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Turnover mechanisms of organic conformation on turbidity in drinking water

ZHONG Runsheng, ZHU Chunwei, ZHANG Xihui, GUAN Yuntao

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2007, Volume 1, Issue 3,   Pages 276-279 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0046-9

Abstract: The turbidity variation in artificial water and samples from a water plant was investigated in the presenceThe results show that recessive turbidity existed when water chemical conditions were changing.The formation of turbidity depended on organic relative molecular mass and their conformations on particlesThe addition of NaCl and MgCl at pH 7.00 also resulted in a decrease of turbidity in the suspension.It is believed that the occurrence of recessive turbidity has a significant influence on the stability

Keywords: stability     different     turbidity     occurrence     supply    

Turbidity-adaptive underwater image enhancement method using image fusion

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2022, Volume 17, Issue 3, doi: 10.1007/s11465-021-0669-8

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a turbidity-adaptive underwater image enhancement method.To deal with attenuation and scattering of varying degree, the turbidity is detected by the histogram

Keywords: turbidity     underwater image enhancement     image fusion     underwater robots     visibility    

of black-odorous water using tower bipolar electro-flocculation including the removal of phosphorus, turbidity

Huan He, Qinjin Yu, Chaochao Lai, Chen Zhang, Muhan Liu, Bin Huang, Hongping Pu, Xuejun Pan

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1310-5

Abstract: . • PO43−, S2− and turbidity were removed, and dissolved oxygen was enriched in the BPE. • An aluminumIt was tested for its ability to reduce turbidity, phosphate and sulphion and to increase the concentrationThe system’s electro-flocculation and electrical floatation removed turbidity, phosphate and sulphion

Keywords: Black-odorous water     Bipolar electrodes     Flocculation     Floatation     Oxygen enrichment     Turbidity    

Simultaneous sorption of aqueous phenanthrene and phosphate onto bentonites modified with AlCl3 and CTMAB

ZHU Runliang, ZHU Lizhong, ZHU Jianxi

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2007, Volume 1, Issue 1,   Pages 79-82 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0015-3

Abstract: The residual turbidity of the Al-CTMAB-Bent suspension decreased 81.4% compared to that of organobentonite

Keywords: phenanthrene     settling     respective     residual turbidity     Inorganic-organic    

Factors influencing water quality indices in a typical urban river originated with reclaimed water

Jiao Zhang, Zhen Wei, Haifeng Jia, Xia Huang

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4, doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-0943-5

Abstract: However, turbidity and algal contents fluctuated temporally in the direction of river flow.Statistical analysis showed that turbidity was strongly positively correlated with algal contents for

Keywords: Reclaimed water     Urban river     Turbidity     Algae     Flow rate    

Particulate matter and metals partitioning in highway rainfall-runoff

Gaoxiang YING, John J. SANSALONE,

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1,   Pages 35-46 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0009-4

Abstract: Results indicate that unique and separate suspended sediment concentration (SSC) relationships with turbiditySixty minutes of quiescent settling produced a single SSC-turbidity relationship for all events.

Keywords: stormwater     particulate matter (PM)     turbidity     suspended sediment concentration (SSC)     unit operations     metals    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Turnover mechanisms of organic conformation on turbidity in drinking water

ZHONG Runsheng, ZHU Chunwei, ZHANG Xihui, GUAN Yuntao

Journal Article

Turbidity-adaptive underwater image enhancement method using image fusion

Journal Article

of black-odorous water using tower bipolar electro-flocculation including the removal of phosphorus, turbidity

Huan He, Qinjin Yu, Chaochao Lai, Chen Zhang, Muhan Liu, Bin Huang, Hongping Pu, Xuejun Pan

Journal Article

Simultaneous sorption of aqueous phenanthrene and phosphate onto bentonites modified with AlCl3 and CTMAB

ZHU Runliang, ZHU Lizhong, ZHU Jianxi

Journal Article

Factors influencing water quality indices in a typical urban river originated with reclaimed water

Jiao Zhang, Zhen Wei, Haifeng Jia, Xia Huang

Journal Article

Particulate matter and metals partitioning in highway rainfall-runoff

Gaoxiang YING, John J. SANSALONE,

Journal Article