
期刊论文 7


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仿生学 3

中国 1

井壁质量 1

仿生科学 1

储层保护 1

原始细胞 1

可塑性 1

合成生物学 1

工业5.0 1

异种细胞 1

德国 1

智能 1

木材 1

气凝胶 1

生物传感器 1

生物工程 1

生物武器 1

生物燃料 1

电磁仿生 1

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《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第4期   页码 4-12



关键词: 木材     仿生科学     超疏水     气凝胶     智能     界面    



《中国工程科学》 2014年 第16卷 第3期   页码 76-85



关键词: 仿生学     电磁仿生     电磁防护     简并性     可塑性     鲁棒性    

工业5.0——仿生学和合成生物学的关联及内涵 Artical

Peter Sachsenmeier

《工程(英文)》 2016年 第2卷 第2期   页码 225-229 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2016.02.015


仿生学(模仿生物特殊本领的学科) 以及合成生物学,将和过去50年的硅芯片一样与工程开发、工业发展产生紧密联系。化学工业已经将白色生物技术应用于新工艺、新材料和资源的可持续利用中。合成生物学也已经应用到第二代生物燃料的发展中,并利用特制的微生物或生物制催化剂获取太阳能。而仿生学在制药、处理工程以及DNA存储领域的市场潜力是巨大的。“登月计划”(ProjectMoonshot) 已经明确把医疗和新材料作为关注点,一场始于美国的创造大量新分子的竞争已经开始。本文首先概述了当前的一些项目,接下来探讨了代码工程(code engineering) 及其影响,包括脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)人工合成、信号分子以及生物回路。除此之外,还探讨了涉及人造食物链和食物的仿生学前沿——合成代谢,以及原材料生物工程。这些研究将给生物学带来新思考。生物工程将和今天的数字化技术一样驱动创新。本文讨论了生物工程,特别是碳基生物燃料的应用和细胞饰变的技术与风险。大数据、分析学和海量存储将是未来的发展方向。虽然合成生物学在未来50年将和当今的数字化一样普遍且具有革新能力,但是目前它的应用和影响力还处在初级阶段。本文采用了将生物工程发展分为五个阶段(DNA分析、生物回路、最小基因组、原始细胞、异源生物学)的普遍分类方法,阐述了其对安全与保障、工业发展以及生物工程和生物技术作为跨学科领域发展的影响,同时讨论了伦理问题及公众对仿生学和合成生物学结果的公众讨论的重要性。

关键词: 仿生学     合成生物学     生物工程     生物传感器     生物燃料     生物武器     虚拟进化     原始细胞     异种细胞     经济意义     工业5.0     德国     中国    

Surgical robotics: A look-back of latest advancement and bio-inspired ways to tackle existing challenges

Yang LIU, Jing LIU

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第7卷 第4期   页码 376-384 doi: 10.1007/s11465-012-0352-1


This article is dedicated to present a review on existing challenges and latest developments in surgical robotics in attempts to overcome the obstacles lying behind. Rather than to perform an exhaustive evaluation, we would emphasize more on the new insight by digesting the emerging bio-inspired surgical technologies with potentials to revolutionize the field. Typical approaches, possible applications, advantages and technical challenges were discussed. Evolutions of surgical robotics and future trends were analyzed. It can be found that, the major difficulties in the field of surgical robots may not be properly addressed by only using conventional approaches. As an alternative, bio-inspired methods or materials may shed light on new innovations. While endeavors to deal with existing strategies still need to be made, attentions should be paid to also borrow ideas from nature.

关键词: minimally invasive surgery     surgical robotics     haptic feedback     miniaturization     bio-inspiration     bionics    

A bionic approach for the mechanical and electrical decoupling of an MEMS capacitive sensor in ultralow force measurement

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第18卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-023-0747-1

摘要: Capacitive sensors are efficient tools for biophysical force measurement, which is essential for the exploration of cellular behavior. However, attention has been rarely given on the influences of external mechanical and internal electrical interferences on capacitive sensors. In this work, a bionic swallow structure design norm was developed for mechanical decoupling, and the influences of structural parameters on mechanical behavior were fully analyzed and optimized. A bionic feather comb distribution strategy and a portable readout circuit were proposed for eliminating electrostatic interferences. Electrostatic instability was evaluated, and electrostatic decoupling performance was verified on the basis of a novel measurement method utilizing four complementary comb arrays and application-specific integrated circuit readouts. An electrostatic pulling experiment showed that the bionic swallow structure hardly moved by 0.770 nm, and the measurement error was less than 0.009% for the area-variant sensor and 1.118% for the gap-variant sensor, which can be easily compensated in readouts. The proposed sensor also exhibited high resistance against electrostatic rotation, and the resulting measurement error dropped below 0.751%. The rotation interferences were less than 0.330 nm and (1.829 × 10−7)°, which were 35 times smaller than those of the traditional differential one. Based on the proposed bionic decoupling method, the fabricated sensor exhibited overwhelming capacitive sensitivity values of 7.078 and 1.473 pF/µm for gap-variant and area-variant devices, respectively, which were the highest among the current devices. High immunity to mechanical disturbances was maintained simultaneously, i.e., less than 0.369% and 0.058% of the sensor outputs for the gap-variant and area-variant devices, respectively, indicating its great performance improvements over existing devices and feasibility in ultralow biomedical force measurement.

关键词: micro-electro-mechanical system capacitive sensor     bionics     operation instability     mechanical and electrical decoupling     biomedical force measurement    

Thermo-fluidic devices and materials inspired from mass and energy transport phenomena in biological system

Jian XIAO , Jing LIU ,

《能源前沿(英文)》 2009年 第3卷 第1期   页码 47-59 doi: 10.1007/s11708-008-0068-4

摘要: Mass and energy transport consists of one of the most significant physiological processes in nature, which guarantees many amazing biological phenomena and activities. Borrowing such idea, many state-of-the-art thermo-fluidic devices and materials such as artificial kidneys, carrier erythrocyte, blood substitutes and so on have been successfully invented. Besides, new emerging technologies are still being developed. This paper is dedicated to presenting a relatively complete review of the typical devices and materials in clinical use inspired by biological mass and energy transport mechanisms. Particularly, these artificial thermo-fluidic devices and materials will be categorized into organ transplantation, drug delivery, nutrient transport, micro operation, and power supply. Potential approaches for innovating conventional technologies were discussed, corresponding biological phenomena and physical mechanisms were interpreted, future promising mass-and-energy-transport-based bionic devices were suggested, and prospects along this direction were pointed out. It is expected that many artificial devices based on biological mass and energy transport principle will appear to better improve various fields related to human life in the near future.

关键词: bionics     mass transport     energy transport     artificial devices and materials     biology system     nature phenomena     medical device.    

随钻提高井壁质量、保护非常规油气储层水基钻完井液新技术 Article

蒋官澄, 孙金声, 贺垠博, 崔凯潇, 董腾飞, 杨丽丽,  杨旭坤, 王星星

《工程(英文)》 2022年 第18卷 第11期   页码 129-142 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.11.014


非常规油气的高效勘探开发已成为提高我国油气自给率的重要保障,但与常规油气和国外非常规油气相比,钻井中常遭遇的“井塌、井漏、高摩阻”和诱发的储层损害不仅影响成井率,更是“高成本、低产量与低效益”的重要原因。由特殊功能材料构成、可提高井壁质量的钻井液是解决这些难题的核心。但我国非常规油气储层条件具有复杂性、多变性和不确定性,国内外现有水基钻井液无法解决这些难题,油基钻井液虽具有一定优越性,但因环境污染风险和成本高等而使应用受限。近10 余年来,国内外热点研究具油基钻井液优点的水基钻井液,但都未取得突破性进展,其成为制约经济规模开发非常规油气的“共性与关键核心”重大技术难题。为此,本文由国际前沿仅提高钻井液自身抑制性和润滑性的外因法,拓展为同时随钻提高井壁质量的内外因结合法,并将仿生学引入石油工程化学材料合成领域,模仿海洋贻贝、猪笼草、蚯蚓等生物的生命活动、生物行为、组成与结构,利用研发的固壁剂、双疏抑制剂与键合润滑剂,研制了随钻提高井壁质量型保护储层钻完井液新技术。宏观和微观研究表明,该技术能减缓甚至阻止井壁岩石强度遭受破坏、岩石毛细管对水分的吸力反转为阻力、井壁高摩阻转变为超低摩阻,使水基钻井液的井壁稳定性、润滑性和储层保护效果超过典型油基钻井液;同时,废弃钻井液环境可接受,并可成为自然界植物的养分和生态循环系统中的一环,使其由环保型钻井液升级为生态型钻井液,实现了“成井率高、储层保护效果好、成本低、环境友好”一体化目标。该技术已在我国1000 余口高难度非常规油气井得到验证与推广应用,大幅缓减了“井塌、井漏、高摩阻”诱发的储层损害难题,平均井塌率减小82.6%、井漏发生率降低80.6%、摩阻复杂率降低80%以上、提速30%以上、油气井产量较以前提高1.5 倍以上。使原来必须使用油基钻井液方可完钻的井转变为水基钻井液完钻,已成为“规模、效益、环保”开发非常规油气资源行之有效的核心技术,并为保护储层技术开辟了新的研究方向,推动了石油工业与环境保护的协调发展;同时,本文通过向自然界学习成功建立了钻井液新技术,为石油工程原创性材料、技术与理论研发和创建提供了思想与灵感的不竭源泉。

关键词: 储层保护     井壁质量     非常规油气     钻完井液     仿生学    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作








Peter Sachsenmeier


Surgical robotics: A look-back of latest advancement and bio-inspired ways to tackle existing challenges

Yang LIU, Jing LIU


A bionic approach for the mechanical and electrical decoupling of an MEMS capacitive sensor in ultralow force measurement


Thermo-fluidic devices and materials inspired from mass and energy transport phenomena in biological system

Jian XIAO , Jing LIU ,



蒋官澄, 孙金声, 贺垠博, 崔凯潇, 董腾飞, 杨丽丽,  杨旭坤, 王星星
