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Possible role of power-to-heat and power-to-gas as flexible loads in German medium voltage networks


Frontiers in Energy 2017, Volume 11, Issue 2,   Pages 135-145 doi: 10.1007/s11708-017-0472-8

Abstract: As an option to cope with those problems, the technologies of power-to-gas (PtG) and power-to-heat (PtH, the network-supporting abilities and the potential to provide ancillary services, such as control power

Keywords: power-to-gas     power-to-heat     flexible loads     ancillary services     coherent energy systems    

Optimal operation of integrated energy system including power thermal and gas subsystems

Frontiers in Energy 2022, Volume 16, Issue 1,   Pages 105-120 doi: 10.1007/s11708-022-0814-z

Abstract: , thermal, and gas which meet the load of various energy forms.flow and the gas system model is built by the analogy of the power system model.The power-thermal-gas integrated energy system used in the case study includes an IEEE-33 bus power system, a Belgian 20 node natural gas system, and a six node thermal system.Simulation-based calculations and comparison of the results under different scenarios prove that the power-thermal-gas

Keywords: integrated energy system     power-to-gas     dist-flow     piecewise linearization     alternating direction method    

Performance assessment of a power-to-gas process based on reversible solid oxide cell

Hanaâ Er-rbib, Nouaamane Kezibri, Chakib Bouallou

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2018, Volume 12, Issue 4,   Pages 697-707 doi: 10.1007/s11705-018-1774-z

Abstract: The produced syngas is subsequently directed to a methanation unit to produce a synthetic natural gas(SNG) with an equivalent chemical power of 8.3 MWth.CO2 capture step is added to ensure the required specifications of the produced SNG for gasLastly, the overall performance of the power-to-gas process was evaluated taking into account the energy

Keywords: renewable electricity     storage     co-electrolysis     methanation     carbone capture    

Optimal dispatch of multi energy system using power-to-gas technology considering flexible load on user

Zi LING, Xiu YANG, Zilin LI

Frontiers in Energy 2018, Volume 12, Issue 4,   Pages 569-581 doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0595-6


The relation between power-to-gas technology (P2G) and energy interconnection becomes increasinglydispatch the flexible load, to reduce the discharge, to enhance the new energy output, and to increase the power-to-gas

Keywords: multi-energy system     energy hub     series characteristic     optimal dispatch     flexible load    

Will Germany move into a situation with unsecured power supply?


Frontiers in Energy 2019, Volume 13, Issue 3,   Pages 551-570 doi: 10.1007/s11708-019-0641-z

Abstract: increasing traffic, CO emissions from this mobility sector increased and CO emission from German powercalled “The German Coal Commission”) to propose a time line: how Germany can move out of coal-fired powermade: ① Until 2022: Due to a former decision of the German Government, the actual remaining nuclear powerplants should be switched off. ③ Until 2038: The final 17 GW of German hard coal or lignite-fired powerCoal Commission” has not investigated the relevant technical parameter to ensure a secured electric power

Keywords: CO2 reduction     mobility sector     renewable generation     coal commission     secured power generationcapacity     reliable power supply     power-to-gas     power-to-heat    

Integrated energy in Germany–A critical look at the development and state of integrated energies in Germany


Frontiers in Energy 2018, Volume 12, Issue 4,   Pages 493-500 doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0570-2

Abstract: In the face of global warming and a scarcity of resources, future energy systems are urged to undergo a major and radical transformation. The recognition of the need to embrace renewable energy technologies and to move toward decarbonization has led to significant changes in the German energy generation, consumption and infrastructure. Ambitious German national plans to decrease carbon dioxide emissions on one side, and the unpredictable and volatile nature of renewable energy sources on the other side have elevated the importance of integrated energies in recent years. The deployment of integrated technologies as a solution to interlink various infrastructures creates opportunities for increasing the reliability of energy systems, minimizing environmental impacts and maximizing the share of renewable resources. This paper discusses the role of integrated energy systems in supporting of sustainable solutions for future energy transitions. Moreover, the reinforcement of this movement with the help of different technologies will be discussed and the development of integrated energy systems in Germany will be reviewed.

Keywords: integrated energy     renewable energies     energy transition     power-to-gas     power-to-heat     power-to-mobility     energy    

Active-reactive power scheduling of integrated electricity-gas network with multi-microgrids

Frontiers in Energy 2023, Volume 17, Issue 2,   Pages 251-265 doi: 10.1007/s11708-022-0857-1

Abstract: Advances in natural gas-fired technologies have deepened the coupling between electricity and gas networks, promoting the development of the integrated electricity-gas network (IEGN) and strengthening the interactionbetween the active-reactive power flow in the power distribution network (PDN) and the natural gas flowin the gas distribution network (GDN).A test system consisting of an IEEE-33 test system and a 7-node natural gas network is adopted to verify

Keywords: combined cooling     heating     and power (CCHP)     integrated energy systems (IES)     natural gas     power distributionsystem     gas distribution system    

Modeling, evaluation, and optimization of gas-power and energy supply scenarios

Hossam A. GABBAR,Aboelsood ZIDAN

Frontiers in Energy 2016, Volume 10, Issue 4,   Pages 393-408 doi: 10.1007/s11708-016-0422-x

Abstract: for efficient and reliable electricity supply, there is a real need to increase the penetration of gastechnologies in power grids.grid, and gas-power technologies may provide a solution.This paper explores the integration of gas and renewable generation technologies to provide a qualified(GUI) is used where users can define the desired geographic area, desired generation percentage via gas

Keywords: gas-power     renewable     key performance indicators (KPIs)     reliability    

Dynamic simulation of a space gas-cooled reactor power system with a closed Brayton cycle

Frontiers in Energy 2021, Volume 15, Issue 4,   Pages 916-929 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0757-9

Abstract: Space nuclear reactor power (SNRP) using a gas-cooled reactor (GCR) and a closed Brayton cycle (CBC)is the ideal choice for future high-power space missions.To investigate the safety characteristics and develop the control strategies for gas-cooled SNRP, transientThe system finally has the ability to achieve a new steady-state with a higher reactor power.This paper may provide valuable references for safety design and analysis of the gas-cooled SNRP coupled

Keywords: gas-cooled space nuclear reactor power     closed Brayton cycle     system startup and shutdown     positive reactivity    

A review of cryogenic power generation cycles with liquefied natural gas cold energy utilization

Feier XUE,Yu CHEN,Yonglin JU

Frontiers in Energy 2016, Volume 10, Issue 3,   Pages 363-374 doi: 10.1007/s11708-016-0397-7

Abstract: Liquefied natural gas (LNG), an increasingly widely applied clean fuel, releases a large number of coldIn the present paper, the existing power generation cycles utilizing LNG cold energy are introduced andThe direction of cycle improvement can be divided into the key factors affecting basic power generationIn the present paper, the diversities of cryogenic power generation cycles utilizing LNG cold energy

Keywords: liquefied natural gas (LNG) cold energy     power generation cycle     Rankine cycle     compound cycle    

Framework design of a hybrid energy system by combining wind farm with small gas turbine power plants

Nengsheng BAO, Weidou NI,

Frontiers in Energy 2010, Volume 4, Issue 2,   Pages 205-210 doi: 10.1007/s11708-009-0073-2

Abstract: A novel power system called wind-gas turbine hybrid energy system was discussed, and the framework designThe hybrid energy system combines wind farm with several small gas turbine power plants to form an integratedThe small gas turbine power plant has such special advantages as fast start-up, shutdown, and quick loadTherefore, the hybrid energy system uses the output from the small gas turbine power plants to compensateThe capacity of the wind farm is chosen according to the capacity and units of small gas turbine power

Keywords: framework design     hybrid energy system     wind farm     gas turbine power plants    

Analysis of Flue Gas Pollutants Deep-removal Technology in Coal-fired Power Plants

Xiao-lu Zhang

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2014, Volume 1, Issue 4,   Pages 336-340 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014061

Abstract: Currently flue gas pollutant control technology does not easily remove PM .Developing Flue Gas Pollutant Deep-removal Technology (DRT) for coal-fired power plants for deep-removingFinally, the flue gas pollutant removal system at a 2×660MW supercritical power plant was introduced,

Keywords: Coal-fired power plant     flue gas pollutants     deep-removal     PM2.5 removal    

Sensitivity analysis of a methanol and power polygeneration system fueled with coke oven gas and coalgas

Guoqiang ZHANG, Lin GAO, Hongguang JIN, Rumou LIN, Sheng LI

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2010, Volume 4, Issue 4,   Pages 491-497 doi: 10.1007/s11705-010-0511-z

Abstract: The sensitivity analysis of a polygeneration energy system fueled with duo fuel of coke oven gas andcoal gas is performed in the study, and the focus is put on the relations among syngas composition, conversationIn all, the polygeneration system fueled with coke oven gas and coal gas, which can realize the reasonableconversion of syngas to power and chemical product according to the syngas composition, is a promising

Keywords: duo fuel of coke oven gas and coal gas     polygeneration of power and methanol     sensitivity analysis     the    

Experimental investigation of a novel micro gas turbine with flexible switching function for distributedpower system

Xiaojing LV, Weilun ZENG, Xiaoyi DING, Yiwu WENG, Shilie WENG

Frontiers in Energy 2020, Volume 14, Issue 4,   Pages 790-800 doi: 10.1007/s11708-020-0691-2

Abstract: Micro gas turbine (MGT) is widely used in small-scale distributed power systems because of its low emissionsAdditionally, the flexible switching between the power generated by the MGT and the power grid is alsoa key factor for keeping the secure operation of a distributed power station.This MGT is located at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), which is designed by the Gas Turbine ResearchThe above research work can make our state master independent intellectual property rights of micro gas

Keywords: gas turbine     flexible switching system     control system     distributed power system     emission test    

The R&D of Flue Gas Pollutants Deep-Removal Technology for Coal-fired Power Plants

Xiao-lu Zhang

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2015, Volume 2, Issue 4,   Pages 359-363 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2015057

Abstract: The flue gas pollutants deep-removal technology (DRT) focusing on PM removal is the prime method offurther reducing pollutants emission from coal-fired power plants.

Keywords: coal-fired power plant     pollutants emission reduction     PM2.5     flue gas pollutants     deep-removal    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Possible role of power-to-heat and power-to-gas as flexible loads in German medium voltage networks


Journal Article

Optimal operation of integrated energy system including power thermal and gas subsystems

Journal Article

Performance assessment of a power-to-gas process based on reversible solid oxide cell

Hanaâ Er-rbib, Nouaamane Kezibri, Chakib Bouallou

Journal Article

Optimal dispatch of multi energy system using power-to-gas technology considering flexible load on user

Zi LING, Xiu YANG, Zilin LI

Journal Article

Will Germany move into a situation with unsecured power supply?


Journal Article

Integrated energy in Germany–A critical look at the development and state of integrated energies in Germany


Journal Article

Active-reactive power scheduling of integrated electricity-gas network with multi-microgrids

Journal Article

Modeling, evaluation, and optimization of gas-power and energy supply scenarios

Hossam A. GABBAR,Aboelsood ZIDAN

Journal Article

Dynamic simulation of a space gas-cooled reactor power system with a closed Brayton cycle

Journal Article

A review of cryogenic power generation cycles with liquefied natural gas cold energy utilization

Feier XUE,Yu CHEN,Yonglin JU

Journal Article

Framework design of a hybrid energy system by combining wind farm with small gas turbine power plants

Nengsheng BAO, Weidou NI,

Journal Article

Analysis of Flue Gas Pollutants Deep-removal Technology in Coal-fired Power Plants

Xiao-lu Zhang

Journal Article

Sensitivity analysis of a methanol and power polygeneration system fueled with coke oven gas and coalgas

Guoqiang ZHANG, Lin GAO, Hongguang JIN, Rumou LIN, Sheng LI

Journal Article

Experimental investigation of a novel micro gas turbine with flexible switching function for distributedpower system

Xiaojing LV, Weilun ZENG, Xiaoyi DING, Yiwu WENG, Shilie WENG

Journal Article

The R&D of Flue Gas Pollutants Deep-Removal Technology for Coal-fired Power Plants

Xiao-lu Zhang

Journal Article