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Recent advances in morphology control of platinum catalysts toward oxygen reduction reaction

Frontiers in Energy 2024, Volume 18, Issue 3,   Pages 330-355 doi: 10.1007/s11708-024-0929-5

Abstract: Morphology control represents an effective strategy to optimize the behavior of Pt catalysts.In this work, an attempt is made to comprehensively review the effect of morphology control on the catalyticFirst, the fundamental physicochemical changes behind morphology control, including exposing more activeFinally, an outlook on the future development of morphology control of Pt catalysts is presented, includingThis work is intended to provide valuable insights into designing the morphology and technological innovation

Keywords: morphology     platinum catalysts     electrocatalysis     ORR     PEMFC    

Continuous modeling of soil morphology —thermomechanical behavior of embankment dams

Bettina ALBERS, Krzysztof WILMANSKI

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1,   Pages 11-23 doi: 10.1007/s11709-010-0081-7

Abstract: Macroscopic modeling of soils is based on a number of properties that refer to the mesoscopic morphology

Keywords: thermomechanical modeling     soil morphology     saturation     porosity    

Controlling nested wrinkle morphology through the boundary effect on narrow-band thin films

Hanyang XU, Tielin SHI, Guanglan LIAO, Qi XIA

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2019, Volume 14, Issue 2,   Pages 235-240 doi: 10.1007/s11465-017-0458-6

Abstract: dimethylsiloxane) substrate, thus creating regular boundaries to steer local stresses and control wrinkle morphologyThe disordered morphology of nano-scale wrinkles and the highly ordered morphology of micro-scale wrinkles

Keywords: nested and hierarchical wrinkles     morphology     amplitude saturation     boundary effect    

Effect of catalyst layer mesoscopic pore-morphology on cold start process of PEM fuel cells

Ahmed Mohmed DAFALLA, Fangming JIANG

Frontiers in Energy 2021, Volume 15, Issue 2,   Pages 460-472 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0733-4

Abstract: This work studies the effect of CCL mesoscopic pore-morphology on PEMFC cold start.The CCL mesoscale morphology is characterized by two tortuosity factors of the ionomer network and poreThe simulation results demonstrate that the mesoscale morphology of CCL has a significant influence onIt was found that cold-starting of a cell with a CCL of less tortuous mesoscale morphology can succeed, whereas starting up a cell with a CCL of more tortuous mesoscale morphology may fail.

Keywords: cold start     energy conversion     fuel cells     mesoscale morphology     tortuosity     water management    

Effects of metal ions on the morphology of calcium sulfate hemihydrate whiskers by hydrothermal method

Tianjie Liu, Hao Fan, Yanxia Xu, Xingfu Song, Jianguo Yu

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4,   Pages 545-553 doi: 10.1007/s11705-017-1665-8

Abstract: The effects of Na , Mg , Al and Fe ion concentrations on the crystal morphology of calcium sulfateThe presence of Na did not affect the morphology of the whiskers.

Keywords: metal ions     morphology     calcium sulfate hemihydrate whiskers     hydrothermal method     selective adsorption    

Molecular level simulations on multi-component systems —a morphology prediction method


Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1,   Pages 49-54 doi: 10.1007/s11705-013-1307-8

Abstract: The crystal morphology grown from a solution composed of an organic solvent, solute and additive candiffusion coefficient is related to the specific face growth rate via the attachment energy of the pure morphologyThe significant improvements are achieved in the morphology prediction because the investigation on the

Keywords: crystallization     morphology     molecular dynamics     solution    

Comprehensive kinetostatic modeling and morphology characterization of cable-driven continuum robots

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2023, Volume 18, Issue 3, doi: 10.1007/s11465-023-0756-0

Abstract: The high-fidelity model that describes the kinematic and morphology of CDCR lays the foundation for theIn this study, a general kinetostatic modeling and morphology characterization methodology that comprehensivelyare all considered to deduce a comprehensive kinetostatic model enabled with the capacity of accurate morphologyResults indicate that the proposed model precisely predicts the morphology of CDCR and outperforms conventional

Keywords: kinetostatic modeling     morphology characterization     variable friction     continuum robots     in-situ   

The effect of sea level rise on beach morphology of caspian sea coast


Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4,   Pages 369-379 doi: 10.1007/s11709-017-0398-6

Abstract: Study of beach morphology has been one of the most important issues in coastal engineering research projects

Keywords: wave     coastal zone     beach morphology     evolution     equilibrium profile     sea level rise    

Investigation of sediment transport pattern and beach morphology in the vicinity of submerged groyne

H. Afsoos Biria,M. A. Lashteh Neshaei,A. Ghabraei,M. A. Mehrdad

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1,   Pages 82-90 doi: 10.1007/s11709-014-0275-5

Abstract: Marine structures, such as Groynes, Sea walls and Detached Breakwaters, are constructed in coast of area to improve coast stability against bed erosions due to changing wave and current pattern. Marine mechanisms and interaction with the hydraulic structures need to be intensively studied. Groynes are one of the most prominent structures that are used in shore protection and littoral sediment. The main hydraulic function of the groyne is to control the long shore current and littoral sediment transport. This structure can be submerged and provide the necessary beach protection without negative aesthetic impact. However, for submerged structures adopted for beach protection, the shoreline response to these structures is not well understood. The objective of this study is to predict sediment transport in the vicinity of submerged groyne and comparison with non-submerged groyne focusing on a part of the coast at Dahane Sar Sefidrood, Guilan Province, Iran, where serious coast erosion has been occurred. The simulations were designed using a one-line model which can be used as a first approximation of shoreline prediction in the vicinity of groyne. The results of the proposed model are compared with experimental data to determine the shape of the coast. The results of predicted beach deformation show that when submerged groyne construct in the beach, sediment accumulation will be slightly less than the non-submerged groyne; because transfer coefficient for the submerged groyne is more than non-submerged groyne. This result will cause more sediment passing on submerged groyne. Finally, the result of the present study show that using submerged groyne is an efficient way to control the sediment and beach erosion without causing severe environmental effect on the coast.

Keywords: submerged groyne     non-submerged groyne     beach morphology     Dahane Sar Sefidrood     sediment transport    

Additives effects on crystallization and morphology in a novel caustic aluminate solution decomposition

Ying ZHANG, Shili ZHENG, Yifei ZHANG, Hongbin XU, Yi ZHANG

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2009, Volume 3, Issue 1,   Pages 88-92 doi: 10.1007/s11705-009-0133-5

Abstract: In this research, effects of additives on the crystallization ratio, secondary particle size and morphology

Keywords: additive     crystallization     morphology     caustic aluminate solution     aluminium hydroxide    

Morphology selective construction of

Maher Darwish, Ali Mohammadi, Navid Assi, Samer Abuzerr, Youssef Alahmad

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2020, Volume 14, Issue 4,   Pages 561-578 doi: 10.1007/s11705-019-1808-1

Abstract: Controlled growth of Bi WO nanorods with exposed [0 0 1] facets and the fabrication of an Fe O -Bi WO magnetic composite by a microwave-assisted polyol process, were achieved in this study. The adsorptivity and photocatalytic performance of the composite toward sunset yellow dye degradation were greatly enhanced by the -cyclodextrin cavities on its surface, firmly anchored through a cetyltrimethylammonium bromide linkage. A series of examinations and characterizations were carried out to determine the influence of various factors on the morphological modulation-photocatalytic behavior of the pure Bi WO prior to final functionalization. Changing the pH of the precursor solution impacted the formation of 0D, 2D, and 3D structures; however, the presence of hexamethylenetetramine surfactant induced the development of 1D nanorod structure. A reasonable crystal growth mechanism was proposed to elucidate the formation process. Conversely, the mechanism of the activity enhancement of -cyclodextrin functionalized Fe O -Bi WO , compared to that of the non-functionalized samples, could be realized with the assistance of chemical trapping experiments on sunset yellow, and was confirmed on the colorless antibiotic (sulfamethoxazole). The high performance and durability of this composite can be attributed to the facet-dependent activity, large adsorption capacity due to inclusion interactions, enhanced visible light absorption, and efficient charge separation.

Keywords: β-cyclodextrin     Bi2WO6     shape controlled     nanorod     sunset yellow    

Influence of coagulation bath on morphology of cellulose membranes prepared by NMMO method

LU Yangcheng, WU Yingxin

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2008, Volume 2, Issue 2,   Pages 204-208 doi: 10.1007/s11705-008-0027-y

Abstract: To control the morphology of cellulose membranes used for separation, they were prepared by the NMMOThe results show that the morphology of dry membranes is clearly varied with coagulation baths, while

Keywords: comparison     NMMO     constant     diameter     process    

Sulfonic acid-functionalized mesoporous silica catalyst with different morphology for biodiesel production

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 8,   Pages 1198-1210 doi: 10.1007/s11705-021-2133-z

Abstract: Sulfonic acid functionalized mesoporous silica based solid acid catalysts with different morphology were

Keywords: solid acid catalyst     mesoporous silica     sulfonic acid     biodiesel     esterification     oleic acid    

Study on the crystal morphology and melting behavior of isothermally crystallized composites of short

Mingtao RUN, Hongzan SONG, Yanping HAO

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2009, Volume 3, Issue 3,   Pages 255-264 doi: 10.1007/s11705-009-0008-9

Abstract: SCF content, isothermal crystallization temperatures, and the film thicknesses influence the crystal morphologyHowever, the crystal morphology of the composites depends strongly on the temperature.When the isothermal crystallization temperatures increase from 180°C to 230°C, the crystal morphology

Keywords: poly(trimethylene terephthalate)     short carbon fiber     banded spherulites     crack    

Influence of morphology on high-temperature rheological properties of bitumen modified with styrene-butadiene-styrene

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 3,   Pages 806-819 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0731-y

Abstract: The effects of the morphology on the rheological properties of SBS-modified bitumen were investigatedA quantitative basis could be established on which to discuss the relationship between the PMB morphologyVariation of the thermal history is demonstrated to be a practical way to vary the morphology of theCompared with the two-phase morphology, the single-phase microstructure tended to have a narrower linearOutside the LVE region, based on the MSCR test results, the homogenous morphology could assist in reaching

Keywords: polymer     bitumen     microstructure     rheology     viscoelasticity    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Recent advances in morphology control of platinum catalysts toward oxygen reduction reaction

Journal Article

Continuous modeling of soil morphology —thermomechanical behavior of embankment dams

Bettina ALBERS, Krzysztof WILMANSKI

Journal Article

Controlling nested wrinkle morphology through the boundary effect on narrow-band thin films

Hanyang XU, Tielin SHI, Guanglan LIAO, Qi XIA

Journal Article

Effect of catalyst layer mesoscopic pore-morphology on cold start process of PEM fuel cells

Ahmed Mohmed DAFALLA, Fangming JIANG

Journal Article

Effects of metal ions on the morphology of calcium sulfate hemihydrate whiskers by hydrothermal method

Tianjie Liu, Hao Fan, Yanxia Xu, Xingfu Song, Jianguo Yu

Journal Article

Molecular level simulations on multi-component systems —a morphology prediction method


Journal Article

Comprehensive kinetostatic modeling and morphology characterization of cable-driven continuum robots

Journal Article

The effect of sea level rise on beach morphology of caspian sea coast


Journal Article

Investigation of sediment transport pattern and beach morphology in the vicinity of submerged groyne

H. Afsoos Biria,M. A. Lashteh Neshaei,A. Ghabraei,M. A. Mehrdad

Journal Article

Additives effects on crystallization and morphology in a novel caustic aluminate solution decomposition

Ying ZHANG, Shili ZHENG, Yifei ZHANG, Hongbin XU, Yi ZHANG

Journal Article

Morphology selective construction of

Maher Darwish, Ali Mohammadi, Navid Assi, Samer Abuzerr, Youssef Alahmad

Journal Article

Influence of coagulation bath on morphology of cellulose membranes prepared by NMMO method

LU Yangcheng, WU Yingxin

Journal Article

Sulfonic acid-functionalized mesoporous silica catalyst with different morphology for biodiesel production

Journal Article

Study on the crystal morphology and melting behavior of isothermally crystallized composites of short

Mingtao RUN, Hongzan SONG, Yanping HAO

Journal Article

Influence of morphology on high-temperature rheological properties of bitumen modified with styrene-butadiene-styrene

Journal Article