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Accounting greenhouse gas emissions of food consumption between urban and rural residents in China: a

《能源前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第2期   页码 357-374 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0763-y

摘要: Food consumption is necessary for human survival. On a global scale, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission related to food consumption accounts for 19%–29% of the total GHG emission. China has the largest population in the world, which is experiencing a rapid development. Under the background of urbanization and the adjustment of the diet structure of Chinese residents, it is critical to mitigate the overall GHG emission caused by food consumption. This study aims to employ a single-region input-output (SRIO) model and a multi-regional input-output (MRIO) model to measure GHG emission generated from food consumption in China and compare the contributions of different industrial sectors, uncovering the differences between urban and rural residents and among different provinces (autonomous regions/municipalities), as well as identifying the driving forces of GHG emission from food consumption at a national level. The results indicate that the total GHG emission generated from food consumption in China tripled from 157 Mt CO2e in 2002 to 452 Mt CO2e in 2017. The fastest growing GHG emission is from the consumption of other processed food and meat products. Although GHG emissions from both urban and rural residents increased, the gap between them is increasing. Agriculture, processing and manufacture of food, manufacture of chemical and transportation, storage and post services sectors are key sectors inducing food consumption related GHG emissions. From a regional perspective, the top five emission provinces (autonomous regions/municipalities) include Shandong, Hubei, Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu. Based on such results, policy recommendations are proposed to mitigate the overall GHG emission from food consumption.

关键词: greenhouse gas (GHG) emission     food consumption     industry sectors     mitigation measures     urban governance    

Soy food consumption in relation to breast cancer modified by menopause status

YANG Rong, ZHANG Bin, YANG Shaoping, ZHANG Dan, DU Yukai

《医学前沿(英文)》 2008年 第2卷 第4期   页码 348-351 doi: 10.1007/s11684-008-0066-2

摘要: It has been found that lifestyle and diet are associated with the development of cancers. The mortality of breast cancer in Wuhan city is increasing, according to the statistics of recent years. This case control study was aimed to provide data for alimentary therapeutics for breast carcinomas. It included a case group ( = 196) and an age frequency-matched control group ( = 202). A validated food frequency questionnaire was used to obtain information on usual food consumption. The results indicate that intake of soy foods more than 5 times per week was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer, especially in premenopausal women. The adjusted was 0.294 [95% CI was (0.158–0.546), = 0.000]. Our results indicate that alimentary therapeutics for breast cancer can be adjusted by status of menopause.

关键词: development     control     lifestyle     consumption     information    



《中国工程科学》 2023年 第25卷 第4期   页码 128-136 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.04.004

摘要: His major research fields include plant genetic breeding, food security.

关键词: 食物消费变化;种养供需预测;种养结构调整;粮食安全    

A brief history of wheat utilization in China

Minxia LU, Liang CHEN, Jinxiu WANG, Ruiliang LIU, Yang YANG, Meng WEI, Guanghui DONG

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第6卷 第3期   页码 288-295 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019266


Wheat is one of the most important crops in both China and the world, and its domestication can be traced back to ~10000 years ago. However, the history of its origin and utilization in China remains highly ambiguous. Drawing upon the most recent results of taxonomic, genetic, archeological and textual studies focused on the wheat in prehistory, this paper argues that wheat was not domesticated but introduced into China in the late fifth millennium BP. In the subsequent centuries, this exotic crop was quickly utilized as a staple food in northwest China. In contrast, it was not adopted as a staple in Central Plains until the Han Dynasty (202 BCE–220 CE), which was mainly as a consequence of the living environment, population and innovations in food processing technology.

关键词: multidisciplinary evidence     prehistoric food globalization     wheat consumption     wheat domestication    



《中国工程科学》 2018年 第20卷 第5期   页码 135-141 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.05.020


中国台湾居民的食物消费演变对中国大陆具有较好的借鉴价值。根据中国台湾的发展情况,中国大陆居民的膳食消费总量可能会在2026 年左右达到峰值状态,水果、肉类、蛋类、水产品、乳类、油脂等高附加值食品的消费量也相应达到峰值,人均膳食消费总量与粮食消费量可分别达到563 kg 与456 kg;到2035 年膳食消费结构达到基本稳定状态,人均膳食消费总量与粮食消费量可分别达到499 kg 与412 kg。由此可知,中国大陆居民的膳食消费还有较大的提升潜力,对中国有限的水土资源还将产生较长时间的持续压力。

关键词: 中国台湾     中国大陆     膳食消费     粮食需求量    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第1期   页码 4-15 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023493


● The goals of Chinese food and agriculture have shifted from grain self-sufficiency to diversified goals, including protecting natural resources, reducing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and improving food safety and nutrition.

关键词: food systems     food security     nutrition     climate change    

An energy consumption prediction approach of die casting machines driven by product parameters

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第16卷 第4期   页码 868-886 doi: 10.1007/s11465-021-0656-0

摘要: Die casting machines, which are the core equipment of the machinery manufacturing industry, consume great amounts of energy. The energy consumption prediction of die casting machines can support energy consumption quota, process parameter energy-saving optimization, energy-saving design, and energy efficiency evaluation; thus, it is of great significance for Industry 4.0 and green manufacturing. Nevertheless, due to the uncertainty and complexity of the energy consumption in die casting machines, there is still a lack of an approach for energy consumption prediction that can provide support for process parameter optimization and product design taking energy efficiency into consideration. To fill this gap, this paper proposes an energy consumption prediction approach for die casting machines driven by product parameters. Firstly, the system boundary of energy consumption prediction is defined, and subsequently, based on the energy consumption characteristics analysis, a theoretical energy consumption model is established. Consequently, a systematic energy consumption prediction approach for die casting machines, involving product, die, equipment, and process parameters, is proposed. Finally, the feasibility and reliability of the proposed energy consumption prediction approach are verified with the help of three die casting machines and six types of products. The results show that the prediction accuracy of production time and energy consumption reached 91.64% and 85.55%, respectively. Overall, the proposed approach can be used for the energy consumption prediction of different die casting machines with different products.

关键词: die casting machine     energy consumption prediction     product parameters    

Soil security and global food security

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023530


● Much of the world’s agricultural land has been degraded through soil loss and degradation of soil organic matter.

关键词: Agriculture     soil security     food security     regenerative    

Energy consumption of 270 schools in Tianjin, China

Jincheng XING,Junjie CHEN,Jihong LING

《能源前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第2期   页码 217-230 doi: 10.1007/s11708-015-0352-z

摘要: With the rapid development of education cause, the increasing energy consumption of school buildings is gradually causing widespread concern in recent years in China. This paper presented an analysis of energy consumption of 270 schools located in the city of Tianjin, China. The analysis focused specifically on calculating the space heating energy consumption indexes and non-heating energy consumption indexes of different types of schools, aiming at providing reliable and precise data for the government to elaborate policies and measures. The space heating energy consumption of schools adopting district heating and gas boiler were 92.04 kWh/(m ·a) and 64.25 kWh/(m ·a), respectively. Comparing to the schools without a canteen, the non-heating energy consumption index of schools with a canteen can increase by 8%–37%. Furthermore, clustering of different energy sources, the total primary energy consumption indexes were also presented. Space heating energy consumption accounted for approximately 64%–79% of the total primary energy consumption. When using time-sharing control and self-contained gas boiler instead of district heating, an amount of almost 27.8 kWh/(m ·a) and 77.5 kWh/(m ·a) can be saved respectively. Through extensive statistical analysis of the data collected, this paper demonstrated that gross floor area, heating energy source and canteen had a close relationship with the total primary energy consumption regarding complete schools. Eventually, a linear regression equation was established to make a simple prediction about the total energy consumption of existing complete schools and to estimate the energy consumption of complete schools to be built.

关键词: schools     energy consumption index     primary energy     energy saving     regression analysis    

面向 2050 年我国农业资源平衡与国际进口潜力研究


《中国工程科学》 2022年 第24卷 第1期   页码 20-28 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.01.003


受农业高质量发展、食物消费结构转型升级、气候变化的多重影响,我国农业资源供需平衡日益趋紧,因而统筹利用国际国内两种资源、两个市场,保障我国中长期粮食安全至关重要。本文在对比分析国内、国际农业资源的基础上,研究了我国2035 年和2050 年的粮食消费需求、消费结构、供给结构,分析了未来农业资源供需缺口以及虚拟水、虚拟耕地的可进口潜力与进口来源地,据此展望了我国农业水土资源利用的目标。研究表明:我国虚拟耕地进口将在2048 年前后达到峰值,需进口虚拟耕地近6.147×107 hm2;虚拟水进口量在2045 年前后达到峰值,虚拟水进口量为1.136×108 m3(以蓝水估算),约为2017 年全国农业总用水量的30%;可增加的耕地进口潜力主要来自南美洲和非洲。

关键词: 农业资源平衡     食物消费结构     虚拟水     虚拟耕地     进口潜力    

Review on drivers, trends and emerging issues of the food wastage in China


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第2期   页码 159-167 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2015066

摘要: China has successfully achieved food self-sufficiency over the past 50 years, however, with large inputs and losses. To meet the challenge of feeding a growing population with limited resources, many studies have explored options for improving productivity and efficiency of the food production. However, there have been few studies into the potential of reducing food loss along the whole food production-consumption chain. Here we review the literature on food waste in China. We briefly analyze (1) the drivers that influence levels of food waste in the food chain, (2) examine trends in the volumes and types of food wasted at different stages in the food chain, (3) assess the environmental and resource consequences of food waste in the food chain, and (4) evaluate the policy and stakeholder responses to the emerging challenges. It is concluded that reducing food loss and meeting food security in China requires a coherent institutional structure that promotes the synergistic outcomes of research, policy and education. Suggested key actions include (1) improving machinery and facility for sowing, harvesting, transportation and storage, which can reduce food loss by up to 50%, and (2) improving food waste recycling management, based on coupled food production and consumption systems.

关键词: food security     food chain     food wastes and losses     environmental impacts    

Energy consumption and carbon emissions of hospitals in Tianjin

Chongxu JIANG, Jincheng XING, Jihong LING, Xiaona QIN

《能源前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第4期   页码 427-435 doi: 10.1007/s11708-012-0199-5

摘要: An energy audit of 22 tertiary hospitals was conducted in Tianjin. The detailed content included design data, basic information, energy bills and equipment lists. It was shown that during the study, the energy intensity of hospitals in Tianjin was approximately stable and the average level of energy consumption was 348 kW·h/(m ·a). From the date collected, it was calculated that the energy intensity of general hospitals was 380 kW·h/(m ·a), and the average carbon emissions was 157 kgCO /(m ·a); While the energy intensity of specialized hospitals was 309 kW·h/(m ·a), and the average carbon emissions was 131 kgCO /(m ·a). By breaking the energy consumption down into several items, it was found that the heating system consumed the highest amount of energy (42.12%), followed by the cooling system (6.78%), the medical equipment (4.98%) and the lighting system (3.63%). The main factors that affect the hospital energy consumption were determined, and some feasible technology and management measures to save energy and reduce carbon emissions were proposed.

关键词: hospital building     energy consumption     carbon emissions     energy saving     emission reduction    

Survey and analysis of energy consumption in office buildings in Tianjin

Junlong LI, Huan ZHANG, Shijun YOU, Zhenhui XIE

《能源前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第1期   页码 69-74 doi: 10.1007/s11708-012-0221-y

摘要: An energy audit of 24 office buildings was conducted in Tianjin, including basic information of buildings, building energy system and energy bills. The investigation results showed that the average intensity of energy consumption in office buildings in Tianjin accounts for 161.51 kW·h/(m ·a). By breaking the energy consumption down into detailed items, it was found that the heating system consumed the highest amount of energy (46.6%), followed by equipment (35.9%), cooling system (11%) and lighting system (6.69%). The main factors for office building energy consumption were found and some feasible measures to save energy were proposed.

关键词: office building     energy consumption intensity     energy consumption breakdown     energy saving measures    

Development and challenges of green food in China

Mahmood ul HASSAN, Xin WEN, Jiuliang XU, Jiahui ZHONG, Xuexian LI

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 56-66 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019296


Green food in China refers to a wide array of primary and processed agricultural products that are safe, nutritious and of high quality for human consumption. Green food has been certified and produced following the principle of sustainability since the 1990s, making historic achievements in providing quality food, protecting the environment, increasing farmer income, and nurturing agricultural brands over the past 30 years in China. Today, the green food industry enters a steady-growth stage in terms of cultivation area, product number and sales. This article summarizes the history of the development of green food in China and current achievements, analyze major challenges that may hamper further development of the industry, and propose strategies to address these challenges, i.e., optimization of the food supply chain, deep food processing, and utilization of food wastes.

关键词: green food     food losses     storage     processing     transportation     sustainability    



《中国工程科学》 2015年 第17卷 第8期   页码 122-131



关键词: 消费领域;生产领域;能耗;特征    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Accounting greenhouse gas emissions of food consumption between urban and rural residents in China: a


Soy food consumption in relation to breast cancer modified by menopause status

YANG Rong, ZHANG Bin, YANG Shaoping, ZHANG Dan, DU Yukai





A brief history of wheat utilization in China

Minxia LU, Liang CHEN, Jinxiu WANG, Ruiliang LIU, Yang YANG, Meng WEI, Guanghui DONG







An energy consumption prediction approach of die casting machines driven by product parameters


Soil security and global food security


Energy consumption of 270 schools in Tianjin, China

Jincheng XING,Junjie CHEN,Jihong LING


面向 2050 年我国农业资源平衡与国际进口潜力研究



Review on drivers, trends and emerging issues of the food wastage in China



Energy consumption and carbon emissions of hospitals in Tianjin

Chongxu JIANG, Jincheng XING, Jihong LING, Xiaona QIN


Survey and analysis of energy consumption in office buildings in Tianjin

Junlong LI, Huan ZHANG, Shijun YOU, Zhenhui XIE


Development and challenges of green food in China

Mahmood ul HASSAN, Xin WEN, Jiuliang XU, Jiahui ZHONG, Xuexian LI



