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Gut microbial balance and liver transplantation: alteration, management, and prediction

Xinyao Tian, Zhe Yang, Fangzhou Luo, Shusen Zheng

Frontiers of Medicine 2018, Volume 12, Issue 2,   Pages 123-129 doi: 10.1007/s11684-017-0563-2


Liver transplantation is a conventional treatment for terminal stage liver diseases. However, several complications still hinder the survival rate. Intestinal barrier destruction is widely observed among patients receiving liver transplant and suffering from ischemia–reperfusion or rejection injuries because of the relationship between the intestine and the liver, both in anatomy and function. Importantly, the resulting alteration of gut microbiota aggravates graft dysfunctions during the process. This article reviews the research progress for gut microbial alterations and liver transplantation. Especially, this work also evaluates research on the management of gut microbial alteration and the prediction of possible injuries utilizing microbial alteration during liver transplantation. In addition, we propose possible directions for research on gut microbial alteration during liver transplantation and offer a hypothesis on the utilization of microbial alteration in liver transplantation. The aim is not only to predict perioperative injuries but also to function as a method of treatment or even inhibit the rejection of liver transplantation.

Keywords: gut microbial balance     liver transplantation     ischemia–reperfusion     acute rejection    

Quantitative analysis of yield and soil water balance for summer maize on the piedmont of the North China

Jingjing WANG,Feng HUANG,Baoguo LI

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2015, Volume 2, Issue 4,   Pages 295-310 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2015074

Abstract: The North China Plain (NCP) is a major grain production area in China, but the current winter wheat-summer maize system has resulted in a large water deficit. This water-shortage necessitates the improvement of crop water productivity in the NCP. A crop water model, AquaCrop, was adopted to investigate yield and water productivity (WP) for rain-fed summer maize on the piedmont of the NCP. The data sets to calibrate and validate the model were obtained from a 3-year (2011–2013) field experiment conducted on the Yanshan piedmont of the NCP. The range of root mean square error (RMSE) between the simulated and measured biomass was 0.67–1.25 t·hm , and that of relative error (RE) was 9.4%–15.4%, the coefficient of determination ( ) ranged from 0.992 to 0.994. The RMSE between the simulated and measured soil water storage at depth of 0–100 cm ranged from 4.09 to 4.39 mm; and RE and in the range of 1.07%–1.20% and 0.880–0.997, respectively. The WP as measured by crop yield per unit evapotranspiration was 2.50–2.66 kg·m . The simulated impact of long-term climate (i.e., 1980–2010) and groundwater depth on crop yield and WP revealed that the higher yield and WP could be obtained in dry years in areas with capillary recharge from groundwater, and much lower values elsewhere. The simulation also suggested that supplementary irrigation in areas without capillary groundwater would not result in groundwater over-tapping since the precipitation can meet the water required by both maize and ecosystem, thus a beneficial outcome for both food and ecosystem security can be assured.

Keywords: AquaCrop     summer maize     soil water balance     water productivity    

Simulation of bubble column reactors using CFD coupled with a population balance model

Tiefeng WANG

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2011, Volume 5, Issue 2,   Pages 162-172 doi: 10.1007/s11705-009-0267-5

Abstract: The population balance model (PBM) is an effective approach to predict the bubble size distribution,

Keywords: bubble column     computational fluid dynamics     bubble breakup and coalescence     population balance model     bubble    

Mass and heat balance calculations and economic evaluation of an innovative biomass pyrolysis project

Quanyuan WEI, Yongshui QU, Tianwei TAN

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2011, Volume 5, Issue 3,   Pages 355-361 doi: 10.1007/s11705-010-0567-9

Abstract: Based on the data from a straw pyrolysis demonstration project, the mass and heat balance of the biomass

Keywords: mass balance     heat balance     biomass pyrolysis     economic benefit    

Nonlinear sealing force of a seawater balance valve used in an 11000-meter manned submersible

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2023, Volume 18, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0726-y

Abstract: Balance valve is a core component of the 11000-meter manned submersible “struggle,” and its sealing performanceFinally, the minimum sealing force equation is applied in a balance valve to be experimented using aThe balance valve designed through the minimum sealing force equation is leak-free in the experiment.Thus, the minimum sealing force equation is suitable for the ultrahigh pressure balance valve and hasguiding significance for evaluating the sealing performance of ultrahigh pressure balance valves.

Keywords: seawater balance valve     sealing performance     hybrid ANE model     FEM     minimum sealing force equation    

Flow and mass balance analysis of eco-bio infiltration system

Marla C. MANIQUIZ, Lee-Hyung KIM, Soyoung LEE, Jiyeon CHOI

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 5,   Pages 612-619 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0448-1

Abstract: A structured stormwater infiltration system was developed and constructed at a university campus and monitoring of storm events was performed during a one-year operation period. The flow and pollutant mass balances were analyzed and the overall efficiency of the system was assessed. While significant positive correlations were observed among rainfall, runoff and discharge volume ( = 0.93-0.99; <0.05), there was no significant correlations existed between rainfall, runoff, discharge volume and pollutant load. The system was more effective in reducing the runoff volume by more than 50% for small storm events but the difference between the runoff and discharge volume was significant even with rainfall greater than 10 mm. Results showed that the pollutant reduction rates were higher compared to the runoff volume reduction. Average pollutant reduction rates were in the range of 72% to 90% with coefficient of variation between 0.10 and 0.46. Comparable with runoff reduction, the system was more effective in reducing the pollutant load for small storm events, in the range of 80% to 100% for rainfall between 0 and 10 mm; while 65% to 80% for rainfall between 10 and 20 mm. Among the pollutant parameters, particulate matters was highly reduced by the system achieving only a maximum of 25% discharge load even after the entire runoff was completely discharged. The findings have proven the capability of the system as a tool in stormwater management achieving both flow reduction and water quality improvement.

Keywords: best management practice     flow balance     low impact development     mass balance     nonpoint source     stormwater    

Deviation correction strategy for the earth pressure balance shield based on shield–soil interactions

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2022, Volume 17, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0676-4

Abstract: approach for the deviation correction trajectory and posture rectification load for an earth pressure balance

Keywords: additional position change     deviation correction trajectory     earth pressure balance shield     mechanical    

Reliability of foam posturography in assessment of postural balance in the patients with vertigo

LIU Bo, KONG Weijia

Frontiers of Medicine 2008, Volume 2, Issue 4,   Pages 361-365 doi: 10.1007/s11684-008-0069-z

Abstract: The postural balance is a important aspect of assessment in vestibular rehabilitation therapy.foam posturography performed by using foam in posturography is a useful measurement tool for postural balancefrom this study that the foam posturography has high test-retest reliability to assess the postural balanceindicating the foam posturography can be used as the valid means to assess the improvement of postural balance

typical pharmaceutical and personal care products in a wastewater treatment plant from Beijing: a mass balance

Jie GAO,Jun HUANG,Weiwei CHEN,Bin WANG,Yujue WANG,Shubo DENG,Gang YU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2016, Volume 10, Issue 3,   Pages 491-501 doi: 10.1007/s11783-016-0837-y

Abstract: phase can be found in the literature, however corresponding data from sludge as well as associated mass balanceBased on the calculation of mass balance, the relative mass distribution and removal efficiency of each

Keywords: PPCPs     A2/O     mass balance     removal efficiency     sludge    

Experimental study on the stratum applicability and mechanisms of bubble–slurry for earth pressure balance

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 9,   Pages 1387-1399 doi: 10.1007/s11709-023-0005-y

Abstract: Soil conditioning is essential for addressing the stratum applicability problem of earth pressure balance

Keywords: EPB shield     bubble–slurry     soil conditioning     stability     permeability    

Experimental study on working parameters of earth pressure balance shield machine tunneling in soft ground

ZHU Hehua, LIAO Shaoming, XU Qianwei, ZHENG Qizhen

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2008, Volume 2, Issue 4,   Pages 350-358 doi: 10.1007/s11709-008-0051-5

Abstract: In order to study the stratum adaptability of earth pressure balance (EPB) shield machine tunneling in

Keywords: construction     different     coastal     conveyor     excavation    

Biodegradation of waste refrigerator polyurethane by mealworms

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 3, doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1638-8


● Waste refrigerator polyurethane (WRPU) was ingested and biodegraded by mealworms.

Keywords: Waste refrigerator polyurethane     Mealworms     Biodegradation     Carbon balance     Gut microorganism    

Self-organizing method for collaboration in multi-robot system on basis of balance principle

DONG Yangbin, JIANG Jinping, HE Yan

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2008, Volume 3, Issue 3,   Pages 283-287 doi: 10.1007/s11465-008-0044-z

Abstract: two subtasks on the whole task’s progress, and then puts forward a self-organizing principle called balance

Keywords: algorithm     self-organizing principle     validity     Simulation     allocation    

The Balancing Stress in the Tilted Section of the Element Is Not the Stress for the Balance of the Particle

HanWenba,Cai Bingqing,LiuDabin,Han Xiaodong

Strategic Study of CAE 2005, Volume 7, Issue 11,   Pages 42-47

Abstract: bar it can be seen that the balancing stress in the tilted section of the element can only ensure the balanceof itself, but can’t ensure the balance of particles on it.The difference between the balance of the element and that of particles on it is demonstrated.alpha;2 + cosα2))1/2,and the angle between the direction of the balance

Keywords: stress     tilted section     balance stress of particle     strength theory    

Removal of arsenic by pilot-scale vertical flow constructed wetland

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 4, doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1435-1


• VFCWs are effective for the treatment of arsenic-containing wastewater.

Keywords: Constructed wetland     Arsenic     Removal efficiency     Mass balance    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Gut microbial balance and liver transplantation: alteration, management, and prediction

Xinyao Tian, Zhe Yang, Fangzhou Luo, Shusen Zheng

Journal Article

Quantitative analysis of yield and soil water balance for summer maize on the piedmont of the North China

Jingjing WANG,Feng HUANG,Baoguo LI

Journal Article

Simulation of bubble column reactors using CFD coupled with a population balance model

Tiefeng WANG

Journal Article

Mass and heat balance calculations and economic evaluation of an innovative biomass pyrolysis project

Quanyuan WEI, Yongshui QU, Tianwei TAN

Journal Article

Nonlinear sealing force of a seawater balance valve used in an 11000-meter manned submersible

Journal Article

Flow and mass balance analysis of eco-bio infiltration system

Marla C. MANIQUIZ, Lee-Hyung KIM, Soyoung LEE, Jiyeon CHOI

Journal Article

Deviation correction strategy for the earth pressure balance shield based on shield–soil interactions

Journal Article

Reliability of foam posturography in assessment of postural balance in the patients with vertigo

LIU Bo, KONG Weijia

Journal Article

typical pharmaceutical and personal care products in a wastewater treatment plant from Beijing: a mass balance

Jie GAO,Jun HUANG,Weiwei CHEN,Bin WANG,Yujue WANG,Shubo DENG,Gang YU

Journal Article

Experimental study on the stratum applicability and mechanisms of bubble–slurry for earth pressure balance

Journal Article

Experimental study on working parameters of earth pressure balance shield machine tunneling in soft ground

ZHU Hehua, LIAO Shaoming, XU Qianwei, ZHENG Qizhen

Journal Article

Biodegradation of waste refrigerator polyurethane by mealworms

Journal Article

Self-organizing method for collaboration in multi-robot system on basis of balance principle

DONG Yangbin, JIANG Jinping, HE Yan

Journal Article

The Balancing Stress in the Tilted Section of the Element Is Not the Stress for the Balance of the Particle

HanWenba,Cai Bingqing,LiuDabin,Han Xiaodong

Journal Article

Removal of arsenic by pilot-scale vertical flow constructed wetland

Journal Article