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Improving Internationally Core Competences Based on the Capabilities of Precise and Accurate Project

Zhen-you Li,Ji-shan He,Meng-jun Wang

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第3期   页码 231-238 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016032

摘要: Modern international project management has entered the phase of precise and accurate project management after the global financial crisis broke out at the beginning of the 21 century. However, its development has faced new challenges since there has been lack of explicitly unanimous definition for the capability dimensions of precise and accurate project management, as well as the models and their process control parameters. The required core capabilities based on the precise and accurate project management for various rings are involved in the project life cycle, namely, the required internationally core competences and their components for the phases of project strategic planning and decision making in the early project phase, as well as the value engineering, and the project supervision and controls during the execution phase. Through studying the effects of the internationally core competences based on precise and accurate project management capabilities for the success and excellence of projects and configuring such models, the goal is to help the main contractors continuously obtain project success and excellence, thus improve its internationally core competences with continuous project success and excellence.

关键词: precise and accurate project management     project strategic planning     decision-making     project supervision and controls     project execution     value engineering    

Practice and Experience of Canton Tower Project Management

Rong-hua Yi

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第1期   页码 74-79 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016013

摘要: This paper presents a brief introduction about the preliminary consulting and tender agent of Canton Tower, the basic situation of the whole-process supervision on the construction site, and a general summary of the Canton Tower project management. What’s more, the author suggests that some guidelines be formed for supervision enterprises involved in large-scale project management.

关键词: Canton Tower     consultation     tender agent     whole-process     supervision    

Genomic variations in the counterpart normal controls of lung squamous cell carcinomas


《医学前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第3期   页码 280-288 doi: 10.1007/s11684-017-0580-1


Lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC) causes approximately 400 000 deaths each year worldwide. The occurrence of LUSC is attributed to exposure to cigarette smoke, which induces the development of numerous genomic abnormalities. However, few studies have investigated the genomic variations that occur only in normal tissues that have been similarly exposed to tobacco smoke as tumor tissues. In this study, we sequenced the whole genomes of three normal lung tissue samples and their paired adjacent squamous cell carcinomas. We then called genomic variations specific to the normal lung tissues through filtering the genomic sequence of the normal lung tissues against that of the paired tumors, the reference human genome, the dbSNP138 common germline variants, and the variations derived from sequencing artifacts. To expand these observations, the whole exome sequences of 478 counterpart normal controls (CNCs) and paired LUSCs of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) dataset were analyzed. Sixteen genomic variations were called in the three normal lung tissues. These variations were confirmed by Sanger capillary sequencing. A mean of 0.5661 exonic variations/Mb and 7.7887 altered genes per sample were identified in the CNC genome sequences of TCGA. In these CNCs, C:G→T:A transitions, which are the genomic signatures of tobacco carcinogen N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, were the predominant nucleotide changes. Twenty five genes in CNCs had a variation rate that exceeded 2%, including ARSD (18.62%), MUC4 (8.79%), and RBMX (7.11%). CNC variations in CTAGE5 and USP17L7 were associated with the poor prognosis of patients with LUSC. Our results uncovered previously unreported genomic variations in CNCs, rather than LUSCs, that may be involved in the development of LUSC.

关键词: lung cancer     counterpart normal control     genomic variations    



《中国工程科学》 2006年 第8卷 第4期   页码 68-71



关键词: 数据监控     双CPU     双口RAM    

Sequence of the main geochemical controls on the Cu and Zn fractions in the Yangtze River estuarine sediments

Shou ZHAO,Dongxin WANG,Chenghong FENG,Ying WANG,Zhenyao SHEN

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第1期   页码 19-27 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0723-4

摘要: Metal speciation can provide sufficient information for environmental and geochemical researches. In this study, based on the speciation determination of Cu and Zn in the Yangtze Estuary sediments, roles of eight geochemical controls (i.e., total organic carbon (TOC), clay, Fe/Mn in five chemical fractions and salinity) are fully investigated and sequenced with correlation analysis (CA) and principal components analysis (PCA). Results show that TOC, clay and Fe/Mn oxides are key geochemical factors affecting the chemical speciation distributions of Cu and Zn in sediments, while the role of salinity appears to be more indirect effect. The influencing sequence generally follows the order: TOC>clay>Mn oxides>Fe oxides>salinity. Among the different fractions of Fe/Mn oxides, residual and total Fe content, and exchangeable and carbonate Mn exert the greatest influences, while exchangeable Fe and residual Mn show the poorest influences.

关键词: chemical speciation     geochemical factors     estuaries     sediments     correlation     salinity    



《中国工程科学》 2022年 第24卷 第1期   页码 198-204 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.01.021


科学的监管体系可以促进新兴事物的蓬勃和规范化发展。人工智能(AI)独立医用软件是人工智能时代赋能医疗健康领域的重要产物。随着人工智能的深入发展,人工智能独有的黑盒算法及自主学习能力引起了巨大的监管挑战。AI 独立医用软件的监管需要与时俱进,为最大程度降低人工智能医疗软件不良事件发生率和风险影响,我们亟待寻求更为科学合理的监管应对方案。对此,本文从AI 技术特征监管应对出发,针对算法变更管理、质量控制、安全追溯等监管上存在的痛点和难点问题梳理了国内外AI 独立医用软件相关监管制度和支撑资源的现状。分析总结了我国AI 独立医用软件监管在制度层面、支撑资源层面仍面临的一些问题与挑战,并针对上市后监管短板提出了措施建议:系统完善AI 独立医用软件监管制度,深化AI 独立医用软件监管支撑体系。以期能够为进一步完善我国AI 独立医用软件科学监管提供参考。

关键词: 独立医用软件,人工智能,监管科学    



《中国工程科学》 2005年 第7卷 第10期   页码 69-72



关键词: 项目业主     工程监理     委托代理     激励机制    



《中国工程科学》 2006年 第8卷 第6期   页码 23-27



关键词: 飞机结构     寿命包线     寿命监控     大修间隔期    



《中国工程科学》 2007年 第9卷 第4期   页码 45-49


基于委托-代理理论对工程监理委托-代理关系中的激励约束与参与约束进行若干拓展研究,与参 与约束(IR)相比,激励相容约束(IC)更为重要,一个机制不满足激励约束,那将是一个无效机制。业主想要 提高工程监理制度的运作效率,就必须通过相应的激励措施诱使工程师努力工作,使“道德风险”得以抑制, 为我国工程监理制度的健康发展提供了有益的启示。

关键词: 工程监理     业主     工程师     委托代理     激励相容约束     参与约束    



《中国工程科学》 2021年 第23卷 第3期   页码 106-112 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.03.006


人工智能( AI)产业高速发展,伴生了多种社会伦理风险,且相关后果已经逐步显现;让人类在充分安全的条件下享用智能技术带来的有利收益,成为 AI 监管过程的重要任务。本文从 AI 伦理焦点问题着手,对智能技术的机器权利与人权分配、社会信任危机、数据及算法安全性、确权与责任归属等已经出现的风险问题进行细致梳理;总结了国内外 AI 产业的发展路径和政策现状,据此多维度开展我国 AI 领域伦理监管的需求分析。研究认为,应根据 AI 技术进展,分阶段延伸 AI 治理的监管范围;建立伦理、法律、政策相结合的多维度监管框架,提供相对充分的社会言论空间,确保各利益相关方参与 AI 安全公共讨论;有序完善多层级的科技伦理监管组织机构,积极参与 AI 国际规则制定,为我国 AI 产业的全球化发展机遇创造良好条件。

关键词: 人工智能     治理架构     伦理监管     伦理委员会    



《中国工程科学》 2019年 第21卷 第6期   页码 129-136 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.10.002


国内炼化企业设备事故频发,设备本质安全可靠运行面临众多挑战,其中设备可靠性设计 /制造、风险管理、监测控制智能化是工程迫切需求。为提升炼化企业设备的本质安全可靠与监管智能化水平,本文揭示了设备本质安全可靠与监管智能化内涵,阐述了可靠性设计 /制造、风险管理、监测控制智能化技术发展趋势,提出了设备本质安全可靠与监管智能化的对策、措施和建议。完成了某催化装置的主风机本质安全可靠与监管智能化改造案例研究,结果表明设备本质安全可靠与监管智能化改造对设备安全运行具有重要工程意义。

关键词: 本质安全     可靠性设计     可靠性制造     风险管理     监管智能化    

Water environment security indicator system for urban water management

Tian HAO, Pengfei DU, Yun GAO

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第5期   页码 678-691 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0450-7

摘要: Water environment security (WES) is defined in terms of three aspects: first, that it meets basic demands due to industrial and domestic usage; second, that it protects public health from acute and chronic threats; and third, that measures are adopted to ensure sustainable ecological functioning of freshwater resources. Limitations associated with current water environment security indicators in China — including inefficiency in terms of environmental monitoring, inappropriate indicators and parameters that do not take sufficient account of local water characteristics, and a lack of management targets — leads to a failure of effective water management. To achieve better water environment management, a systematic approach, encompassing several steps including establish ideal indicator system and narrow down the scope, screen priority pollutants, identify local characteristics and organize discussion workshop, should be followed to establish a comprehensive water environment indicator system. A case study in Suzhou is included to demonstrate the detailed operational procedures used to assess the risks associated with poor management practices relating to water environment security as well as design an appropriate water environment security indicator system.

关键词: water environment security     supervision and management     monitoring parameter     indicator system     Suzhou    

Building of Post-project Management

Yu Han,Yu-fei Li,Hu Cheng

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2014年 第1卷 第4期   页码 353-357 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014051

摘要: Traditional project management often ignores problems arising after project completion such as value changing, functional decline, waste of resources and environmental pollution during the operation and dismantling process. This paper advances the concept of “post-project”, builds a framework for post-project management with case analysis, as the social development and new requirements for project management by environmental protection. Post-project refers to a project which no longer possesses normal value, because of loss after use, inability to adapt to new requirements, artificial destruction, damage beyond control, and deprivation of value after the completion of the project. Post-project management encompasses a series of management and technical activities including updating, reforming, removal, recovery, and recycling. The process of post-project management is composed of classification and characteristics of post-projects, management decisions, implementation, and evaluation. Post-project management can realize the sustainable development of project and society.

关键词: project management     life cycle     project update     project remake     project removal     project restoration     project recycling    

Linking elements to outcomes of knowledge transfer in the project environment: Current review and future

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第2期   页码 221-238 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0195-3

摘要: A project is a specific effort to create a unique product, so it is a favorable place for knowledge creation and development. Knowledge can be transferred inside and outside projects and their parent project-based organizations, thus affecting project performance and organizational competitiveness. However, the current research on the elements and outcomes of knowledge transfer (KT) in the project environment lacks completeness and clarity, and that on the different levels of KT is fragmented. This study aims to conduct comprehensive research to determine and link the elements and outcomes of KT in the project environment. The authors systematically analyzed the relevant literature from 2000 to 2021, which showed an increasing publication trend. They divided KT in the project environment into three levels according to the transfer scenario: Intra-project, cross-project, and cross-organizational KT. Five-dimensional transfer elements and two-dimensional transfer outcomes were then identified and analyzed from previous literature. Lastly, the relationships between the transfer elements and outcomes were gathered to create a comprehensive model. Importantly, the knowledge gap in the current literature was highlighted, and future research directions were put forward. This study builds a theoretical framework linking transfer elements to outcomes that can serve as a basis for scholars and practitioners to develop effective strategies for KT in the project environment.

关键词: knowledge transfer     knowledge management     project management     project environment     literature review    



《中国工程科学》 2008年 第10卷 第12期   页码 24-31


创建现代管理科学的中国学派,这是中国管理科学界光荣而艰巨的历史使命;中国学派的基本特点是:具有中国特色,现代的,先进的,世界的,开放而与时俱进的。创建的基本途径是:洋为中用,古为今用,近为今用,综合集成。管理活动是人类的第二类活动,它为第一类活动(作业活动)提供服务;管理科学是研究管理活动规律与做好管理工作的知识体系。鉴于中文的“管理”对英文单词是“一对多”而不是“一对一”,“管理科学”与management science在含义上差别比较大,不宜来回翻译,笔者建议:在中文翻译为英文的时候,采用“管理”的汉语拼音guanli来表达,管理科学则表达为guanli science(GS),“现代管理科学的中国学派”可以翻译为The Chinese School of Modern Guanli Science(CSMGS)。选择工程管理领域开展中国学派创建工作的试验性研究,介绍了开展研究工作的设想。

关键词: 管理     管理活动     管理科学     管理学     关系    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Improving Internationally Core Competences Based on the Capabilities of Precise and Accurate Project

Zhen-you Li,Ji-shan He,Meng-jun Wang


Practice and Experience of Canton Tower Project Management

Rong-hua Yi


Genomic variations in the counterpart normal controls of lung squamous cell carcinomas






Sequence of the main geochemical controls on the Cu and Zn fractions in the Yangtze River estuarine sediments

Shou ZHAO,Dongxin WANG,Chenghong FENG,Ying WANG,Zhenyao SHEN




















Water environment security indicator system for urban water management

Tian HAO, Pengfei DU, Yun GAO


Building of Post-project Management

Yu Han,Yu-fei Li,Hu Cheng


Linking elements to outcomes of knowledge transfer in the project environment: Current review and future



