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Preparation of rare-earth metal complex oxide catalysts for catalytic wet air oxidation

LI Ning, LI Guangming, YAO Zhenya, ZHAO Jianfu

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2,   Pages 190-195 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0033-1

Abstract: Catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) is one of the most promising technologies for pollution abatement. Developing catalysts with high activity and stability is crucial for the application of the CWAO process. The Mn/Ce complex oxide catalysts for CWAO of high concentration phenolcontaining wastewater were prepared by coprecipitation. The catalyst preparation conditions were optimized by using an orthogonal layout method and single-factor experimental analysis. The Mn/Ce serial catalysts were characterized by Brunauer Emmett Teller (BET) analysis and the metal cation leaching was measured by inductively coupled plasma torch-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The results show that the catalysts have high catalytic activities even at a low temperature (80?C) and low oxygen partial pressure (0.5 MPa) in a batch reactor. The metallic ion leaching is comparatively low (Mn<6.577 mg/L and Ce<0.6910 mg/L, respectively) in the CWAO process. The phenol, COD, and TOC removal efficiencies in the solution exceed 98.5% using the optimal catalyst (named CSP). The new catalyst would have a promising application in CWAO treatment of high concentration organic wastewater.

Keywords: torch-atomic emission     Brunauer     Catalytic     process     stability    

Rare-earth separation based on the differences of ionic magnetic moment via quasi-liquid strategy

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 10,   Pages 1584-1594 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2189-4

Abstract: The separation of rare earth elements is particularly difficult due to their similar physicochemicalThe differences of the ionic magnetic moment among rare earths are greater than that of ionic radius.Herein, a novel method based on the large ionic magnetic moment differences of rare earth elements wasRare earths were firstly dissolved in the ionic liquid, then the ordering degree of them was improvedearth separation.

Keywords: rare earth element     different magnetic moment     magnetic separation     ionic liquid    

Utilization of waste vanadium-bearing resources in the preparation of rare-earth vanadate catalysts for

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2022, Volume 16, Issue 12,   Pages 1793-1806 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2191-x

Abstract: However, by adding foreign Ce3+ and Y3+ cations, two rare-earth vanadates, viz.Importantly, we found that rare-earth vanadate catalysts exhibited good activities toward the semi-hydrogenation

Keywords: petrochemical solid wastes     vanadium recovery     resource utilization     nanomaterials     semi-hydrogenation    

Mechanochemical-Assisted Leaching of Lamp Phosphors: A Green Engineering Approach for Rare-Earth Recovery Article

Steff Van Loy, Koen Binnemans, Tom Van Gerven

Engineering 2018, Volume 4, Issue 3,   Pages 398-405 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.05.015


Rare-earth elements (REEs) are essential metals for the design and development of sustainable energy

Keywords: Mechanochemistry     Rare-earth elements     Lamp phosphor waste     Ball-milling     Solvometallurgy    

Computational Design of Rare-Earth Reduced Permanent Magnets Article

Alexander Kovacs, Johann Fischbacher, Markus Gusenbauer, Harald Oezelt, Heike C. Herper, Olga Yu. Vekilova, Pablo Nieves, Sergiu Arapan, Thomas Schrefl

Engineering 2020, Volume 6, Issue 2,   Pages 148-153 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.11.006


Multiscale simulation is a key research tool in the quest for new permanent magnets. Starting with first principles methods, a sequence of simulation methods can be applied to calculate the maximum possible coercive field and expected energy density product of a magnet made from a novel magnetic material composition. Iron (Fe)-rich magnetic phases suitable for permanent magnets can be found by means of adaptive genetic algorithms. The intrinsic properties computed by ab initio simulations are used as input for micromagnetic simulations of the hysteresis properties of permanent magnets with a realistic structure. Using machine learning techniques, the magnet’s structure can be optimized so that the upper limits for coercivity and energy density product for a given phase can be estimated. Structure property relations of synthetic permanent magnets were computed for several candidate hard magnetic phases. The following pairs (coercive field (T), energy density product (kJ·m−3)) were obtained for iron-tin-antimony (Fe3Sn0.75Sb0.25): (0.49, 290), L10-ordered iron-nickel (L10 FeNi): (1, 400), cobalt-iron-tantalum (CoFe6Ta): (0.87, 425), and manganese-aluminum (MnAl): (0.53, 80).

Keywords: Rare-earth     Permanent magnets     Micromagnetics    

Migration of ammonium nitrogen in ion-absorbed rare earth soils during and post mining: a column study

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 8, doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1702-4


● Column experiments with an inclined slope were applied to simulate NH4–N transport.

Keywords: Ion-absorbed rare earth     Ammonium nitrogen transport     HYDRUS-2D     Numerical simulation    

Assessment of leaching behavior and human bioaccessibility of rare earth elements in typical hospital

Chunfeng Wang, Guanfei Chen, Yanchen Zhu, Dan Yao, Wanfeng Wang, Lianjun Wang

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2017, Volume 11, Issue 6, doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-0946-2

Abstract: Leaching behavior and gastrointestinal bioaccessibility of rare earth elements (REEs) from hospital waste

Keywords: Assessment     Rare earth elements     Leaching behavior     Bioaccessibility     Hospital waste    

Characteristics and Exploitation of Rare Earth,Rare Metal and Rare-Scattered Element Minerals in China

Wang Denghong, Sun Yan, Dai Hongzhang, Guo Weiming, Zhao Zhi, Zhao Ting,Li Jiankang, Wang Chenghui, Huang Fan, Yu Yang, Li Dexian

Strategic Study of CAE 2019, Volume 21, Issue 1,   Pages 119-127 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.01.017


China is rich in rear earth, rear metal, and rare-scattered element (suggestions for their development and utilization, and further emphasize the basic idea that “rareearth should be regulated, rare metal should be found when needed, and rare-scattered elements should

Keywords: rare earth     rear metal     and rare-scattered element minerals     resource characteristics     exploitation    

Perspective and Prospects for Rare Earth Permanent Magnets Review

J.M.D. Coey

Engineering 2020, Volume 6, Issue 2,   Pages 118-130 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.11.034


Rare earth permanent magnets constitute a mature technology, but the shock of the 2011 rare earthre-evaluation of many ideas from the 1980s and 1990s about possible new hard magnets containing little or no rareearth (or heavy rare earth).ingenuity and imagination are being used to design around them, and to exploit the available mix of rareearth resources most efficiently.

Keywords: Rare earth magnets     Magnetic anisotropy     Coercivity     Energy product     Magnetic composites     Additive manufacturing    

Rare Earth Industry Towards the 21st Century

Yang Yuchun

Strategic Study of CAE 2000, Volume 2, Issue 9,   Pages 91-100


China has the richest rare earth resources in the world.The annual processing capacity of REO (rareearth oxides) had reached 110 kt in 1998, which was almost twice the world demand.As a result, its rare earth has to rely on export.The exported rare earth accounts for two thirds of its total production.The application of rare earth in fields of metallurgy, permanent magnet, hydrogen storage alloys (nickel

Keywords: rare earth oxides     permanent magnetic materials     hydrogen storage alloy     catatyst     fuel cell     laser materials    

Direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate over rare earth oxide supported catalyst

JIANG Qi, CHENG Jiye, GAO Zhiqin

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2007, Volume 1, Issue 3,   Pages 300-303 doi: 10.1007/s11705-007-0055-z

Abstract: Solid base catalysts for the direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) from carbon dioxide, methanol, and propylene oxide were prepared by loading KCl and KCO on the surface of LaO, YO, CeO and NdO. The catalysts were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The catalytic activities were efficiently influenced by the preparation conditions. The optimal loading amount of KCO is 17.6% (mass) for KCl-KCO/YO and 22.2% for other catalysts. Supports affected the activity of catalyst. KCl-KCO/NdO exhibited the highest activity. The activity of KCl-KCO/YO increased with the increase of calcination temperature in the range of 800ºC–900ºC. The formation of KYO, YOCl or YO species probably promoted the catalysts.

Keywords: thermogravimetric analysis     increase     KCl-KCO/NdO     catalytic     KCl-KCO/YO    

Development Strategies for Rare Earth Functional Materials by 2035

Zhu Minggang, Sun Xu, Liu Ronghui, Xu Huibing

Strategic Study of CAE 2020, Volume 22, Issue 5,   Pages 37-43 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.05.006


Rare earth functional materials are critical and strategic in supportingIn this article, the development status and trends of the rare earth functional materials industry inTo promote the competitiveness of the rare earth functional materials in China, some policy suggestionsapplication, and enhancing the construction of advantageous teams and the development of personnel in the rareearth field.

Keywords: rare earth functional materials,critical and strategic materials,new materials power strategy 2035    

Editorial for the Special Issue on Rare Earth Permanent Magnets

Wei Li

Engineering 2020, Volume 6, Issue 2,   Pages 101-101 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.12.010

Rare Earth Permanent Magnets and Their Place in the Future Economy

Allan Trench, John P. Sykes

Engineering 2020, Volume 6, Issue 2,   Pages 115-117 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.12.007

Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO

Ling Tan, Kipkorir Peter, Jing Ren, Baoyang Du, Xiaojie Hao, Yufei Zhao, Yu-Fei Song

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 1,   Pages 99-108 doi: 10.1007/s11705-020-1947-4

Abstract: This report gives the way to fully utilize the rare earth elements and provides a promising route to

Keywords: visible light catalysis     CO2 conversion     layered double hydroxide     rare earth elements    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Preparation of rare-earth metal complex oxide catalysts for catalytic wet air oxidation

LI Ning, LI Guangming, YAO Zhenya, ZHAO Jianfu

Journal Article

Rare-earth separation based on the differences of ionic magnetic moment via quasi-liquid strategy

Journal Article

Utilization of waste vanadium-bearing resources in the preparation of rare-earth vanadate catalysts for

Journal Article

Mechanochemical-Assisted Leaching of Lamp Phosphors: A Green Engineering Approach for Rare-Earth Recovery

Steff Van Loy, Koen Binnemans, Tom Van Gerven

Journal Article

Computational Design of Rare-Earth Reduced Permanent Magnets

Alexander Kovacs, Johann Fischbacher, Markus Gusenbauer, Harald Oezelt, Heike C. Herper, Olga Yu. Vekilova, Pablo Nieves, Sergiu Arapan, Thomas Schrefl

Journal Article

Migration of ammonium nitrogen in ion-absorbed rare earth soils during and post mining: a column study

Journal Article

Assessment of leaching behavior and human bioaccessibility of rare earth elements in typical hospital

Chunfeng Wang, Guanfei Chen, Yanchen Zhu, Dan Yao, Wanfeng Wang, Lianjun Wang

Journal Article

Characteristics and Exploitation of Rare Earth,Rare Metal and Rare-Scattered Element Minerals in China

Wang Denghong, Sun Yan, Dai Hongzhang, Guo Weiming, Zhao Zhi, Zhao Ting,Li Jiankang, Wang Chenghui, Huang Fan, Yu Yang, Li Dexian

Journal Article

Perspective and Prospects for Rare Earth Permanent Magnets

J.M.D. Coey

Journal Article

Rare Earth Industry Towards the 21st Century

Yang Yuchun

Journal Article

Direct synthesis of dimethyl carbonate over rare earth oxide supported catalyst

JIANG Qi, CHENG Jiye, GAO Zhiqin

Journal Article

Development Strategies for Rare Earth Functional Materials by 2035

Zhu Minggang, Sun Xu, Liu Ronghui, Xu Huibing

Journal Article

Editorial for the Special Issue on Rare Earth Permanent Magnets

Wei Li

Journal Article

Rare Earth Permanent Magnets and Their Place in the Future Economy

Allan Trench, John P. Sykes

Journal Article

Photocatalytic syngas synthesis from CO

Ling Tan, Kipkorir Peter, Jing Ren, Baoyang Du, Xiaojie Hao, Yufei Zhao, Yu-Fei Song

Journal Article