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Investigation on drilling-grinding of CFRP

Yanming QUAN, Wenwang ZHONG

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2009, Volume 4, Issue 1,   Pages 60-63 doi: 10.1007/s11465-009-0008-y

Abstract: Conventional drills have a very short life in the drilling of this kind of composites and the qualitymechanism of the two kinds of diamond tools is not like the cutting effect of the conventional solid twist drillingbut similar to that of grinding.

Keywords: composites     drilling-grinding     cemented/plated diamond     tool life     machined quality    

Subsurface damage pattern and formation mechanism of monocrystalline -GaO in grinding process

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2022, Volume 17, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0677-3

Abstract: damage pattern and formation mechanism of monocrystalline β-Ga2O3 in different grindingin the ultrafine grinding process.Subsurface damage models for grinding process were established on the basis of the grinding principleThe formation of nanocrystals and amorphous phase was related to the grinding conditions and materialIt is important to investigate the ultraprecision grinding process of monocrystalline β-Ga2

Keywords: monocrystalline beta-phase gallium oxide     grinding process     subsurface damage     nanocrystals     amorphous    

Simulation and analysis of grinding wheel based on Gaussian mixture model

Yulun CHI, Haolin LI

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2012, Volume 7, Issue 4,   Pages 427-432 doi: 10.1007/s11465-012-0350-3

Abstract: article presents an application of numerical simulation technique for the generation and analysis of the grindingIt shows that the simulated grinding wheel topographies are similar with the measured and can be effectiveused to study the abrasive grains and grinding mechanism.

Keywords: grinding wheel     3D topographies measurement     Gaussian mixture model     simulation    

characteristics and machining performance of a novel perforated ultrasonic vibration platform in the grinding

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2023, Volume 18, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0730-2

Abstract: Ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding (UVAG) is an advanced hybrid process for the precision machiningThe employment of ultrasonic vibration reduces the grinding force by 36% at most, thereby decreasing

Keywords: ultrasonic vibration-assisted grinding     perforated ultrasonic vibration platform     vibration characteristics     apparent elasticity method     grinding force     surface integrity    

Machinability of ultrasonic vibration-assisted micro-grinding in biological bone using nanolubricant

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2023, Volume 18, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0717-z

Abstract: Bone grinding is an essential and vital procedure in most surgical operations.area, and large grinding force leading to high grinding temperature are the technical bottlenecks ofmicro-grinding.The grinding force, friction coefficient, specific grinding energy, and grinding temperature under dryResults showed that the minimum normal grinding force and tangential grinding force of U-NJMC micro-grinding

Keywords: micro-grinding     biological bone     ultrasonic vibration (UV)     nanoparticle jet mist cooling (NJMC)     grindingforce     grinding temperature    

Modelling of dynamic contact length in rail grinding process

Shaodan ZHI,Jianyong LI,A. M. ZAREMBSKI

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2014, Volume 9, Issue 3,   Pages 242-248 doi: 10.1007/s11465-014-0305-y

Abstract: So the rail grinding technology has been invented with rotating grinding stones pressed on the rail withWith grinding control unit holding the grinding stones, the rail grinding process has the characteristicsnot only the surface grinding but also the running railway represent the rail grinding car.the grinding process.

Keywords: rail grinding     contact length     dynamic model     Hamiltonian system     grinding stone     rail grinding car    

Fiber-reinforced composites in milling and grinding: machining bottlenecks and advanced strategies

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2022, Volume 17, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0680-8

Abstract: Milling and grinding arise as the preferred choices because of their precision up-to-date progress of the damage formation mechanisms and suppression strategies in milling and grindingSecond, the grinding mechanisms, covering material removal mechanism, thermal mechanical behavior, surface

Keywords: milling     grinding     fiber-reinforced composites     damage formation mechanism     delamination     material removal    

Calculation and research on deepwater drilling riser flexural equation and natural frequency

Jiang Wei

Strategic Study of CAE 2011, Volume 13, Issue 5,   Pages 66-73

Abstract: justify;">Flexural equation was established in this paper, which was based on application of deepwater drillingTherefore, simple calculation method for natural frequency of drilling riser was achieved.Free-hinged beam was taken as constraint condition of flexural equation combined with drilling stringPurpose of research was to provide reasonable design and selection for deepwater drilling riser, andprovide a more efficient and applied method, which would show guiding significance for deepwater drilling

Keywords: deepwater drilling     drilling riser     flexural equation     natural frequency     shape function    

The optimum drilling technique in the northeast area of Sichuan

Han Laiju,Ma Guangjun,Zhao Jinhai

Strategic Study of CAE 2010, Volume 12, Issue 10,   Pages 44-49

Abstract: complicated, which causes many complex cases and accidents like lost circulation and collapse when drillingROP was slow and drilling cycle was long.deepwell in south China, through introducing and developing new technology and new tools, like gas drillingand vertical drilling equipments, combined with existing techniques such as underbalanced drilling,compound drilling, optimum drilling technique system fit for complicated deepwell in northeast area of

Keywords: northeast area of Sichuan     optimum drilling     gas drilling     vertical drilling     MPD with lower-densitydrilling fluid     bit optimization     compound drilling    

Effects of taping on grinding quality of silicon wafers in backgrinding

Zhigang DONG, Qian ZHANG, Haijun LIU, Renke KANG, Shang GAO

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2021, Volume 16, Issue 3,   Pages 559-569 doi: 10.1007/s11465-020-0624-0

Abstract: Grinding experiments using coarse and fine resin-bond diamond grinding wheels were performed on siliconof taping on peak-to-valley (PV), surface roughness, and subsurface damage of silicon wafers after grindingThe PV value of silicon wafers with taping decreased with increasing mesh size of the grinding wheelroughness and subsurface damage of silicon wafers with taping decreased with increasing mesh size of grinding

Keywords: taping     silicon wafer     backgrinding     subsurface damage     surface roughness    

Comparative assessment of force, temperature, and wheel wear in sustainable grinding aerospace alloy

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2023, Volume 18, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0719-x

Abstract: The substitution of biolubricant for mineral cutting fluids in aerospace material grinding is an inevitableHowever, serious tool wear and workpiece damage in difficult-to-machine material grinding challengesFurthermore, a different option is available for high-strength steel grinding, which needs low-viscosity

Keywords: grinding     aerospace     difficult-to-machine material     biolubricant     physicochemical property     grindability    

Tribological mechanism of carbon group nanofluids on grinding interface under minimum quantity lubrication

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2023, Volume 18, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0733-z

Abstract: However, the formation mechanism of lubrication films generated by carbon group nanofluids on MQL grindingsimulations for the abrasive grain/workpiece interface were conducted under nanofluid MQL, MQL, and dry grindingTangential grinding force was used to evaluate the lubrication performance under the grinding conditionsThe abrasive grain/workpiece contact states under the different grinding conditions were compared toCompared with the findings under the MQL condition, the tangential grinding forces could be further reduced

Keywords: grinding     minimum quantity lubrication     carbon group nanofluid     tribological mechanism    

Recognition of diamond grains on surface of fine diamond grinding wheel

HUO Fengwei, JIN Zhuji, KANG Renke, GUO Dongming, YANG Chun

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2008, Volume 3, Issue 3,   Pages 325-331 doi: 10.1007/s11465-008-0071-9

Abstract: The accurate evaluation of grinding wheel surface topography, which is necessary for the investigationof the grinding principle, optimism, modeling, and simulation of a grinding process, significantly dependsanalysis of the grain size distribution characteristics and grain profile wavelength of the fine diamond grindingwheel used for ultra-precision grinding is presented.sampling interval and sampling area for instruments to measure the surface topography of a diamond grinding

Keywords: topography     frequency disturbance     filtering     analysis     wavelength    

Development Path of Offshore Drilling Equipment in China

Liu Jian

Strategic Study of CAE 2020, Volume 22, Issue 6,   Pages 40-48 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.06.006


China has made achievements in offshore drilling equipment, and it cannow develop the shallow-water drilling rigs independently.However, as far as deep-water drilling equipment is concerned, there still exists a big gap between ChinaTo accelerate the development of China’s offshore drilling equipment, this study first analyzesmachine, deep-water drilling machine, and new-type marine drilling machine; it then summarizes the development

Keywords: offshore drilling rig     deep-water drilling rig     development of equipment     test     sea test    

Effects of delamination in drilling glass/polyester composite


Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 2,   Pages 552-567 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0699-7

Abstract: Considering failures during machinery processes such as drilling, a precautionary analysis involvingeffect of mode delamination and corresponding interlaminar crack propagation was considered during the drilling

Keywords: delamination     VCCT     ARCAN specimen     drilling     mode II    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Investigation on drilling-grinding of CFRP

Yanming QUAN, Wenwang ZHONG

Journal Article

Subsurface damage pattern and formation mechanism of monocrystalline -GaO in grinding process

Journal Article

Simulation and analysis of grinding wheel based on Gaussian mixture model

Yulun CHI, Haolin LI

Journal Article

characteristics and machining performance of a novel perforated ultrasonic vibration platform in the grinding

Journal Article

Machinability of ultrasonic vibration-assisted micro-grinding in biological bone using nanolubricant

Journal Article

Modelling of dynamic contact length in rail grinding process

Shaodan ZHI,Jianyong LI,A. M. ZAREMBSKI

Journal Article

Fiber-reinforced composites in milling and grinding: machining bottlenecks and advanced strategies

Journal Article

Calculation and research on deepwater drilling riser flexural equation and natural frequency

Jiang Wei

Journal Article

The optimum drilling technique in the northeast area of Sichuan

Han Laiju,Ma Guangjun,Zhao Jinhai

Journal Article

Effects of taping on grinding quality of silicon wafers in backgrinding

Zhigang DONG, Qian ZHANG, Haijun LIU, Renke KANG, Shang GAO

Journal Article

Comparative assessment of force, temperature, and wheel wear in sustainable grinding aerospace alloy

Journal Article

Tribological mechanism of carbon group nanofluids on grinding interface under minimum quantity lubrication

Journal Article

Recognition of diamond grains on surface of fine diamond grinding wheel

HUO Fengwei, JIN Zhuji, KANG Renke, GUO Dongming, YANG Chun

Journal Article

Development Path of Offshore Drilling Equipment in China

Liu Jian

Journal Article

Effects of delamination in drilling glass/polyester composite


Journal Article