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2R-1C模型;嵌入式系统;参数估计;非迭代方法;二次型 1

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3-酰基硫代四酸 1

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Municipal solid waste management in Dalian: practices and challenges

Xinbei WANG, Yong GENG

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第4期   页码 540-548 doi: 10.1007/s11783-011-0361-z

摘要: The fast growing of urban areas in developing countries has brought serious problems on municipal solid waste (MSW) management. It will be rational to adopt an integrated approach to deal with such a challenge so that the overall eco-efficiency of MSW management could be improved. To better examine how attributes of integrated MSW management are being interpreted and put into practice, and to explore what changes should be made to improve the application of integrated MSW management, we employ a case study method so that lessons learned could be used to inform initiatives in other cities and the potential solution may offer feasible strategies. The case study city is Dalian, a typical seaport city with fast growing rate in economy. The outcomes of this case study show us that fragmented management structure, ineffective and inefficient enforcement of relevant regulations, backward technologies, limited financial resources and lack of public participation are main barriers for the implementation of integrated MSW management. Consequently, in order to overcome these barriers, we propose an integrated management framework on MSW management, aiming to maximize the overall eco-efficiency of MSW management.

关键词: municipal solid waste (MSW) management     3R principles     challenges     eco-efficiency     effective and efficient enforcement    

Ammonia adsorption on graphene and graphene oxide: a first-principles study

Yue PENG, Junhua LI

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第3期   页码 403-411 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0491-6

摘要: Motivated by the recent realization of graphene sensor to detect gas molecules that are harmful to the environment, the ammonia adsorption on graphene or graphene oxide (GO) was investigated using first-principles calculation. The optimal adsorption and orientation of the NH molecules on the graphene surfaces were determined, and the adsorption energies ( ) as well as the Mulliken charge transfers of NH were calculated. The for the graphene are small and seem to be independent of the sites and orientations. The surface epoxy or hydroxyl groups can promote the adsorption of NH on the GO; the enhancement of the for the hydroxyl groups is greater than that for the epoxy groups on the surface. The charge transfers from the molecule to the surfaces also exhibit the same trend. The Br?nsted acid sites and Lewis acid sites could stably exist on the GO with surface hydroxyl groups and on the basal, respectively.

关键词: graphene oxide     first-principles calculations     NH3 adsorption    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第2期   页码 214-237 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2021437


To achieve the triple challenge of food security, reversing biodiversity declines plus mitigating and adapting to climate change, there is a drive to embed ecological principles into agricultural, value-chain practices and decision-making. By diversifying cropping systems at several scales there is potential to decrease reliance on inputs, provide resilience to abiotic and biotic stress, enhance plant, microbe and animal biodiversity, and mitigate against climate change. In this review we highlight the research performed in Scotland over the past 5 years into the impact of the use of ecological principles in agriculture on sustainability, resilience and provision of ecosystem functions. We demonstrate that diversification of the system can enhance ecosystem functions. Soil and plant management interventions, including nature-based solutions, can also enhance soil quality and utilization of legacy nutrients. Additionally, this is facilitated by greater reliance on soil biological processes and trophic interactions. We highlight the example of intercropping with legumes to deliver sustainability through ecological principles and use legumes as an exemplar of the innovation. We conclude that there are many effective interventions that can be made to deliver resilient, sustainable, and diverse agroecosystems for crop and food production, and these may be applicable in any agroecosystem.


关键词: diversification / ecological principles / legumes / plant management / soil management / soil ecosystem services    

可见光引发的3D 生物打印技术及其生物墨水材料在组织工程领域的研究进展 Review

郑子卓, David Eglin, Mauro Alini, Geoff R. Richards, 秦岭, 赖毓霄

《工程(英文)》 2021年 第7卷 第7期   页码 966-978 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.05.021



关键词: 医用增材制造     生物墨水     组织工程     3D生物打印    

Reconfigurable manufacturing systems: Principles, design, and future trends

Yoram KOREN, Xi GU, Weihong GUO

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第13卷 第2期   页码 121-136 doi: 10.1007/s11465-018-0483-0


Reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSs), which possess the advantages of both dedicated serial lines and flexible manufacturing systems, were introduced in the mid-1990s to address the challenges initiated by globalization. The principal goal of an RMS is to enhance the responsiveness of manufacturing systems to unforeseen changes in product demand. RMSs are cost-effective because they boost productivity, and increase the lifetime of the manufacturing system. Because of the many streams in which a product may be produced on an RMS, maintaining product precision in an RMS is a challenge. But the experience with RMS in the last 20 years indicates that product quality can be definitely maintained by inserting in-line inspection stations. In this paper, we formulate the design and operational principles for RMSs, and provide a state-of-the-art review of the design and operations methodologies of RMSs according to these principles. Finally, we propose future research directions, and deliberate on how recent intelligent manufacturing technologies may advance the design and operations of RMSs.

关键词: reconfigurable manufacturing systems     responsiveness     intelligent manufacturing    

Ductile extension of 3-D external circumferential cracks in pipe structures

Wuchao YANG, Xudong QIAN

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第3期   页码 294-303 doi: 10.1007/s11709-011-0115-9

摘要: This study investigates the ductile fracture resistance of 3-D external circumferential cracks in the wall of a steel pipe under remote tension, using a damage-mechanism model originally proposed by Gurson and Tvergaard. The ductile crack extension utilizes an element extinction technique implemented in the computational cell framework. The key parameter for the computational cell method, i.e., the initial porosity ratio , is calibrated using both the fracture resistance and the load-deformation responses obtained from fracture tests of multiple single-edge bend [SE(B)] specimens made of high-strength steel, HY80, which has a yield strength of 630 MPa. The fracture resistance along the 3-D semi-elliptical crack front is computed from the calibrated cell model. Based on the similarity concept in the near-tip stress-strain fields, this study demonstrates that an equivalent 2-D axi-symmetric model provides conservative estimations of the fracture resistance for 3-D circumferential cracks in pipes.

关键词: ductile fracture     computational cell method     G-T model     J-R curve    

论智能起源中的简约与自洽原则 Position Paper


《信息与电子工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第23卷 第9期   页码 1298-1323 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.2200297

摘要: 深度学习重振人工智能十年后的今天,我们提出一个理论框架来帮助理解深度神经网络在整个智能系统里面扮演的角色。我们引入两个基本原则:简约与自洽;分别解释智能系统要学习什么以及如何学习。我们认为这两个原则是人工智能和自然智能之所以产生和发展的基石。虽然这两个原则的雏形早已出现在前人的经典工作里,但是我们对这些原则的重新表述使得它们变得可以精准度量与计算。确切地说,简约与自洽这两个原则能自然地演绎出一个高效计算框架:压缩闭环转录。这个框架统一并解释了现代深度神经网络以及众多人工智能实践的演变和进化。尽管本文主要用视觉数据建模作为例子,我们相信这两个原则将会有助于统一对各种自动智能系统的理解,并且提供一个帮助理解大脑工作机理的框架。

关键词: 智能;简约;自洽;编码率减少;深度网络;闭环转录    

Ceramic water filter for point-of-use water treatment in developing countries: Principles, challenges

Haiyan Yang, Shangping Xu, Derek E. Chitwood, Yin Wang

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1254-9

摘要: • CWF is a sustainable POU water treatment method for developing areas. • CWF manufacturing process is critical for its filtration performance. • Simultaneous increase of flow rate and pathogen removal is a challenge. • Control of pore size distribution holds promises to improve CWF efficiency. • Novel coatings of CWFs are a promising method to improve contaminant removal. Drinking water source contamination poses a great threat to human health in developing countries. Point-of-use (POU) water treatment techniques, which improve drinking water quality at the household level, offer an affordable and convenient way to obtain safe drinking water and thus can reduce the outbreaks of waterborne diseases. Ceramic water filters (CWFs), fabricated from locally sourced materials and manufactured by local labor, are one of the most socially acceptable POU water treatment technologies because of their effectiveness, low-cost and ease of use. This review concisely summarizes the critical factors that influence the performance of CWFs, including (1) CWF manufacturing process (raw material selection, firing process, silver impregnation), and (2) source water quality. Then, an in-depth discussion is presented with emphasis on key research efforts to address two major challenges of conventional CWFs, including (1) simultaneous increase of filter flow rate and bacterial removal efficiency, and (2) removal of various concerning pollutants, such as viruses and metal(loid)s. To promote the application of CWFs, future research directions can focus on: (1) investigation of pore size distribution and pore structure to achieve higher flow rates and effective pathogen removal by elucidating pathogen transport in porous ceramic and adjusting manufacture parameters; and (2) exploration of new surface modification approaches with enhanced interaction between a variety of contaminants and ceramic surfaces.

关键词: Point-of-use water treatment     Ceramic water filter     Bacterial removal     Surface modification     Water quality    

Advancing ion-exchange membranes to ion-selective membranes: principles, status, and opportunities

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1625-0


● IEM ion/ion selectivities of charge, valence, & specific ion are critically assessed.

关键词: Ion-exchange membranes     Selectivity     Separations    

Synthetically engineered microbes reveal interesting principles of cooperation

Michael D. Dressler,Corey J. Clark,Chelsea A. Thachettu,Yasmine Zakaria,Omar Tonsi Eldakar,Robert P. Smith

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第1期   页码 3-14 doi: 10.1007/s11705-016-1605-z

摘要: Cooperation is ubiquitous in biological systems. However, if natural selection favors traits that confer an advantage to one individual over another, then helping others would be paradoxical. Nevertheless, cooperation persists and is critical in maintaining homeostasis in systems ranging from populations of bacteria to groupings of mammals. Developing an understanding of the dynamics and mechanisms by which cooperation operates is critical in understanding ecological and evolutionary relationships. Over the past decade, synthetic biology has emerged as a powerful tool to study social dynamics. By engineering rationally controlled and modulatable behavior into microbes, we have increased our overall understanding of how cooperation enhances, or conversely constrains, populations. Furthermore, it has increased our understanding of how cooperation is maintained within populations, which may provide a useful framework to influence populations by altering cooperation. As many bacterial pathogens require cooperation to infect the host and survive, the principles developed using synthetic biology offer promise of developing novel tools and strategies to treat infections, which may reduce the use of antimicrobial agents. Overall, the use of engineered cooperative microbes has allowed the field to verify existing, and develop novel, theories that may govern cooperative behaviors at all levels of biology.

关键词: synthetic biology     engineered bacteria     cooperation     cheater     quorum sensing    

中国人工智能的伦理原则及其治理技术发展 Review


《工程(英文)》 2020年 第6卷 第3期   页码 302-309 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.12.015



关键词: 人工智能伦理,人工智能治理技术,机器学习,隐私,安全,公平    



《中国工程科学》 2011年 第13卷 第8期   页码 94-96



关键词: 巨项目     工程哲学     决策原则    

R158Q and G212S, novel pathogenic compound heterozygous variants in of Gitelman syndrome

《医学前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第6期   页码 932-945 doi: 10.1007/s11684-022-0963-9

摘要: The dysfunction of Na+-Cl cotransporter (NCC) caused by mutations in solute carrier family12, member 3 gene (SLC12A3) primarily causes Gitelman syndrome (GS). In identifying the pathogenicity of R158Q and G212S variants of SLC12A3, we evaluated the pathogenicity by bioinformatic, expression, and localization analysis of two variants from a patient in our cohort. The prediction of mutant protein showed that p.R158Q and p.G212S could alter protein’s three-dimensional structure. Western blot showed a decrease of mutant Ncc. Immunofluorescence of the two mutations revealed a diffuse positive staining below the plasma membrane. Meanwhile, we conducted a compound heterozygous model—Ncc R156Q/G210S mice corresponding to human NCC R158Q/G212S. NccR156Q/G210S mice clearly exhibited typical GS features, including hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, and increased fractional excretion of K+ and Mg2+ with a normal blood pressure level, which made NccR156Q/G210S mice an optimal mouse model for further study of GS. A dramatic decrease and abnormal localization of the mutant Ncc in distal convoluted tubules contributed to the phenotype. The hydrochlorothiazide test showed a loss of function of mutant Ncc in NccR156Q/G210S mice. These findings indicated that R158Q and G212S variants of SLC12A3 were pathogenic variants of GS.

关键词: Gitelman syndrome     mouse model     compound heterozygous     hypokalemia     Slc12a3    

Mechanism of methanol decomposition on the Pd/WC(0001) surface unveiled by first-principles calculations

Jinhua Zhang, Yuanbin She

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第6期   页码 1052-1064 doi: 10.1007/s11705-019-1908-y

摘要: In this study, the decomposition of methanol into the CO and H species on the Pd/tungsten carbide (WC)(0001) surface is systematically investigated using periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The possible reaction pathways and intermediates are determined. The results reveal that saturated molecules, i.e., methanol and formaldehyde, adsorb weakly on the Pd/WC(0001) surface. Both CO and H prefer three-fold sites, with adsorption energies of ‒1.51 and ‒2.67 eV, respectively. On the other hand, CH O stably binds at three-fold and bridge sites, with an adsorption energy of ‒2.58 eV. However, most of the other intermediates tend to adsorb to the surface with the carbon and oxygen atoms in their sp and hydroxyl-like configurations, respectively. Hence, the C atom of CH OH preferentially attaches to the top sites, CHOH and CH O adsorb at the bridge sites, while COH and CHO occupy the three-fold sites. The DFT calculations indicate that the rupture of the initial C–H bond promotes the decomposition of CH OH and CH OH, whereas in the case of CHOH, O–H bond scission is favored over the C–H bond rupture. Thus, the most probable methanol decomposition pathway on the Pd/WC(0001) surface is CH OH → CH OH → -CHOH → CHO → CO. The present study demonstrates that the synergistic effect of WC (as carrier) and Pd (as catalyst) alters the CH OH decomposition pathway and reduces the noble metal utilization.

关键词: density functional theory     methanol     direct methanol fuel cells     WC(0001)-supported Pd monolayer     decomposition mechanism    

氟化石墨嵌锂和嵌钠行为的第一性原理研究 Article


《工程(英文)》 2015年 第1卷 第2期   页码 243-246 doi: 10.15302/J-ENG-2015039


通过第一性原理计算研究了嵌入锂/钠后氟化石墨结构的演化过程。计算考虑了单层氟化石墨上和体相氟化石墨中的锂/钠嵌入。与锂的嵌入相比,将钠嵌入氟化石墨 (CF) 正极中所表现的循环性能更好,这是因为锂–氟间相互作用和钠–氟间相互作用的强度和特点不同。锂和氟之间的相互作用与钠和氟之间的相互作用相比更强且更集中。这种锂–氟之间强烈的库仑吸引作用破坏了F—C,并将氟原子拔出,从而导致在锂嵌入过程中形成单层石墨烯。

关键词: 第一性原理     锂/钠可充电电池     氟化石墨    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Municipal solid waste management in Dalian: practices and challenges

Xinbei WANG, Yong GENG


Ammonia adsorption on graphene and graphene oxide: a first-principles study

Yue PENG, Junhua LI




可见光引发的3D 生物打印技术及其生物墨水材料在组织工程领域的研究进展

郑子卓, David Eglin, Mauro Alini, Geoff R. Richards, 秦岭, 赖毓霄


Reconfigurable manufacturing systems: Principles, design, and future trends

Yoram KOREN, Xi GU, Weihong GUO


Ductile extension of 3-D external circumferential cracks in pipe structures

Wuchao YANG, Xudong QIAN





Ceramic water filter for point-of-use water treatment in developing countries: Principles, challenges

Haiyan Yang, Shangping Xu, Derek E. Chitwood, Yin Wang


Advancing ion-exchange membranes to ion-selective membranes: principles, status, and opportunities


Synthetically engineered microbes reveal interesting principles of cooperation

Michael D. Dressler,Corey J. Clark,Chelsea A. Thachettu,Yasmine Zakaria,Omar Tonsi Eldakar,Robert P. Smith








R158Q and G212S, novel pathogenic compound heterozygous variants in of Gitelman syndrome


Mechanism of methanol decomposition on the Pd/WC(0001) surface unveiled by first-principles calculations

Jinhua Zhang, Yuanbin She



