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Genetic basis of adult-onset nephrotic syndrome and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

Jian Liu, Weiming Wang

Frontiers of Medicine 2017, Volume 11, Issue 3,   Pages 333-339 doi: 10.1007/s11684-017-0564-1


Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is one of the most common glomerular diseases with signs of nephrosis, heavy proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and edema. Dysfunction of glomerular filtration barrier causes protein loss through the kidneys. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) accounts for nearly 20% of NS among children and adults. Adult-onset FSGS/NS is often associated with low response to steroid treatment and immunosuppressive medication and poor renal survival. Several genes involved in NS and FSGS have been identified by linkage analysis and next-generation sequencing. Most of these genes encode proteins and are highly expressed in glomerular podocytes, which play crucial roles in slit-diaphragm signaling, regulation of actin cytoskeleton dynamics and maintenance of podocyte integrity, and cell–matrix interactions. In this review, we focus on the recently identified genes in the adult-onset NS and FSGS and discuss clinical significance of screening of these genes.

Keywords: nephrotic syndrome     focal segmental glomerulosclerosis     genetic    

Developing effective tumor vaccines: basis, challenges and perspectives

XU Qingwen, CHEN Weifeng

Frontiers of Medicine 2007, Volume 1, Issue 1,   Pages 11-19 doi: 10.1007/s11684-007-0003-9

Abstract: A remarkable advance in tumor immunology during the last decade is the elucidation of the antigenic basis

Keywords: development     conventional     identification     elucidation     Successful immunotherapy    

Core designing of a new type of TVS-2M FAs: neutronics and thermal-hydraulics design basis limits


Frontiers in Energy 2021, Volume 15, Issue 1,   Pages 256-278 doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0583-x

Abstract: One of the most important aims of this study is to improve the core of the current VVER reactors to achieve more burn-up (or more cycle length) and more intrinsic safety. It is an independent study on the Russian new proposed FAs, called TVS-2M, which would be applied for the future advanced VVERs. Some important aspects of neutronics as well as thermal hydraulics investigations (and analysis) of the new type of Fas are conducted, and results are compared with the standards PWR CDBL. The TVS-2M FA contains gadolinium-oxide which is mixed with UO (for different Gd densities and U-235 enrichments which are given herein), but the core does not contain BARs. The new type TVS-2M Fas are modeled by the SARCS software package to find the PMAXS format for three states of CZP and HZP as well as HFP, and then the whole core is simulated by the PARCS code to investigate transient conditions. In addition, the WIMS-D5 code is suggested for steady core modeling including TVS-2M FAs and/or TVS FAs. Many neutronics aspects such as the first cycle length (first cycle burn up in terms of MW d/kgU), the critical concentration of boric acid at the BOC as well as the cycle length, the axial, and radial power peaking factors, differential and integral worthy of the most reactive CPS-CRs, reactivity coefficients of the fuel, moderator, boric acid, and the under-moderation estimation of the core are conducted and benchmarked with the PWR CDBL. Specifically, the burn-up calculations indicate that the 45.6 d increase of the first cycle length (which corresponds to 1.18 MW d/kgU increase of burn-up) is the best improving aim of the new FA type called TVS-2M. Moreover, thermal-hydraulics core design criteria such as MDNBR (based on W3 correlation) and the maximum of fuel and clad temperatures (radially and axially), are investigated, and discussed based on the CDBL.

Keywords: TVS-2M FAs     core design basis limits     VVER-1000     analysis     mixture of uranium-gadolinium oxides fuels     thermal-hydraulics    

Leakage location system for oil pipeline on basis of stress wave detection

WANG Bangfeng, CHEN Renwen

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2008, Volume 3, Issue 3,   Pages 307-312 doi: 10.1007/s11465-008-0047-9

Abstract: An online monitoring system was developed for rapidly determining the exact location of the holing position in an oil pipeline by monitoring and analyzing the characteristics of the strain wave caused by the hole. The system has a master-slaver computer structure based on a remote wireless network. The master system takes charge of managing and controlling the whole system, identifying the holing stress wave, and calculating the holing position. The slaver system is responsible for sampling the strain wave signal from the pipeline. The characteristics of the strain wave signal are extracted by a Hilbert-Huang transform based on a signal processing approach. The exact holing position can be obtained by a time delay locating method with stress wave characteristics. The experimental results of the in-service pipeline show that the average locating error of the system is less than 10 m, the accuracy ratio for the holing alarm is more than 90%, and the time that the system takes to respond to the leakage is less than 10 s.

Self-organizing method for collaboration in multi-robot system on basis of balance principle

DONG Yangbin, JIANG Jinping, HE Yan

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2008, Volume 3, Issue 3,   Pages 283-287 doi: 10.1007/s11465-008-0044-z

Abstract: Furthermore, an algorithm is designed for adjusting subtask selection on the basis of this principle.

Keywords: algorithm     self-organizing principle     validity     Simulation     allocation    

Clustering economic sectors in China on a life cycle basis to achieve environmental sustainability

Sai LIANG, Tianzhu ZHANG, Xiaoping JIA

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 1,   Pages 97-108 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0402-2

Abstract: analysis, this study clusters China’s economic sectors and determines their priority on a life cycle basis

Keywords: cluster analysis     input-output model     life cycle     material flow analysis     sustainable development    

Biopolymer-stabilized emulsions on the basis of interactions between β -lactoglobulin and ι -carrageenan

Qiaomei RU, Younghee CHO, Qingrong HUANG,

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2009, Volume 3, Issue 4,   Pages 399-406 doi: 10.1007/s11705-009-0253-y

Abstract: -Carrageenan and -lactoglobulin (-lg) stabilized oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions, which can be used for the oral administration of bioactive but environmentally sensitive ingredients, have been successfully prepared. The effects of protein/polysaccharide ratios, total biopolymer concentration, environmental stress (thermal processing and sonication), and pH on the complex formation between -carrageenan and -lactoglobulin have been investigated. We found that -lactoglobulin and-carrageenan stabilized emulsions can be formed at pH values of 6.0, 4.0, and 3.4. However, the microstructures of emulsions stabilized by -lactoglobulin and -carrageenan was identified by optical microscopy, and it indicated that the emulsion prepared at pH 6.0 flocculated more extensively, while its hydrodynamic radius was much bigger than those prepared at pH 4.0 and 3.4. Regarding rheological properties, the emulsion of pH 6.0 showed a more solid-like behavior but with a lower viscosity than those of pH 4.0 and 3.4. The optimum concentration ranges for -lg and-carrageenan to form stable emulsions at pH 4.0 and 3.4 were 0.3wt-%―0.6wt-% and 0.4wt-%―0.7wt-%, respectively.

Systems Theory-Driven Framework for AI Integration into the Holistic Material Basis Research of Traditional Review

Jingqi Zeng, Xiaobin Jia

Engineering 2024, Volume 40, Issue 9,   Pages 28-50 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2024.04.009

Abstract: traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) research, enhancing the understanding of TCM’s holistic material basisthrough define, quantify, infer, and validate phases to systematically explore TCM’s material basisstructure–function methodologies, provides comprehensive insights into TCM’s holistic material basiseffort underscores AI’s potential to enhance our understanding of TCM’s holistic material basis

Keywords: Artificial intelligence     Systems theory     Traditional Chinese medicine     Material basis     Bottom-up    

Explicit optimization method for cutting-screw-thread on the basis of dual-RSM

Zhengbao LEI, Shubin WEI, Qingyun DU

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2010, Volume 5, Issue 4,   Pages 423-430 doi: 10.1007/s11465-010-0109-7

Abstract: To obtain the explicit function for optimizing the cutting-screw-thread (CST) in crash, the simulations of frontal crash at the speed of 56 km/h have been carried out in VPG. The peak acceleration in crash has been taken as the evaluation index of energy absorption characteristics. First, the single factor experiment was taken based on six parameters affecting on the absorption characteristics of CST. Second, the peak acceleration function of each parameter by using response surface method (RSM) is obtained. Third, the explicit resultant peak acceleration function of six parameters by using RSM again is obtained. A dual RSM-based explicit method is proposed. According to this function, the best size dimensions of CST in different crash conditions could be easily obtained. Finally, an example shows that the values of the calculation errors for simulation value and target value (40 g) are 3.6% and 1.3%, respectively. This method can satisfy the demand for engineering accuracy.

Keywords: vehicle engineering     crash     safety     explicit method     response surface method    

Toxicity models of metal mixtures established on the basis of “additivity” and “interactions”

Yang Liu,Martina G. Vijver,Bo Pan,Willie J. G. M. Peijnenburg

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2017, Volume 11, Issue 2, doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-0916-8

Abstract: · No preference is set between CA and IA models to assess toxicity of metal mixtures. · Increased model complexity does not, by itself, lead to improved performance. · Not all significant deviations have biological meaning due to poor reproducibility. · Interactions are suggested to incorporate when they are significant and repeated. Observed effects of metal mixtures on animals and plants often differ from the estimates, which are commonly calculated by adding up the biological responses of individual metals. This difference from additivity is commonly referred to as being a consequence of specific interactions between metals. The science of how to quantify metal interactions and whether to include them in risk assessment models is in its infancy. This review summarizes the existing predictive tools for evaluating the combined toxicity of metals present in mixtures and indicates the advantages and disadvantages of each method. We intend to provide eco-toxicologists with background information on how to make good use of the tools and how to advance the methods for assessing toxicity of metal mixtures. It is concluded that statistically significant deviations from additivity are not necessarily biologically relevant. Incorporation of interactions between metals in a model does not on forehand mean that the model is more accurate than a model developed based on additivity only. It is recommended to first use a relatively simple method for effect prediction of uninvestigated metal mixtures. To improve the reliability of toxicity modeling for metal mixtures, further efforts should focus on balancing the relationship between the significance of statistics and the biological meaning, and unraveling the toxicity mechanisms of metals and their mixtures.

Keywords: Metal     Mixtures     Toxicity     Additivity     Modeling     Interactions    

An efficient stochastic dynamic analysis of soil media using radial basis function artificial neural


Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 2017, Volume 11, Issue 4,   Pages 470-479 doi: 10.1007/s11709-017-0440-8

Abstract: Since a lot of engineering problems are along with uncertain parameters, stochastic methods are of great importance for incorporating random nature of a system property or random nature of a system input. In this study, the stochastic dynamic analysis of soil mass is performed by finite element method in the frequency domain. Two methods are used for stochastic analysis of soil media which are spectral decomposition and Monte Carlo methods. Shear modulus of soil is considered as a random field and the seismic excitation is also imposed as a random process. In this research, artificial neural network is proposed and added to Monte Carlo method for sake of reducing computational effort of the random analysis. Then, the effects of the proposed artificial neural network are illustrated on decreasing computational time of Monte Carlo simulations in comparison with standard Monte Carlo and spectral decomposition methods. Numerical verifications are provided to indicate capabilities, accuracy and efficiency of the proposed strategy compared to the other techniques.

Keywords: stochastic analysis     random seismic excitation     finite element method     artificial neural network     frequency domain analysis     Monte Carlo simulation    

Application of blockchain in the field of intelligent manufacturing: Theoretical basis, realistic plights

Qiang ZHANG, Baoyu LIAO, Shanlin YANG

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2020, Volume 7, Issue 4,   Pages 578-591 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0137-x

Abstract: Then, we propose the theoretical basis for the application of blockchain in the field of intelligent

Keywords: blockchain technology     intelligent manufacturing     networked collaborative manufacturing     full life-cycle management     manufacturing model innovation    

Transcriptomic basis of neutrophil ratio variation induced by poly I:C stimulation in porcine peripheral

Haiyan WANG, Qiaoxia ZHANG, Lilin YIN, Xiangdong LIU, Shuhong ZHAO, Mengjin ZHU, Changchun LI

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2017, Volume 4, Issue 3,   Pages 342-352 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2017162

Abstract: The study provides a basic understanding of the molecular basis for the antiviral capacity of pigs and

Keywords: neutrophil     peripheral blood     pig     poly I:C     transcriptome    

An optimized grey wolf optimizer based on a mutation operator and eliminating-reconstructing mechanism and its application Article

Xiao-qing ZHANG, Zheng-feng MING

Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 2017, Volume 18, Issue 11,   Pages 1705-1719 doi: 10.1631/FITEE.1601555

Abstract: MR-GWO is applied to the global optimization experiment of 13 standard continuous functions and a radial basis

Keywords: Swarm intelligence     Grey wolf optimizer     Optimization     Radial basis function network    

The development on seismic design and evaluation of CGNPC after Fukushima accident

Mao Qing,Wu Yingxi,Zhang Jian,Meng Ajun,Zhang Tao,Yang Chunju,Liu Fang

Strategic Study of CAE 2013, Volume 15, Issue 4,   Pages 46-51


This paper introduced the seismic design requirements of nuclear power plant, the seismic design situation of the unit in construction or in service, and the serious consequence impacted by earthquake. Then, it described in brief the measures on seismic analysis taken by countries who own nuclear power plants in the world after the Fukushima nuclear accident, and gave a particular introduction about the improvement taken by China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co. Ltd. Finally, this paper presented some steps for the new nuclear power plants at the seismic design and evaluation to enhance the seismic capacity of nuclear power plants through technical means.

Keywords: seismic design basis     beyond design basis earthquake     seismic margin assessment(SMA)     seismic isolation    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Genetic basis of adult-onset nephrotic syndrome and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

Jian Liu, Weiming Wang

Journal Article

Developing effective tumor vaccines: basis, challenges and perspectives

XU Qingwen, CHEN Weifeng

Journal Article

Core designing of a new type of TVS-2M FAs: neutronics and thermal-hydraulics design basis limits


Journal Article

Leakage location system for oil pipeline on basis of stress wave detection

WANG Bangfeng, CHEN Renwen

Journal Article

Self-organizing method for collaboration in multi-robot system on basis of balance principle

DONG Yangbin, JIANG Jinping, HE Yan

Journal Article

Clustering economic sectors in China on a life cycle basis to achieve environmental sustainability

Sai LIANG, Tianzhu ZHANG, Xiaoping JIA

Journal Article

Biopolymer-stabilized emulsions on the basis of interactions between β -lactoglobulin and ι -carrageenan

Qiaomei RU, Younghee CHO, Qingrong HUANG,

Journal Article

Systems Theory-Driven Framework for AI Integration into the Holistic Material Basis Research of Traditional

Jingqi Zeng, Xiaobin Jia

Journal Article

Explicit optimization method for cutting-screw-thread on the basis of dual-RSM

Zhengbao LEI, Shubin WEI, Qingyun DU

Journal Article

Toxicity models of metal mixtures established on the basis of “additivity” and “interactions”

Yang Liu,Martina G. Vijver,Bo Pan,Willie J. G. M. Peijnenburg

Journal Article

An efficient stochastic dynamic analysis of soil media using radial basis function artificial neural


Journal Article

Application of blockchain in the field of intelligent manufacturing: Theoretical basis, realistic plights

Qiang ZHANG, Baoyu LIAO, Shanlin YANG

Journal Article

Transcriptomic basis of neutrophil ratio variation induced by poly I:C stimulation in porcine peripheral

Haiyan WANG, Qiaoxia ZHANG, Lilin YIN, Xiangdong LIU, Shuhong ZHAO, Mengjin ZHU, Changchun LI

Journal Article

An optimized grey wolf optimizer based on a mutation operator and eliminating-reconstructing mechanism and its application

Xiao-qing ZHANG, Zheng-feng MING

Journal Article

The development on seismic design and evaluation of CGNPC after Fukushima accident

Mao Qing,Wu Yingxi,Zhang Jian,Meng Ajun,Zhang Tao,Yang Chunju,Liu Fang

Journal Article