Dual-Comb Ranging
Zebin Zhu, Guanhao Wu
Dual-Comb Ranging
Absolute distance measurement is a fundamental technique in mobile and large-scale dimensional metrology. Dual-comb ranging is emerging as a powerful tool that exploits phase resolution and frequency accuracy for high-precision and fast-rate distance measurement. Using two coherent frequency combs, dual-comb ranging allows time and phase response to be measured rapidly. It breaks through the limitations related to the responsive bandwidth, ambiguity range, and dynamic measurement characteristics of conventional ranging tools. This review introduces dual-comb ranging and summarizes the key techniques for realizing this ranging tool. As optical frequency comb technology progresses, dual-comb ranging shows promise for various professional applications.
Ranging / Dual-comb interferometer / Phase noise / Timing jitter / Tight-locking / Post-correction
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61575105, 61611140125), Beijing Natural Science Foundation (3182011), and Shenzhen Fundamental Research Funding (JCYJ20170412171535171).
Zebin Zhu and Guanhao Wu declare that they have no conflict of interest or financial conflicts to disclose.
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