a configurable moving platform. First, the configurable moving platform, which is a closed loop, is designed for grasping manipulation. The hybrid topological arrangement is determined to improve the stiffness of the manipulator and realize high load-to-weight ratios. A sufficient rule based on Lie group theory is proposed to synthesize the mechanism. The hybrid limb structure is also enumerated. A family of novel gripper mechanisms can be assembled through the hybrid limbs by satisfying the rule. Two examples of the gripper mechanisms with and without parallelogram pairs are shown in this study. A kinematic analysis of the example mechanism is presented. The workspace shows that the mechanism possesses high rotational capability. In addition, a stiffness analysis is performed.

关键词: generalized parallel mechanism     configurable moving platform     gripper mechanism     type synthesis     kinematic analysis    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Theory and method of mechanism system design

Huijun ZOU, Qinghua LIANG, Qing ZHANG


Creative design inspired by biological knowledge: Technologies and methods

Runhua TAN, Wei LIU, Guozhong CAO, Yuan SHI


Experimental study of the restoring force mechanism in the self-centering beam (SCB)

Abhilasha MAURYA,Matthew R. EATHERTON








Optimal design of a linkage–cam mechanism-based redundantly actuated parallel manipulator





Design and analysis of partially decoupled translational parallel mechanisms with single-loop structures


Design of a novel side-mounted leg mechanism with high flexibility for a multi-mission quadruped earth



Lingyun SUN, Pei CHEN, Wei XIANG, Peng CHEN, Wei-yue GAO, Ke-jun ZHANG


Mechanism design of reverse auction on concession period and generalized quality for PPP projects

Xianjia WANG, Shiwei WU


Analysis and optimal design of an underactuated finger mechanism for LARM hand

Shuangji YAO, Marco CECCARELLI, Giuseppe CARBONE, Qiang ZHAN, Zhen LU


Mechanical design, modeling, and identification for a novel antagonistic variable stiffness dexterous


The Supply Chain Contract Design under Cap-and-Trade Mechanism with Free Riding

Fu-qiang Wang,Jun Liu


Design and analysis of the gripper mechanism based on generalized parallel mechanisms with configurable
