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Evaluation of the power-generation capacity of wearable thermoelectric power generator

Yang YANG, Jing LIU,

Frontiers in Energy 2010, Volume 4, Issue 3,   Pages 346-357 doi: 10.1007/s11708-010-0112-z

Abstract: heat dissipating from the human body through the skin surface is a promising way to supply electronic powerthe temperature difference between the environment and the human body, and complete elimination of powerWe evaluate the energy generation capacity of a wearable TEG subject to various conditions based on biological

Keywords: thermal energy harvester     thermoelectric generator     biological heat transfer     power generating capacity    

Impact of wind power generating system integration on frequency stabilization in multi-area power system


Frontiers in Energy 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1,   Pages 7-21 doi: 10.1007/s11708-014-0338-2

Abstract: Among the available options for renewable energy integration in existing power system, wind power isThe major constraint of wind power generating system (WPGS) is that it does not provide inertial supportsupport in a two area restructured power system.This paper presents a comprehensive study of the wind power impact with increasing wind power penetrationon frequency stabilization in restructured power system scenario.

Keywords: two area power system     automatic generation control     wind power generating system (WPGS)     deregulated environment    

Availability growth models and verification of power equipment

Jinyuan SHI, Jiamin XU

Frontiers in Energy 2021, Volume 15, Issue 2,   Pages 529-538 doi: 10.1007/s11708-019-0624-0

Abstract: The general availability growth models for large scale complicated repairable system such as electric generatingAvailability growth models for electric generating units, power station auxiliaries, and transmissionunits and 1000 MW thermal power units, 200–1000 MW power station auxiliaries, and 220–500 kV transmissionverification results for operation availability data show that the maintenance coefficients for electric generatingunits, power station auxiliaries, transmission and distribution installations conform to the power function

Keywords: repairable system     power equipment     electric generating unit     power station auxiliary     transmission and distribution    

A preliminary study on the construction of wind and hydrogen power electric generating system

Xu Ye,Chen Xiaoning

Strategic Study of CAE 2010, Volume 12, Issue 11,   Pages 83-88


To deal with the unstable stability of output power and the volatilityof voltage in the wind power generation, a wind and hydrogen power electric generating system was putIn the system, the controllable output, which corresponds to "valley"  of the wind powergeneration output, is used as the guarantee steady output power for the wind power plant, and the uncontrollableand it can be a feasible and effective way to solve the grid-connection of wind power generation.

Keywords: wind power generation     hydrogen power generation     hydrogen production and storage    

Generating capacity adequacy evaluation of large-scale, grid-connected photovoltaic systems


Frontiers in Energy 2016, Volume 10, Issue 3,   Pages 308-318 doi: 10.1007/s11708-016-0415-9

Abstract: Large-scale, grid-connected photovoltaic systems have become an essential part of modern electric powerinvestigate the effects of large-scale, grid-connected photovoltaic systems on the reliability of bulk powerThe proposed method serves as an applicable tool to estimate performance (e.g., energy yield and capacitystates of the photovoltaic systems in order to quantify the effects of the photovoltaic systems on the powerreliability benefits of using large-scale, grid-connected photovoltaic system on the bulk electric power

Keywords: adequacy assessment     Markov method     large-scale grid-connected photovoltaic(PV) systems     long-term operation    

Capacity-operation collaborative optimization of the system integrated with wind power/photovoltaic/concentratingsolar power with S-CO Brayton cycle

Frontiers in Energy doi: 10.1007/s11708-024-0922-z

Abstract: This paper proposes a new power generating system that combines wind power (WP), photovoltaic (PV), troughconcentrating solar power (CSP) with a supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO2) Brayton powerThe wind power/photovoltaic/concentrating solar power (WP−PV−CSP) with the S-CO2 Brayton cycleThen, it constructs a bi-level capacity-operation collaborative optimization model and proposes a non-dominatedresources as a practical application case, it utilizes a bi-level optimization model to improve the capacity

Keywords: wind power/photovoltaic/concentrating solar power (WP−PV−CSP)     supercritical carbon dioxide (S-CO2) Brayton cycle     capacity-operation collaborative optimization     sensitive analysis    

Will Germany move into a situation with unsecured power supply?


Frontiers in Energy 2019, Volume 13, Issue 3,   Pages 551-570 doi: 10.1007/s11708-019-0641-z

Abstract: generation is nearly constant for the past 20 years, even a renewable generation capacity of 112 GWgeneration capacity of about 10 GW has to be switched off in 2022.plants, so that Germany should reduce its conventional generation capacity by 22.5 GW in 2022. ② Untilphotovoltaic, this paper will describe the negligible contribution of these sources to the secured generation capacity, which will be needed for a reliable power supply.

Keywords: CO2 reduction     mobility sector     renewable generation     coal commission     secured power generationcapacity     reliable power supply     power-to-gas     power-to-heat    

The design and practice of giant hydro turbine generating units of Three Gorges ProjectShao Jianxiong

Shao Jianxiong,Liu Jingwang,Yuan Dafu

Strategic Study of CAE 2011, Volume 13, Issue 7,   Pages 104-110

Abstract: Project (TGP), the main technical problems that should be considered in the design of hydro turbine generatingThe key technical researches performed are summarized and the parameters of hydro turbine generatingThe unit operation results indicate that the performance of the hydro turbine generating units is excellentTherefore, it is verified effectively that the general technical design of giant hydro turbine generating

Keywords: Three Gorges Project     700 MW hydro turbine generating unit     unit capacity     design and research     operation    

Study of mid-long term power supply capacity in China

Bai Jianhua,Xin Songxu

Strategic Study of CAE 2011, Volume 13, Issue 6,   Pages 65-74

Abstract: relevant energy development policies, this paper comprehensively analyzed China's mid-long term powersupply capacity, including supply capacities of coal-fired power, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, solar power, biomass power and gas power.

Keywords: power supply capacity     mid-long term     generation mixture     generation arrangement    

Permitted emissions of major air pollutants from coal-fired power plants in China based on best available

Xiaohui Song, Chunlai Jiang, Yu Lei, Yuezhi Zhong, Yanchao Wang

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2018, Volume 12, Issue 5, doi: 10.1007/s11783-018-1065-4

Abstract: proposed the SO2 and NOx emission performance standards for coal-fired power

Keywords: Coal-fired power-generating units (CFPGU)     Emission performance     Best available control technology    

Analysis on Load Generating Electricity State of Mining Hydraulic Winder

Peng Youduo,Liu Fanmao,Yu Bing,He Fenghua,Hu Yanping

Strategic Study of CAE 2006, Volume 8, Issue 12,   Pages 97-101


In the working condition of put-down loadbearing, the winders electromotor runs in electric powergeneration mode and feeds back power to eletricity net.This paper introduced the electric power generation working condition of mining hydaulic winder´s electromotor analysed the main parameters of electric power and calculated the feedback average power

Keywords: mine hydraulic winder     power generation unde the condition of loadbearing     feedback power     average power    

The New Consideration of the Hydropower Installed Capacity

Xiong Kaizhi,Cheng Liqin

Strategic Study of CAE 2007, Volume 9, Issue 8,   Pages 26-29

Abstract: of the hydropower, and the tremendous advantages of the hydropower in peak adjusting of power systemsof the hydropower installed capacity and the demand of the power system are assested.A new calculating principle that minimizes the cost of the power system is proposed.The effect of the new calculating principle on the hydropower installed capacity is evaluated by usingThe analysis provides significant insights in calculating the installed capacity of large hydropower

Keywords: hydropower     installed capacity     peak adjusting     power system    

New Perspectives of Seismic Safety Evaluation in Urban Planning:The Discovery of “Macroseism Generating

Li Ping,Yang Mei´e,Zhao Dongzhi

Strategic Study of CAE 2007, Volume 9, Issue 7,   Pages 1-6

Abstract: active faults in a time scale as long as tens or hundreds of years, so we call them the macroseism generatingThe macroseism generating fault is not merely a line but has a certain width from several meters to tensThe discovery of macroseism generating fault enables us to deal with the three factors, i.e. the timequot; in urban planning, correction and amendment are necessary as for whether or not the macroseism generating

Keywords: urban planning     active fault     macroseism generating fault     seismic amplifying effect of macroseism generating    

A novel method for generating distillation configurations

Hongzhe Hou, Yiqing Luo

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2020, Volume 14, Issue 5,   Pages 834-846 doi: 10.1007/s11705-019-1855-7

Abstract: An improved matrix method for generating distillation configurations with ( −1) and less than ( −1) columns

Keywords: non-sharp separation     multicomponent distillation     distillation configurations    

Antioxidative potential of metformin: Possible protective mechanism against generating OH radicals

Huibin Guo, Ning Wang, Xiang Li

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1313-2

Abstract: Abstract • Metformin consumes O2−• and OH• induced by PM are proposed. • OH• dominated the oxidation of metformin compared with O2−• • Metformin can prevent the harm of ROS induced by PM to human health. • Antioxidative potential of metformin was first proposed to provide measures. Exposure to particulate matter (PM) can lead to the excessive accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which causes oxidative stress and endangers human health. In this study, the effects of metformin on PM-induced radicals were investigated, and the antioxidation reaction mechanism of metformin was analyzed by the density functional theory (DFT) method. The corresponding results revealed that the consumption rate of dithiothreitol (DTT) increased as the metformin concentration (0–40 mmol/L) increased under exposure to PM active components. Moreover, the OH radical content decreased as the metformin concentration increased. This result may be related to the consumption of PM-induced OH radicals by metformin, which promotes the DTT consumption rate. Additionally, because the initiation reaction has a high barrier, the oxidation reaction rate between metformin and •O2− is not very fast, although various catalysts may be present in the human environment. Importantly, we found that the barrier of metformin induced by OH radicals is only 9.6 kcal/mol while the barrier of metformin induced by oxygen is 57.9 kcal/mol, which shows that the rate of the •OH-initiated oxidative reaction of metformin is much faster and that this reaction path occurs more easily. By sample analysis, the mean OH radical generation was 55 nmol/min/g (ranging from 5 to 105 nmol/min/g) on haze days and 30 nmol/min/g (ranging from 10 to 50 nmol/min/g) on non-haze days. Moreover, OH radical generation was higher on haze days than on neighboring non-haze days. Taken together, all data suggest that metformin could consume the PM-induced radicals, such as OH radicals and •O2−, thereby providing health protection.

Keywords: Antioxidative potential     Metformin     Mechanism     OH radical     Health protection.    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Evaluation of the power-generation capacity of wearable thermoelectric power generator

Yang YANG, Jing LIU,

Journal Article

Impact of wind power generating system integration on frequency stabilization in multi-area power system


Journal Article

Availability growth models and verification of power equipment

Jinyuan SHI, Jiamin XU

Journal Article

A preliminary study on the construction of wind and hydrogen power electric generating system

Xu Ye,Chen Xiaoning

Journal Article

Generating capacity adequacy evaluation of large-scale, grid-connected photovoltaic systems


Journal Article

Capacity-operation collaborative optimization of the system integrated with wind power/photovoltaic/concentratingsolar power with S-CO Brayton cycle

Journal Article

Will Germany move into a situation with unsecured power supply?


Journal Article

The design and practice of giant hydro turbine generating units of Three Gorges ProjectShao Jianxiong

Shao Jianxiong,Liu Jingwang,Yuan Dafu

Journal Article

Study of mid-long term power supply capacity in China

Bai Jianhua,Xin Songxu

Journal Article

Permitted emissions of major air pollutants from coal-fired power plants in China based on best available

Xiaohui Song, Chunlai Jiang, Yu Lei, Yuezhi Zhong, Yanchao Wang

Journal Article

Analysis on Load Generating Electricity State of Mining Hydraulic Winder

Peng Youduo,Liu Fanmao,Yu Bing,He Fenghua,Hu Yanping

Journal Article

The New Consideration of the Hydropower Installed Capacity

Xiong Kaizhi,Cheng Liqin

Journal Article

New Perspectives of Seismic Safety Evaluation in Urban Planning:The Discovery of “Macroseism Generating

Li Ping,Yang Mei´e,Zhao Dongzhi

Journal Article

A novel method for generating distillation configurations

Hongzhe Hou, Yiqing Luo

Journal Article

Antioxidative potential of metformin: Possible protective mechanism against generating OH radicals

Huibin Guo, Ning Wang, Xiang Li

Journal Article