Multimodal Identification by Transcriptomics and Multiscale Bioassays of Active Components in Xuanfeibaidu Formula to Suppress Macrophage-Mediated Immune Response
Lu Zhao, Hao Liu, Yingchao Wang, Shufang Wang, Dejin Xun, Yi Wang, Yiyu Cheng, Boli Zhang
Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1) : 63-76.
Multimodal Identification by Transcriptomics and Multiscale Bioassays of Active Components in Xuanfeibaidu Formula to Suppress Macrophage-Mediated Immune Response
Xuanfeibaidu Formula (XFBD) is a Chinese medicine used in the clinical treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Although XFBD has exhibited significant therapeutic efficacy in clinical practice, its underlying pharmacological mechanism remains unclear. Here, we combine a comprehensive research approach that includes network pharmacology, transcriptomics, and bioassays in multiple model systems to investigate the pharmacological mechanism of XFBD and its bioactive substances. High-resolution mass spectrometry was combined with molecular networking to profile the major active substances in XFBD. A total of 154 compounds were identified or tentatively characterized, including flavonoids, terpenes, carboxylic acids, and other types of constituents. Based on the chemical composition of XFBD, a network pharmacology-based analysis identified inflammation-related pathways as primary targets. Thus, we examined the anti-inflammation activity of XFBD in a lipopolysaccharide-induced acute inflammation mice model. XFBD significantly alleviated pulmonary inflammation and decreased the level of serum proinflammatory cytokines. Transcriptomic profiling suggested that genes related to macrophage function were differently expressed after XFBD treatment. Consequently, the effects of XFBD on macrophage activation and mobilization were investigated in a macrophage cell line and a zebrafish wounding model. XFBD exerts strong inhibitory effects on both macrophage activation and migration. Moreover, through multimodal screening, we further identified the major components and compounds from the different herbs of XFBD that mediate its anti-inflammation function. Active components from XFBD, including Polygoni cuspidati Rhizoma, Phragmitis Rhizoma, and Citri grandis Exocarpium rubrum, were then found to strongly downregulate macrophage activation, and polydatin, isoliquiritin, and acteoside were identified as active compounds. Components of Artemisiae annuae Herba and Ephedrae Herba were found to substantially inhibit endogenous macrophage migration, while the presence of ephedrine, atractylenolide, and kaempferol was attributed to these effects. In summary, our study explores the pharmacological mechanism and effective components of XFBD in inflammation regulation via multimodal approaches, and thereby provides a biological illustration of the clinical efficacy of XFBD.
Xuanfeibaidu Formula / Multimodal identification / Inflammation / Macrophage activation / Macrophage migration
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