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Promoting green transformation by ensuring food security while reducing the environmental footprint offood and farming with agriculture green development EDITORIAL

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1,   Pages 1-4 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024549


Reconciling the challenges of producing adequate amounts of nutritious food for the increasing globalpopulation while limiting environmental damage that can result from operations of our food systems isof a range of resources, resulting in increased environmental footprints of the food produced.Demand for food in China remains high and with an emphasis on national self-sufficiency in productionof many food crops.

Keywords: development     transformation food security    

Development and challenges of green food in China

Mahmood ul HASSAN, Xin WEN, Jiuliang XU, Jiahui ZHONG, Xuexian LI

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2020, Volume 7, Issue 1,   Pages 56-66 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019296


Green food in China refers to a wide array of primary and processed agricultural products that areGreen food has been certified and produced following the principle of sustainability since the 1990s,Today, the green food industry enters a steady-growth stage in terms of cultivation area, product numberThis article summarizes the history of the development of green food in China and current achievementssupply chain, deep food processing, and utilization of food wastes.

Keywords: green food     food losses     storage     processing     transportation     sustainability    

Toward sustainable food systems: global initiatives and innovations REVIEW

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1,   Pages 197-209 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024544

Abstract: The emissions of environmental pollution caused by meeting food demands have prompted some countriesThese circumstances have introduced significant uncertainty to the future global sustainable food developmentAddressing this issue would necessitate increased environmental costs to attain high-quality food securityThe future food system presents a significant challenge in coordinating food security, food quality andThis is a novel food system transfer strategy, as it concurrently addresses both global food security

Keywords: Agricultural green development     food system     food production     optimization     transform pathways    

Reducing the environmental footprint of food and farming with Agriculture Green Development

William J. DAVIES, Jianbo SHEN

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2020, Volume 7, Issue 1,   Pages 1-4 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019311


Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2023, Volume 10, Issue 2,   Pages 262-267 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023496


● To achieve food security, Chinese agriculture– food system could

Keywords: agriculture     carbon neutrality     carbon peak     food security     carbon mitigation strategies    

Agriculture green development in China: insights and advances REVIEW

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1,   Pages 5-19 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024535


Reconciling the tasks of producing adequate amounts of nutritious food for the increasing global populationThe concept of agriculture green development (AGD) and the necessary governmental policies were developedAgriculture green development emphasizes the synergy between green and development; current agricultureresource-use efficiency to a more sustainable agriculture, in order to ensure an adequate supply of nutritious foodcrop production, green integrated crop-animal production, green food and industry, and green ecological

Keywords: Agriculture     ecosystem services     environmental protection     food security     green development     multi-sectoral    

Optimizing nitrogen management in the food system for sustainable development: a case study of Quzhou REVIEW

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 11, Issue 1,   Pages 113-121 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024540


Nitrogen (N) is an essential nutrient for food production.The rapid increase in population requires high inputs of N to meet the growing food demand.If not managed well, the substantial loss of N from the food system has multiple impacts on grain yieldconsideration of N management in the food system is still system.

Keywords: Agriculture green development     food system     multi-objective     nitrogen management    

New Trend of Agricultural Development and Food Security in China

Lu Liangshu

Strategic Study of CAE 2005, Volume 7, Issue 4,   Pages 30-35

Abstract: Food security involves quantity, quality, nutrition, resource of food as well as many aspects of workin food industry.The 14 years of development of Green Food Cause in China has made important contributions to food securityHowever, it is essential to do more solid work in green food development scale, technical support andmanagement system, so as to promote even greater development of green food cause and make even greater

Keywords: agricultural development     food security     green food    


Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2021, Volume 8, Issue 4,   Pages 491-500 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2021428

Abstract: Agriculture there has transformed from food shortage toward green development over the past seven decades1950–1980, the population increased from 42 to 77 million, increasing grain production to meet foodAs expected, these measures and policies greatly increased crop production and basically achieved foodSteadfast policy support such as “Grain for Green Program” had an overwhelming advantageinnovations, policy support and positive societal factors will be the golden key to further improve food

Keywords: agronomic technologies     economic returns     education     environmental cost     food production     government    

On water security, sustainability, and the water-food-energy-climate nexus


Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2013, Volume 7, Issue 5,   Pages 626-639 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0548-6

Abstract: The role of water security in sustainable development and in the nexus of water, food, energy and climateequals”, i.e. privileged, in thinking about what is key in achieving security around the nexus of water, food

Keywords: cities as forces for good     diversity     energy and nutrient recovery     green economy     infrastructure failure    

National Food Security Strategy in the New Situation

Tan Guangwan, Wang Xiudong, Wang Jimin, Mei Xurong, Liu Xu

Strategic Study of CAE 2023, Volume 25, Issue 4,   Pages 1-13 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.04.005


Food security in China is facing new challenges, including instabilityTherefore, it is imperative to deepen research on national food security strategies. products, and national food sovereignty should be, promoting green and low-carbon development of agriculture, and substituting conventionalFurthermore, major measures should be adopted to strengthen food demand management, expand food

Keywords: food security     an all-encompassing approach to food     food supply chain     nutritional structure     food derogation     green and low-carbon    

Technology Upgrading Strategy for Traditional Fermented Food Industry in China

Xia Xiaole, Wu Jianrong, Chen Jian

Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 2,   Pages 129-137 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.02.017

Abstract: , challenges, and upgrading directions need to be clarified for China’s traditional fermented foodresearch, questionnaire survey, and literature analysis reveal that China’s traditional fermented foodindustry is decentralized, intelligent manufacturing has not been properly applied to the industry, and a greenTo establish a novel fermented food industry, China should strengthen top-level design and strategic

Keywords: traditional fermented foodgreen manufacturing,intelligent manufacturing,transformation and upgrading    

National Food Security Strategy Against the Backdrop of Domestic and International Dual Circulation

Yan Yan , Wang Xiudong , Wang Jimin , Mei Xurong ,Tang Huajun , Wu Kongming

Strategic Study of CAE 2023, Volume 25, Issue 4,   Pages 14-25 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.04.001


Food concerns national livelihood and food security is vital for nationaland international economic circulation) in China, clarifying the basic situation and challenges of foodsecurity and exploring effective strategies for food development are crucial for ensuring stablepaths, major projects, and feasible countermeasures for ensuring national food security., such as demonstration for upgrading grain production capacity, new protein resource substitution, green

Keywords: dual circulation     food security     food production capacity     green and low-carbon     planting and breeding    

Challenges and Suggestions for Sustainable Development of Food Security in Southwest China

Gao Shibin , Yang Song , Wu Kaixian , Yu Bing , Chen Zhuo , Chen Daiwen , Rong Tingzhao

Strategic Study of CAE 2019, Volume 21, Issue 5,   Pages 54-59 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.05.018


Sustainable development of food security in Southwest China is criticalin ensuring national food security, and concerns ecological civilization construction, ethnic unity,A green- and ecological-oriented development approach is an important prerequisite for ensuring the sustainabledevelopment of food security in this region.In this paper, we first investigated the food production situation in this region, and then analyzed

Keywords: Southwest China     food security     green ecology    

Agriculture Green Development: a model for China and the world

Jianbo SHEN, Qichao ZHU, Xiaoqiang JIAO, Hao YING, Hongliang WANG, Xin WEN, Wen XU, Tingyu LI, Wenfeng CONG, Xuejun LIU, Yong HOU, Zhenling CUI, Oene OENEMA, William J. DAVIES, Fusuo ZHANG

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2020, Volume 7, Issue 1,   Pages 5-13 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019300

Abstract: rsquo;s Congress has delivered a national strategy for sustainable development in China—realizing greenThe overall objective of Agriculture Green Development (AGD) is to coordinate “green” withThe innovative concept for AGD will focus on reconstructing the whole crop-animal production and foodproduction-consumption system, with the emphasis on high thresholds for environmental standards and foodProposals include interdisciplinary innovations, whole food chain improvement and regional solutions.

Keywords: Agriculture Green Development     food security     interdisciplinary innovations     resource use efficiency     sustainable    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Promoting green transformation by ensuring food security while reducing the environmental footprint offood and farming with agriculture green development

Journal Article

Development and challenges of green food in China

Mahmood ul HASSAN, Xin WEN, Jiuliang XU, Jiahui ZHONG, Xuexian LI

Journal Article

Toward sustainable food systems: global initiatives and innovations

Journal Article

Reducing the environmental footprint of food and farming with Agriculture Green Development

William J. DAVIES, Jianbo SHEN

Journal Article


Journal Article

Agriculture green development in China: insights and advances

Journal Article

Optimizing nitrogen management in the food system for sustainable development: a case study of Quzhou

Journal Article

New Trend of Agricultural Development and Food Security in China

Lu Liangshu

Journal Article


Journal Article

On water security, sustainability, and the water-food-energy-climate nexus


Journal Article

National Food Security Strategy in the New Situation

Tan Guangwan, Wang Xiudong, Wang Jimin, Mei Xurong, Liu Xu

Journal Article

Technology Upgrading Strategy for Traditional Fermented Food Industry in China

Xia Xiaole, Wu Jianrong, Chen Jian

Journal Article

National Food Security Strategy Against the Backdrop of Domestic and International Dual Circulation

Yan Yan , Wang Xiudong , Wang Jimin , Mei Xurong ,Tang Huajun , Wu Kongming

Journal Article

Challenges and Suggestions for Sustainable Development of Food Security in Southwest China

Gao Shibin , Yang Song , Wu Kaixian , Yu Bing , Chen Zhuo , Chen Daiwen , Rong Tingzhao

Journal Article

Agriculture Green Development: a model for China and the world

Jianbo SHEN, Qichao ZHU, Xiaoqiang JIAO, Hao YING, Hongliang WANG, Xin WEN, Wen XU, Tingyu LI, Wenfeng CONG, Xuejun LIU, Yong HOU, Zhenling CUI, Oene OENEMA, William J. DAVIES, Fusuo ZHANG

Journal Article