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Influence of new three-dimensional and reticular intrauterine device on the uterine electromyography and endometrial receptivity of animals

Wang Leiguang,Guo Chenghao and Qiu Yi

Strategic Study of CAE 2014, Volume 16, Issue 5,   Pages 47-51

Abstract: >This study is to explore the influence of new three-dimensional and reticular intrauterine device (NTDR-IUDThree types (short,median and long) of NTDR-IUD were placed into uterus of female white New Zealand rabbitsNo pregnancy was found in the long NTDR-IUD group.pregnant rabbits was signifi-cant difference between control group and the short,median and long of NTDR-IUDThe contraceptive effect of NTDR-IUD may be by interfering with uterine EMG,and related with its size

Keywords: NTDR-IUD     uterine electromyography     endometrial receptivity    

Clinical trials of the new 3-dimensional reticular intrauterine device for reproductive women

Qiu Yi,Wang Leiguang and Yu Ling

Strategic Study of CAE 2014, Volume 16, Issue 5,   Pages 39-46

Abstract: The frame of the 3-DR-IUD was constructed with silicone rubber and nitinol wire.The 3-DR-IUD was placed into uterus in an outpatient procedure.intrauterine device (2- D- IUD) group (n=76,control group).The continuation rate was 98.7 % (75/76) in the 3-DR-IUD group,comparing with the 2-D-IUD group (86.83-DR-IUD appears to be a new,safe and effective devise of contraception.

Keywords: 3-DR-IUD     clinical trials     side effects     contraceptive efficacy    

An analysis of the adverse reactions of five kinds of intrauterine devices

Li Huajie

Strategic Study of CAE 2015, Volume 17, Issue 6,   Pages 28-30


by observing placed intrauterine device (IUD), Aimu ring (MCU), maternal music MCU375, uterine shapedTCU220C and genefex of adverse reaction conditions, for women of childbearing age informed choosing IUDWill 671 patients volunteered to take the placement of intrauterine device (IUD) and without contraindicationand increased, prolonged menstruation, irregular vaginal bleeding, pain, off the ring, pregnancy with IUDAppropriate IUD should be chosen according to the specific circumstances of the receiver, and the degree

Keywords: IUD     adverse reaction     Jeanne ring    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Influence of new three-dimensional and reticular intrauterine device on the uterine electromyography and endometrial receptivity of animals

Wang Leiguang,Guo Chenghao and Qiu Yi

Journal Article

Clinical trials of the new 3-dimensional reticular intrauterine device for reproductive women

Qiu Yi,Wang Leiguang and Yu Ling

Journal Article

An analysis of the adverse reactions of five kinds of intrauterine devices

Li Huajie

Journal Article