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Identifying spreading influence nodes for social networks

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第4期   页码 520-549 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0190-8

摘要: The identification of spreading influence nodes in social networks, which studies how to detect important individuals in human society, has attracted increasing attention from physical and computer science, social science and economics communities. The identification algorithms of spreading influence nodes can be used to evaluate the spreading influence, describe the node’s position, and identify interaction centralities. This review summarizes the recent progress about the identification algorithms of spreading influence nodes from the viewpoint of social networks, emphasizing the contributions from physical perspectives and approaches, including the microstructure-based algorithms, community structure-based algorithms, macrostructure-based algorithms, and machine learning-based algorithms. We introduce diffusion models and performance evaluation metrics, and outline future challenges of the identification of spreading influence nodes.

关键词: complex network     network science     spreading influence     machine learning    

Forecast method for used number of parts and components based on complex network

LIU Fu-yun, QI Guo-ning, YANG Qing-hai

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2006年 第1卷 第4期   页码 479-484 doi: 10.1007/s11465-006-0064-5

摘要: Applying directed complex network to model the main structure of a product family, according to in-degree bi-logarithmic coordinate distribution curve and distribution rule of nodes of the network, in-degree evolving rule of nodes of the network is presented and analytic expression of in-degree probability density of nodes is derived. Through the analysis of the relation between existing kinds of components and existing product numbers, an expression of the relation between kinds of components and product numbers is derived. A forecast method for the increment of component numbers and parts based on the increment of products is presented. As an example, the component numbers of an industrial steam turbine product family is forecasted, forecast result verified and forecast error analyzed.

关键词: complex network     industrial     component     analytic expression     forecast    

Diffusion of municipal wastewater treatment technologies in China: a collaboration network perspective

Yang Li, Lei Shi, Yi Qian, Jie Tang

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第11卷 第1期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-0903-0

摘要: Real wastewater treatment technology diffusion process was investigated. The research is based on a dataset of 3136 municipal WWTPs and 4634 organizations. A new metric was proposed to measure the importance of a project in diffusion. Important projects usually involve central organizations in collaboration. Organizations become more central by participating in less important projects. The diffusion of municipal wastewater treatment technology is vital for urban environment in developing countries. China has built more than 3000 municipal wastewater treatment plants in the past three decades, which is a good chance to understand how technologies diffused in reality. We used a data-driven approach to explore the relationship between the diffusion of wastewater treatment technologies and collaborations between organizations. A database of 3136 municipal wastewater treatment plants and 4634 collaborating organizations was built and transformed into networks for analysis. We have found that: 1) the diffusion networks are assortative, and the patterns of diffusion vary across technologies; while the collaboration networks are fragmented, and have an assortativity around zero since the 2000s. 2) Important projects in technology diffusion usually involve central organizations in collaboration networks, but organizations become more central in collaboration by doing circumstantial projects in diffusion. 3) The importance of projects in diffusion can be predicted with a Random Forest model at a good accuracy and precision level. Our findings provide a quantitative understanding of the technology diffusion processes, which could be used for water-relevant policy-making and business decisions.

关键词: Innovation diffusion     Collaboration network     Wastewater treatment plant     Complex network     Data driven    

Enterprise-wide optimization of integrated planning and scheduling for refinery-petrochemical complex

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第10期   页码 1516-1532 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2283-7

摘要: This paper focuses on the integrated problem of long-term planning and short-term scheduling in a large-scale refinery-petrochemical complex, and considers the overall manufacturing process from the upstream refinery to the downstream petrochemical site. Different time scales are incorporated from the planning and scheduling subproblems. At the end of each discrete time period, additional constraints are imposed to ensure material balance between different time scales. Discrete time representation is applied to the planning subproblem, while continuous time is applied to the scheduling of ethylene cracking and polymerization processes in the petrochemical site. An enterprise-wide mathematical model is formulated through mixed integer nonlinear programming. To solve the problem efficiently, a heuristic algorithm combined with a convolutional neural network (CNN), is proposed. Binary variables are used as the CNN input, leading to the integration of a data-driven approach and classical optimization by which a heuristic algorithm is established. The results do not only illustrate the detailed operations in a refinery and petrochemical complex under planning and scheduling, but also confirm the high efficiency of the proposed algorithm for solving large-scale problems.

关键词: planning     scheduling     refinery-petrochemical     convolutional neural network     heuristic algorithm    

Clinical phenotype network: the underlying mechanism for personalized diagnosis and treatment of traditional


《医学前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第3期   页码 337-346 doi: 10.1007/s11684-014-0349-8


Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) investigates the clinical diagnosis and treatment regularities in a typical schema of personalized medicine, which means that individualized patients with same diseases would obtain distinct diagnosis and optimal treatment from different TCM physicians. This principle has been recognized and adhered by TCM clinical practitioners for thousands of years. However, the underlying mechanisms of TCM personalized medicine are not fully investigated so far and remained unknown. This paper discusses framework of TCM personalized medicine in classic literatures and in real-world clinical settings, and investigates the underlying mechanisms of TCM personalized medicine from the perspectives of network medicine. Based on 246 well-designed outpatient records on insomnia, by evaluating the personal biases of manifestation observation and preferences of herb prescriptions, we noted significant similarities between each herb prescriptions and symptom similarities between each encounters. To investigate the underlying mechanisms of TCM personalized medicine, we constructed a clinical phenotype network (CPN), in which the clinical phenotype entities like symptoms and diagnoses are presented as nodes and the correlation between these entities as links. This CPN is used to investigate the promiscuous boundary of syndromes and the co-occurrence of symptoms. The small-world topological characteristics are noted in the CPN with high clustering structures, which provide insight on the rationality of TCM personalized diagnosis and treatment. The investigation on this network would help us to gain understanding on the underlying mechanism of TCM personalized medicine and would propose a new perspective for the refinement of the TCM individualized clinical skills.

关键词: personalized medicine     complex network     clinical phenotype network     traditional Chinese medicine    

Effects of herding behavior of tradable green certificate market players on market efficiency: Insights from heterogeneous agent model

《能源前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第2期   页码 266-285 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0752-1

摘要: Tradable green certificate (TGC) scheme promotes the development of renewable energy industry which currently has a dual effect on economy and environment. TGC market efficiency is reflected in stimulating renewable energy investment, but may be reduced by the herding behavior of market players. This paper proposes and simulates an artificial TGC market model which contains heterogeneous agents, communication structure, and regulatory rules to explore the characteristics of herding behavior and its effects on market efficiency. The results show that the evolution of herding behavior reduces information asymmetry and improves market efficiency, especially when the borrowing is allowed. In addition, the fundamental strategy is diffused by herding evolution, but TGC market efficiency may be remarkably reduced by herding with borrowing mechanism. Moreover, the herding behavior may evolve to an equilibrium where the revenue of market players is comparable, thus the fairness in TGC market is improved.

关键词: tradable green certificate     herding behavior     evolution     heterogeneous agent model     complex network    

Symptom network topological features predict the effectiveness of herbal treatment for pediatric cough

Mengxue Huang, Jingjing Wang, Runshun Zhang, Zhuying Ni, Xiaoying Liu, Wenwen Liu, Weilian Kong, Yao Chen, Tiantian Huang, Guihua Li, Dan Wei, Jianzhong Liu, Xuezhong Zhou

《医学前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第3期   页码 357-367 doi: 10.1007/s11684-019-0699-3

摘要: Pediatric cough is a heterogeneous condition in terms of symptoms and the underlying disease mechanisms. Symptom phenotypes hold complicated interactions between each other to form an intricate network structure. This study aims to investigate whether the network structure of pediatric cough symptoms is associated with the prognosis and outcome of patients. A total of 384 cases were derived from the electronic medical records of a highly experienced traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) physician. The data were divided into two groups according to the therapeutic effect, namely, an invalid group (group A with 40 cases of poor efficacy) and a valid group (group B with 344 cases of good efficacy). Several well-established analysis methods, namely, statistical test, correlation analysis, and complex network analysis, were used to analyze the data. This study reports that symptom networks of patients with pediatric cough are related to the effectiveness of treatment: a dense network of symptoms is associated with great difficulty in treatment. Interventions with the most different symptoms in the symptom network may have improved therapeutic effects.

关键词: pediatric cough     complex network     symptoms     traditional Chinese medicine     electronic medical records    

GID complex regulates the differentiation of neural stem cells by destabilizing TET2

《医学前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第6期   页码 1204-1218 doi: 10.1007/s11684-023-1007-9

摘要: Brain development requires a delicate balance between self-renewal and differentiation in neural stem cells (NSC), which rely on the precise regulation of gene expression. Ten-eleven translocation 2 (TET2) modulates gene expression by the hydroxymethylation of 5-methylcytosine in DNA as an important epigenetic factor and participates in the neuronal differentiation. Yet, the regulation of TET2 in the process of neuronal differentiation remains unknown. Here, the protein level of TET2 was reduced by the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway during NSC differentiation, in contrast to mRNA level. We identified that TET2 physically interacts with the core subunits of the glucose-induced degradation-deficient (GID) ubiquitin ligase complex, an evolutionarily conserved ubiquitin ligase complex and is ubiquitinated by itself. The protein levels of GID complex subunits increased reciprocally with TET2 level upon NSC differentiation. The silencing of the core subunits of the GID complex, including WDR26 and ARMC8, attenuated the ubiquitination and degradation of TET2, increased the global 5-hydroxymethylcytosine levels, and promoted the differentiation of the NSC. TET2 level increased in the brain of the Wdr26+/− mice. Our results illustrated that the GID complex negatively regulates TET2 protein stability, further modulates NSC differentiation, and represents a novel regulatory mechanism involved in brain development.

关键词: TET2     GID complex     neural stem cells     differentiation of neurons    

Unraveling the complex roles of macrophages in obese adipose tissue: an overview

《医学前沿(英文)》 2024年 第18卷 第2期   页码 205-236 doi: 10.1007/s11684-023-1033-7

摘要: Unraveling the complex roles of macrophages in obese adipose tissue: an overview

关键词: roles macrophages adipose    

Footholds optimization for legged robots walking on complex terrain

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第18卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0742-y

摘要: This paper proposes a novel continuous footholds optimization method for legged robots to expand their walking ability on complex terrains. The algorithm can efficiently run onboard and online by using terrain perception information to protect the robot against slipping or tripping on the edge of obstacles, and to improve its stability and safety when walking on complex terrain. By relying on the depth camera installed on the robot and obtaining the terrain heightmap, the algorithm converts the discrete grid heightmap into a continuous costmap. Then, it constructs an optimization function combined with the robot’s state information to select the next footholds and generate the motion trajectory to control the robot’s locomotion. Compared with most existing footholds selection algorithms that rely on discrete enumeration search, as far as we know, the proposed algorithm is the first to use a continuous optimization method. We successfully implemented the algorithm on a hexapod robot, and verified its feasibility in a walking experiment on a complex terrain.

关键词: footholds optimization     legged robot     complex terrain adapting     hexapod robot     locomotion control    

Special issue: Reliability management of complex system

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第4期   页码 477-479 doi: 10.1007/s42524-021-0175-z

Extinction Chains Reveal Intermediate Phases Between the Safety and Collapse in Mutualistic Ecosystems

Guangwei Wang,Xueming Liu,Ying Xiao,Ye Yuan,Linqiang Pan,Xiaohong Guan,Jianxi Gao,Hai-Tao Zhang,

《工程(英文)》 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2024.06.004

摘要: Ecosystems are undergoing unprecedented persistent deterioration due to unsustainable anthropogenic human activities, such as overfishing and deforestation, and the effects of such damage on ecological stability are uncertain. Despite recent advances in experimental and theoretical studies on regime shifts and tipping points, theoretical tools for understanding the extinction chain, which is the sequence of species extinctions resulting from overexploitation, are still lacking, especially for large-scale nonlinear networked systems. In this study, we developed a mathematical tool to predict regime shifts and extinction chains in ecosystems under multiple exploitation situations and verified it in 26 real-world mutualistic networks of various sizes and densities. We discovered five phases during the exploitation process: safe, partial extinction, bistable, tristable, and collapse, which enabled the optimal design of restoration strategies for degraded or collapsed systems. We validated our approach using a 20-year dataset from an eelgrass restoration project. Counterintuitively, we also found a specific region in the diagram spanning exploitation rates and competition intensities, where exploiting more species helps increase biodiversity. Our computational tool provides insights into harvesting, fishing, exploitation, or deforestation plans while conserving or restoring the biodiversity of mutualistic ecosystems.

关键词: Complex system     Network science     Overexploitation     Regime shift     Metastability    

Redox reactions of iron and manganese oxides in complex systems

Jianzhi Huang, Huichun Zhang

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第5期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1255-8

摘要: • Mechanisms of redox reactions of Fe- and Mn-oxides were discussed. • Oxidative reactions of Mn- and Fe-oxides in complex systems were reviewed. • Reductive reaction of Fe(II)/iron oxides in complex systems was examined. • Future research on examining the redox reactivity in complex systems was suggested. Conspectus Redox reactions of Fe- and Mn-oxides play important roles in the fate and transformation of many contaminants in natural environments. Due to experimental and analytical challenges associated with complex environments, there has been a limited understanding of the reaction kinetics and mechanisms in actual environmental systems, and most of the studies so far have only focused on simple model systems. To bridge the gap between simple model systems and complex environmental systems, it is necessary to increase the complexity of model systems and examine both the involved interaction mechanisms and how the interactions affected contaminant transformation. In this Account, we primarily focused on (1) the oxidative reactivity of Mn- and Fe-oxides and (2) the reductive reactivity of Fe(II)/iron oxides in complex model systems toward contaminant degradation. The effects of common metal ions such as Mn2+ , Ca2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and Cu2+, ligands such as small anionic ligands and natural organic matter (NOM), and second metal oxides such as Al, Si and Ti oxides on the redox reactivity of the systems are briefly summarized.

关键词: Iron oxides     manganese oxides     reduction     oxidation     complex systems     reaction kinetics and mechanisms    

lncRNA Gm20257 alleviates pathological cardiac hypertrophy by modulating the PGC-1–mitochondrial complex

《医学前沿(英文)》   页码 664-677 doi: 10.1007/s11684-024-1065-7

摘要: Pathological cardiac hypertrophy, a major contributor to heart failure, is closely linked to mitochondrial function. The roles of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), which regulate mitochondrial function, remain largely unexplored in this context. Herein, a previously unknown lncRNA, Gm20257, was identified. It markedly increased under hypertrophic stress in vivo and in vitro. The suppression of Gm20257 by using small interfering RNAs significantly induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. Conversely, the overexpression of Gm20257 through plasmid transfection or adeno-associated viral vector-9 mitigated angiotensin II–induced hypertrophic phenotypes in neonatal mouse ventricular cells or alleviated cardiac hypertrophy in a mouse TAC model respectively, thus restoring cardiac function. Importantly, Gm20257 restored mitochondrial complex IV level and enhanced mitochondrial function. Bioinformatics prediction showed that Gm20257 had a high binding score with peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor coactivator-1 (PGC-1α), which could increase mitochondrial complex IV. Subsequently, Western blot analysis results revealed that Gm20257 substantially affected the expression of PGC-1α. Further analyses through RNA immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting following RNA pull-down indicated that PGC-1α was a direct downstream target of Gm20257. This interaction was demonstrated to rescue the reduction of mitochondrial complex IV induced by hypertrophic stress and promote the generation of mitochondrial ATP. These findings suggest that Gm20257 improves mitochondrial function through the PGC-1α–mitochondrial complex IV axis, offering a novel approach for attenuating pathological cardiac hypertrophy.

关键词: lncRNA Gm20257     cardiac hypertrophy     PGC-1α     mitochondrial complex IV     ATP    

Independent cover meshless particle method for complex geotechnical engineering

Jianqiu WU, Yongchang CAI

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第4期   页码 515-526 doi: 10.1007/s11709-017-0428-4

摘要: A new Independent Cover Meshless Particle (ICMP) method is proposed for the analysis of complex geotechnical engineering. In the ICMP method, the independent rectangular cover regardless of the shape of the analysis model is employed as the influence domain of each discrete node, the general polynomial is employed as the meshless interpolation function of the independent nodal cover, and the Cartesian Transformation Method (CTM) is used for the numerical integration of the nodal covers cut by material interfaces, joints, cracks and faults. The present method has a simple formulation and a low computational cost, and is easy for the numerical analysis and modeling of complex geotechnical engineering. Several typical numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method.

关键词: meshless method     particle method     independent cover     CTM     geotechnical engineering    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Identifying spreading influence nodes for social networks


Forecast method for used number of parts and components based on complex network

LIU Fu-yun, QI Guo-ning, YANG Qing-hai


Diffusion of municipal wastewater treatment technologies in China: a collaboration network perspective

Yang Li, Lei Shi, Yi Qian, Jie Tang


Enterprise-wide optimization of integrated planning and scheduling for refinery-petrochemical complex


Clinical phenotype network: the underlying mechanism for personalized diagnosis and treatment of traditional



Effects of herding behavior of tradable green certificate market players on market efficiency: Insights from heterogeneous agent model


Symptom network topological features predict the effectiveness of herbal treatment for pediatric cough

Mengxue Huang, Jingjing Wang, Runshun Zhang, Zhuying Ni, Xiaoying Liu, Wenwen Liu, Weilian Kong, Yao Chen, Tiantian Huang, Guihua Li, Dan Wei, Jianzhong Liu, Xuezhong Zhou


GID complex regulates the differentiation of neural stem cells by destabilizing TET2


Unraveling the complex roles of macrophages in obese adipose tissue: an overview


Footholds optimization for legged robots walking on complex terrain


Special issue: Reliability management of complex system


Extinction Chains Reveal Intermediate Phases Between the Safety and Collapse in Mutualistic Ecosystems

Guangwei Wang,Xueming Liu,Ying Xiao,Ye Yuan,Linqiang Pan,Xiaohong Guan,Jianxi Gao,Hai-Tao Zhang,


Redox reactions of iron and manganese oxides in complex systems

Jianzhi Huang, Huichun Zhang


lncRNA Gm20257 alleviates pathological cardiac hypertrophy by modulating the PGC-1–mitochondrial complex


Independent cover meshless particle method for complex geotechnical engineering

Jianqiu WU, Yongchang CAI
