Spontaneous Recovery in Directed Dynamical Networks

Xueming Liu, Xian Yan, H. Eugene Stanley

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Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6) : 208-214. DOI: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.12.007

Spontaneous Recovery in Directed Dynamical Networks

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Complex networked systems, which range from biological systems in the natural world to infrastructure systems in the human-made world, can exhibit spontaneous recovery after a failure; for example, a brain may spontaneously return to normal after a seizure, and traffic flow can become smooth again after a jam. Previous studies on the spontaneous recovery of dynamical networks have been limited to undirected networks. However, most real-world networks are directed. To fill this gap, we build a model in which nodes may alternately fail and recover, and we develop a theoretical tool to analyze the recovery properties of directed dynamical networks. We find that the tool can accurately predict the final fraction of active nodes, and the prediction accuracy decreases as the fraction of bidirectional links in the network increases, which emphasizes the importance of directionality in network dynamics. Due to different initial states, directed dynamical networks may show alternative stable states under the same control parameter, exhibiting hysteresis behavior. In addition, for networks with finite sizes, the fraction of active nodes may jump back and forth between high and low states, mimicking repetitive failure-recovery processes. These findings could help clarify the system recovery mechanism and enable better design of networked systems with high resilience.

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Network resilience / Directed dynamical networks / Spontaneous recovery

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Xueming Liu, Xian Yan, H. Eugene Stanley. Spontaneous Recovery in Directed Dynamical Networks. Engineering, 2024, 37(6): 208‒214 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eng.2023.12.007


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