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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering >> 2018, Volume 19, Issue 10 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1700061

Anovel non-volatile memory storage system for I/O-intensive applications

1. Shanghai Institute of Micro-system and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
3. School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Peking University, Shenzhen 518055, China

Available online: 2018-12-03

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The emerging memory technologies, such as phase change memory (PCM), provide chances for highperformance storage of I/O-intensive applications. However, traditional software stack and hardware architecture need to be optimized to enhance I/O efficiency. In addition, narrowing the distance between computation and storage reduces the number of I/O requests and has become a popular research direction. This paper presents a novel PCMbased storage system. It consists of the in-storage processing enabled file system (ISPFS) and the configurable parallel computation fabric in storage, which is called an in-storage processing (ISP) engine. On one hand, ISPFS takes full advantage of non-volatile memory (NVM)’s characteristics, and reduces software overhead and data copies to provide low-latency high-performance random access. On the other hand, ISPFS passes ISP instructions through a command file and invokes the ISP engine to deal with I/O-intensive tasks. Extensive experiments are performed on the prototype system. The results indicate that ISPFS achieves 2 to 10 times throughput compared to EXT4. Our ISP solution also reduces the number of I/O requests by 97% and is 19 times more efficient than software implementation for I/O-intensive applications.

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