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《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 >> 2022年 第16卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11705-021-2057-7

Dynamic modelling and simulation of a post-combustion CO capture process for coal-fired power plants

收稿日期: 08 Nov 202 修回日期: 15 Mar 202 录用日期: 10 Jan 202 发布日期: 2022-02-15

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Solvent-based post-combustion capture technologies have great potential for CO2 mitigation in traditional coal-fired power plants. Modelling and simulation provide a low-cost opportunity to evaluate performances and guide flexible operation. Composed by a series of partial differential equations, first-principle post-combustion capture models are computationally expensive, which limits their use in real time process simulation and control. In this study, we propose a first-principle approach to develop the basic structure of a reduced-order model and then the dominant factor is used to fit properties and simplify the chemical and physical process, based on which a universal and hybrid post-combustion capture model is established. Model output at steady state and trend at dynamic state are validated using experimental data obtained from the literature. Then, impacts of liquid-to-gas ratio, reboiler power, desorber pressure, tower height and their combination on the absorption and desorption effects are analyzed. Results indicate that tower height should be designed in conjunction with the flue gas flow, and the gas-liquid ratio can be optimized to reduce the reboiler power under a certain capture target.
