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China’s Engineering Education: Situation & Outlook

Zhu Gao-feng

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2014, Volume 1, Issue 1,   Pages 105-112 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014010

Abstract: Since China's drive in 1978 to implement national reforms and open it up to the outside world,its higher education sectorhas made rapid progressin the field of engineering and has been able to achieverapid expansion of scale,Positive change in educational structure,more education investment, improved teaching quality, Educational reform and international cooperation. While praising the achievements,we need toacknowledgethat there are also some problems in China's engineering education, asimbalancebetweensupplyanddemand,homogeneity of goals and patterns, Lack of practice,curriculum system not aligned with the characteristics of engineering,insufficient importance attached to innovation and entrepreneurial education, Poor competence mix.In light of China's process of modernization and the Outline, we forecast that:competition between universities will intensify and the supply-demand imbalance will be alleviated, differentiation depends on the reform of engineer system and administrative university classification,quality of engineering education will be improved with a complete quality assurance system,industrial transformation will be conducive to joint talent development by universities and businesses,instructors will be the mainstay of educational reform,quality of students should be improved in many different ways. As China's modernization accelerates, the quality of its engineering education is getting better and better. We expect to work closely with foreign colleagues to improve the quality to turn out engineering talents meeting the demand of national development.

Keywords: engineering     education     situation     outlooks    

Current situation and challenge of registry in China

Yang Zhang,Yuji Feng,Zhi Qu,Yali Qi,Siyan Zhan

Frontiers of Medicine 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3,   Pages 294-299 doi: 10.1007/s11684-014-0355-x


Increasing emphasis has been placed on registries for an organized system used in developing clinical research to improve health care. China has sufficient data that can be applied broadly, but the heterogeneity and irregularity of registries limit their applicability. This article aims to describe the status of registries in China and the related challenges. Patient registries for observational studies were retrieved from the International Clinical Trials Registry to quantitatively evaluate the number of comparatively high-quality registries in China. A literature search was also performed to provide support and updates. A total of 64 patient registries were retrieved from using disease, product, and health service as criteria. The sample sizes ranged from 15 to 30 400, with only 12 registries marked as completed. This article describes and compares the detailed information in many aspects. The efficient use of registries has already made considerable progress in China; however, registries still require standardization, high-quality transition, and coordinated development.

Keywords: observational study     Chinese     registry study     patient registries    

Current situation and development of wind power in China

BAO Nengsheng, NI Weidou

Frontiers in Energy 2007, Volume 1, Issue 4,   Pages 371-383 doi: 10.1007/s11708-007-0056-4

Abstract: The current development of wind power in China was presented in this paper. Many regions such as Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and southeast coastal region, etc. in China have abundant wind energ

Keywords: Xinjiang     current development     Mongolia Autonomous     southeast coastal     Autonomous    

Impact of renewable energies on the operation and economic situation of coal fired power stations: Actualsituation of coal fired power stations in Germany

Hans-Joachim KRAUTZ, Alexander LISK, Joachim POSSELT, Christian KATZER

Frontiers in Energy 2017, Volume 11, Issue 2,   Pages 119-125 doi: 10.1007/s11708-017-0468-4

Abstract: Due to the fluctuating character of the renewable energy sources the demand of conventional power plants for flexibility is increasing. In the recent years, in Germany there has been a fast rise of production capacity of renewable energies, especially from wind turbines, photovoltaic installations, and biomass plants. The installed nominal power of wind turbines is actually (December 2016) 42 GW and of photovoltaic installations 40?GW. The renewable electric energy production in Germany is about 190?TWh/a, which represents a share of 33% of the yearly demand. The increased need for flexibility affects both the power gradients as well as the minimum load of conventional power plants. Due to this flexibility behaviour, conventional power plants are faced with problems concerning the durability of power plant components, corrosion, more maintenance effort and consequently the overall life expectancy. Another consequence of the increasing share of renewable energies is the decreasing full load operating hours, especially of coal fired and gas power plants. Along with decreasing revenues from the energy exchange market, coal fired power plants are faced with new economically challenges.

Keywords: flexible load operation     minimal load     power gradients     power plant maintenance     corrosion     life expectancy    

Present situation and classification of piezoelectric pump

Fang YE, Shouyin WANG, Wei CHENG, Qixiao XIA, Jianhui ZHANG,

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2009, Volume 4, Issue 4,   Pages 420-429 doi: 10.1007/s11465-009-0052-7

Abstract: present classification method for a piezoelectric pump, this paper reviews the development and present situation

Keywords: piezoelectric pump     development and present situation     new classification method     valveless piezoelectric    

Antimicrobial use in food animal production: situation analysis and contributing factors

Ziping WU

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2018, Volume 5, Issue 3,   Pages 301-311 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2018207


By measuring the quantity and ways in which antimicrobials are used, and reviewing different technical and socioeconomic factors influencing antimicrobial use at farm level, this study discusses the main knowledge gaps in antimicrobial use in food animal production and provides recommendations for future research and policy development. The review reveals that antimicrobial use in food animals exhibit strong regional and species differences, and there are still large information gaps concerning the current state of antimicrobial use. Factors associated with animal health (including antimicrobial resistance), animal health improvement, economic costs and benefits relevant to animal diseases, and potential technological alternatives or alternative systems all have an impact on antimicrobial use on the farm. There is a clear need to resolve the data gap by monitoring antimicrobial use and developing an analytical framework to better understand farmer behaviors under different technical, economic and environmental circumstances.

Keywords: antimicrobial use     drivers for antimicrobial use     food animal production    

The energy situation and the ways of development in China

Wu Guihui

Strategic Study of CAE 2011, Volume 13, Issue 4,   Pages 4-8

Abstract: summarizes China's achievements in energy development in recent years, studies and analyzes the situation

Keywords: energy     energy situation     energy issues     energy tasks    

The current phosphate recycling situation in China and Germany: a comparative review

Qing XUE, Xinyue HE, Saskia D. SACHS, Gero C. BECKER, Tao ZHANG, Andrea KRUSE

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2019, Volume 6, Issue 4,   Pages 403-418 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019287

Abstract: This review summarizes the current situation of phosphate-containing residues management and phosphate

Keywords: phosphate recovery     manure     sewage sludge     ordinances     technologies    

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: current situation and travel-associated concerns

Jaffar A. Al-Tawfiq,Ali S. Omrani,Ziad A. Memish

Frontiers of Medicine 2016, Volume 10, Issue 2,   Pages 111-119 doi: 10.1007/s11684-016-0446-y


The emergence of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in 2012 brought back memories of the occurrence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002. More than 1500 MERS-CoV cases were recorded in 42 months with a case fatality rate (CFR) of 40%. Meanwhile, 8000 cases of SARS-CoV were confirmed in six months with a CFR of 10%. The clinical presentation of MERS-CoV ranges from mild and non-specific presentation to progressive and severe pneumonia. No predictive signs or symptoms exist to differentiate MERS-CoV from community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized patients. An apparent heterogeneity was observed in transmission. Most MERS-CoV cases were secondary to large outbreaks in healthcare settings. These cases were secondary to community-acquired cases, which may also cause family outbreaks. Travel-associated MERS infection remains low. However, the virus exhibited a clear tendency to cause large outbreaks outside the Arabian Peninsula as exemplified by the outbreak in the Republic of Korea. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about MERS-CoV and highlight travel-related issues.

Keywords: coronavirus     MERS     Middle East respiratory syndrome    

Will Germany move into a situation with unsecured power supply?


Frontiers in Energy 2019, Volume 13, Issue 3,   Pages 551-570 doi: 10.1007/s11708-019-0641-z

Abstract: Together with a huge number of other countries, Germany signed the Paris Agreements in 2015 to prevent global temperature increase above 2°C. Within this agreement, all countries defined their own national contributions to CO reduction. Since that, it was visible that CO emissions in Germany decreased, but not so fast than proposed in this German nationally determined contribution to the Paris Agreement. Due to increasing traffic, CO emissions from this mobility sector increased and CO emission from German power generation is nearly constant for the past 20 years, even a renewable generation capacity of 112 GW was built up in 2017, which is much higher than the peak load of 84 GW in Germany. That is why the German National Government has implemented a commission (often called “The German Coal Commission”) to propose a time line: how Germany can move out of coal-fired power stations. This “Coal Commission” started its work in the late spring of 2018 and handed over its final report with 336 pages to the government on January 26th, 2019. Within this report the following proposals were made: ① Until 2022: Due to a former decision of the German Government, the actual remaining nuclear power generation capacity of about 10 GW has to be switched off in 2022. Besides, the “Coal Commission” proposed to switch off additionally in total 12.5 GW of both, hard coal and lignite-fired power plants, so that Germany should reduce its conventional generation capacity by 22.5 GW in 2022. ② Until 2030: Another 13 GW of German hard coal or lignite-fired power plants should be switched off. ③ Until 2038: The final 17 GW of German hard coal or lignite-fired power plants should be switched off until 2038 latest. Unfortunately the “Coal Commission” has not investigated the relevant technical parameter to ensure a secured electric power supply, based on German’s own national resources. Because German Energy Revolution mainly is based on wind energy and photovoltaic, this paper will describe the negligible contribution of these sources to the secured generation capacity, which will be needed for a reliable power supply. In addition, it will discuss several technical options to integrate wind energy and photovoltaic into a secured power supply system with an overall reduced CO emission.

Keywords: CO2 reduction     mobility sector     renewable generation     coal commission     secured power generation capacity     reliable power supply     power-to-gas     power-to-heat    

Current situation and development of prenatal diagnosis in China

Xu-Ming BIAN, Qi GUO, Qing-Wei QI

Frontiers of Medicine 2010, Volume 4, Issue 3,   Pages 271-274 doi: 10.1007/s11684-010-0100-z

Abstract: Here, we review current situation and development of prenatal screening and diagnosis in mainland China

Keywords: prenatal diagnosis     prenatal screening     China    

Current situation and future perspectives of European natural gas sector


Frontiers in Energy 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1,   Pages 1-6 doi: 10.1007/s11708-014-0340-8

Abstract: design future strategies for the sector; in particular, it is necessary to understand if the present situation

Keywords: natural gas     natural gas market     oil-linked contracts     supply infrastructures     gas hubs    

Changes of China’s Edible Oil Security Strategies: Domestic Condition and International Situation

Ma Wenjie

Strategic Study of CAE 2016, Volume 18, Issue 1,   Pages 42-47 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2016.01.006

Abstract: According to the new domestic conditions and international situation, the paper offers the following

Keywords: edible oil     domestic condition     international situation     production potential     strategy change    

The Development Situation, Future and Counter Measures of Remanufacturing Industry in China

Wen-qiang Liu,Jun-yuan Mo,Cheng-kui Gu

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2016, Volume 3, Issue 2,   Pages 123-131 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016021

Abstract: Currently, resource supply and demand contradiction, and over-loaded environment capacity have become a bottleneck for sustainable economic development in China. Electro-mechanical products are approaching a peak of obsolescence, and massive abandoned electro-mechanical products are causing severe environmental pollution, huge waste of resources and potential safety hazard. Remanufacturing is repairing or modifying worn mechanical products using high-tech method, which buffers the contradiction between wasting and shortage of resources, and brings industry towards a comprehensive utilization of resource and environmental protection. As a new strategic industry, remanufacturing, which is highly coherent with the development strategy of the circular economy, is still in its infancy in China. This paper analyzes the developmental trends and problems of the remanufacturing industry in China, and proposes promoting measures based on the engineering practices of remanufacturing.

Keywords: remanufacturing     industry     measures     development    

Current Situation and Prospect of Precision Blasting

Xie Xianqi

Strategic Study of CAE 2014, Volume 16, Issue 11,   Pages 14-19

Abstract: The definition, connotation, technology system and current situation of its application and development

Keywords: Precision blasting     current situation     information technology     standardization     prospect    

Title Author Date Type Operation

China’s Engineering Education: Situation & Outlook

Zhu Gao-feng

Journal Article

Current situation and challenge of registry in China

Yang Zhang,Yuji Feng,Zhi Qu,Yali Qi,Siyan Zhan

Journal Article

Current situation and development of wind power in China

BAO Nengsheng, NI Weidou

Journal Article

Impact of renewable energies on the operation and economic situation of coal fired power stations: Actualsituation of coal fired power stations in Germany

Hans-Joachim KRAUTZ, Alexander LISK, Joachim POSSELT, Christian KATZER

Journal Article

Present situation and classification of piezoelectric pump

Fang YE, Shouyin WANG, Wei CHENG, Qixiao XIA, Jianhui ZHANG,

Journal Article

Antimicrobial use in food animal production: situation analysis and contributing factors

Ziping WU

Journal Article

The energy situation and the ways of development in China

Wu Guihui

Journal Article

The current phosphate recycling situation in China and Germany: a comparative review

Qing XUE, Xinyue HE, Saskia D. SACHS, Gero C. BECKER, Tao ZHANG, Andrea KRUSE

Journal Article

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: current situation and travel-associated concerns

Jaffar A. Al-Tawfiq,Ali S. Omrani,Ziad A. Memish

Journal Article

Will Germany move into a situation with unsecured power supply?


Journal Article

Current situation and development of prenatal diagnosis in China

Xu-Ming BIAN, Qi GUO, Qing-Wei QI

Journal Article

Current situation and future perspectives of European natural gas sector


Journal Article

Changes of China’s Edible Oil Security Strategies: Domestic Condition and International Situation

Ma Wenjie

Journal Article

The Development Situation, Future and Counter Measures of Remanufacturing Industry in China

Wen-qiang Liu,Jun-yuan Mo,Cheng-kui Gu

Journal Article

Current Situation and Prospect of Precision Blasting

Xie Xianqi

Journal Article