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A zone-layered trimming method for ceramic core of aero-engine blade based on an advanced reconfigurablelaser processing system

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第17卷 第2期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0675-5

摘要: Ceramic structural parts are one of the most widely utilized structural parts in the industry. However, they usually contain defects following the pressing process, such as burrs. Therefore, additional trimming is usually required, despite the deformation challenges and difficulty in positioning. This paper proposes an ultrafast laser processing system for trimming complex ceramic structural parts. Opto-electromechanical cooperative control software is developed to control the laser processing system. The trimming problem of the ceramic cores used in aero engines is studied. The regional registration method is introduced based on the iterative closest point algorithm to register the path extracted from the computer-aided design model with the deformed ceramic core. A zonal and layering processing method for three-dimensional contours on complex surfaces is proposed to generate the working data of high-speed scanning galvanometer and the computer numerical control machine tool, respectively. The results show that the laser system and the method proposed in this paper are suitable for trimming complex non-datum parts such as ceramic cores. Compared with the results of manual trimming, the method proposed in this paper has higher accuracy, efficiency, and yield. The method mentioned above has been used in practical application with satisfactory results.

关键词: ceramic parts trimming     computer-aided laser manufacturing     3D vision     reconfigurable laser processing system    



《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第3期   页码 78-84 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.03.012


随着激光技术的发展,激光去除与连接技术深刻影响着制造业技术的发展,并以柔性、高效、高质的综合优势成为不可或缺的先进制造技术。在先进制造智能化发展的时代,激光技术、数字信息技术等的融合必将推动激光去除与连接技术的应用发展与创新。本文选取工业应用最广的激光焊接、激光切割、激光打孔、激光打标4 种激光去除与连接技术,概述了激光去除与连接技术的应用现状,分析了其在支撑先进制造发展过程中存在的问题。研究表明,激光去除与连接技术的发展应注重工艺基础和装备研究一体化的研究,解决激光加工单元部件、激光加工工艺、智能集成各环节的关键技术,强化工艺基础研究平台建设,关注技术创新和人才培养的多维度结合,以促进激光去除与连接技术从工艺应用开发到装备市场保障的生态链式的协同发展。

关键词: 激光加工     激光焊接     激光切割     激光打孔     激光打标    

Processing parameter optimization of fiber laser beam welding using an ensemble of metamodels and MOABC

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第17卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0703-5

摘要: In fiber laser beam welding (LBW), the selection of optimal processing parameters is challenging and plays a key role in improving the bead geometry and welding quality. This study proposes a multi-objective optimization framework by combining an ensemble of metamodels (EMs) with the multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm (MOABC) to identify the optimal welding parameters. An inverse proportional weighting method that considers the leave-one-out prediction error is presented to construct EM, which incorporates the competitive strengths of three metamodels. EM constructs the correlation between processing parameters (laser power, welding speed, and distance defocus) and bead geometries (bead width, depth of penetration, neck width, and neck depth) with average errors of 10.95%, 7.04%, 7.63%, and 8.62%, respectively. On the basis of EM, MOABC is employed to approximate the Pareto front, and verification experiments show that the relative errors are less than 14.67%. Furthermore, the main effect and the interaction effect of processing parameters on bead geometries are studied. Results demonstrate that the proposed EM-MOABC is effective in guiding actual fiber LBW applications.

关键词: laser beam welding     parameter optimization     metamodel     multi-objective    

Gain-enhanced reconfigurable radiation array with mechanically driven system and directive elements

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第17卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-022-0716-0

摘要: In the artificial intelligence-driven modern wireless communication system, antennas are required to be reconfigurable in terms of size according to changing application scenarios. However, conventional antennas with constant phase distributions cannot achieve enhanced gains in different reconfigurable sizes. In this paper, we propose a mechanically reconfigurable radiation array (RRA) based on miniaturized elements and a mechanically reconfigurable system to obtain gain-enhanced antennas in compact and deployed states. A five-element RRA with a phase-reconfigurable center element is designed and analyzed theoretically. The experimental sample has been fabricated, driven by a deployable frame with only one degree of freedom to realize the size and phase distribution reconfiguration simultaneously to validate the enhanced gains of RRA. The proposed RRA can be tessellated into larger arrays to achieve higher gains in other frequency regimes, such as terahertz or photonics applications with nanometer fabrication technology.

关键词: mechanism     reconfigurable radiation array (RRA)     compact state     deployed state     enhanced gain    



《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第3期   页码 71-77 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.03.010


激光表面改性技术利用高能量密度的激光束对零部件局部易损易耗区域进行快速处理,获得材料表面所需性能,进而大幅延长零部件使用寿命,已在航空航天、石油化工、能源、交通、冶金等领域获得应用。本文针对激光冲击强化、激光淬火、激光熔覆3 种典型的激光表面改性技术,梳理了相应技术特点及国内外应用现状,凝练我国相关技术领域面临的差距与问题,总结激光表面改性技术的重点发展方向:专用合金材料制备、多能场激光复合表面改性、面向现场的激光再制造、激光冲击强化控形控性、激光表面改性智能化、激光表面微结构化。从政府引导、国产化创新、产业链完善、质量评价标准体系、人才培养等方面提出发展建议,以期为我国激光表面改性技术发展提供参考借鉴。

关键词: 激光表面改性     冲击强化     淬火     熔覆     发展趋势    

Distributed flexible reconfigurable condition monitoring and diagnosis technology

HU You-min, YANG Shu-zi, DU Run-sheng

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2006年 第1卷 第3期   页码 276-281 doi: 10.1007/s11465-006-0025-z

摘要: As manufacturing becomes increasingly decentralized, flexible and reconfigurable, more research needs to be done on monitoring and diagnosis technology that accommodate these new trends. The distributed condition monitoring and diagnosis technology based on the flexible and reconfigurable concept is studied here. A condition monitoring diagnosis model based on the distributed flexible and reconfigurable idea is proposed in this paper. The component makeup and functions of this model are discussed in detail. The model can fulfill in most instances the manufacturing system requirements for changing the configuration of the monitoring diagnosis system according to different manufacturing system configurations. This model also realizes the flexibility and reconfigurability of the monitoring diagnosis system in some degree. The model has already spawned a successful prototype for monitoring a chemical plant in accomplishing monitoring and control of the production process and equipment. Finally, some future research work is pointed out.

关键词: chemical     diagnosis system     configuration     monitoring     equipment    

Observation of premixed flame fronts by laser tomography

MU Kejin, WANG Yue, LEI Yu, ZHANG Zhedian, NIE Chaoqun, XIAO Yunhan

《能源前沿(英文)》 2008年 第2卷 第4期   页码 427-432 doi: 10.1007/s11708-008-0069-3

摘要: The principle of combustion field detection by using laser tomography, as well as exploitation of the laser tomography apparatus and the tool for image processing is described. An experiment detecting flame fronts by laser tomography was made by employing a V-shaped premixed flame. The results show that the instantaneous geometric shape of flame wrinkles within the light sheet can be clearly resolved. The contours of the flame fronts are precisely tracked through active contour models (ACM) from the digital images of laser tomography, laying the basis for the quantitative analysis of flame wrinkling and propagation.

关键词: combustion     tomography apparatus     processing     exploitation     propagation    



《中国工程科学》 2013年 第15卷 第1期   页码 34-38



关键词: 机床监测诊断系统     可重构     系统引擎     功能组件    

A Miniature Meta-Optical System for Reconfigurable Wide-Angle Imaging and Polarization-Spectral Detection

Fei Zhang,Minghao Liao,Mingbo Pu,Yinghui Guo,Lianwei Chen,Xiong Li,Qiong He,Tongtong Kang,Xiaoliang Ma,Yuan Ke,Xiangang Luo,

《工程(英文)》 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.07.008

摘要: Wide-angle imaging and spectral detection play vital roles in tasks such as target tracking, object classification, and anti-camouflage. However, limited by their intrinsically different architectures, as determined by frequency dispersion requirements, their simultaneous implementation in a shared-aperture system is difficult. Here, we propose a novel concept to realize reconfigurable dual-mode detection based on electrical-control tunable metasurfaces. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, the simultaneous implementation of wide-angle imaging and polarization-spectral detection in a miniature shared-aperture meta-optical system is realized for the first time via the electrical control of cascaded catenary-like metasurfaces. The proposed system supports the imaging (spectral) resolution of approximately 27.8 line-pairs per millimeter (lp·mm−1; ∼80 nm) for an imaging (spectral) mode from 8 to 14 μm. This system also bears a large field of view of about 70°, enabling multi-target recognition in both modes. This work may promote the miniaturization of multifunctional optical systems, including spectrometers and polarization imagers, and illustrates the potential industrial applications of meta-optics in biomedicine, security, space exploration, and more.

关键词: Metasurfaces     Reconfigurable     Imaging     Spectral    

超短脉冲激光制造及表面加工微米器件 Review

于泳超, 白石, 王树同, 胡安明

《工程(英文)》 2018年 第4卷 第6期   页码 779-786 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.10.004


超短脉冲激光在材料加工方面具有独特的优势。其对焦点之外区域的热影响效应非常有限,使超短脉冲激光可被应用于微米甚至纳米尺寸的精密加工。另外,非线性多光子效应使超短脉冲激光可以加工多种透明材料,包括玻璃以及透明高分子材料。基于这些特点,我们利用激光直写技术在高分子衬底上成功制造出了具有三维(3D)结构的高性能微型超级电容器(MSC),在0.1 mA·cm–2的电流密度下表现出42.6 mF·cm–2的峰值比电容。同时,也制造出了可用于探测多种“味道”的柔性传感器阵列。对传感器电极表面进行了不同的处理,如镀金、沉降氧化石墨烯(rGO)以及沉积聚苯胺(PANI)。通过对采集的数据进行主成分分析(PCA),这一传感器阵列可以成功地检测出样品内的不同物质。另外,在3D 结构玻璃微流体通道内由全飞秒激光加工出了具有2D周期性结构的纳米金属表面,可用于实时表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)的检测。全飞秒激光加工过程包括激光烧蚀、激光还原和激光诱导表面纳米工程。这些工作证明了超短脉冲激光在表面精密加工中的巨大潜力。

关键词: 超短脉冲激光加工     微米器件     超级电容器     电子舌     表面增强拉曼光谱    



《中国工程科学》 2020年 第22卷 第3期   页码 29-34 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.03.005


准分子激光具有波长短、能量大等特点,在集成电路光刻、材料加工、医学、科研等领域具有重要的应用。与国外先进水平相比,我国高端准分子激光技术仍存在较大差距。本文首先简要介绍了准分子激光的特点和发展历史,然后分析了国内外准分子激光技术及相关典型应用的发展现状及需求,之后提出了我国准分子激光技术发展的主要问题。最后,针对相关问题及需求,建议未来重点在基础共性技术研究(高性能高端深紫外波段元器件设计、制备与性能表征研究,放电动力学等基础理论及验证研究等)、长脉冲、高重频、大能量/ 功率技术、新兴或潜在应用领域及衍生技术等研究方面继续加大加深研究力度,为我国准分子激光的自主可控发展奠定基础。

关键词: 激光器,准分子激光技术,材料加工    

Novel slack-based robust scheduling rule for a semiconductor manufacturing system with uncertain processing

Juan LIU, Fei QIAO, Yumin MA, Weichang KONG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2018年 第5卷 第4期   页码 507-514 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2018045


The NP-hard scheduling problems of semiconductor manufacturing systems (SMSs) are further complicated by stochastic uncertainties. Reactive scheduling is a common dynamic scheduling approach where the scheduling scheme is refreshed in response to real-time uncertainties. The scheduling scheme is overly sensitive to the emergence of uncertainties because the optimization of performance (such as minimum make-span) and the system robustness cannot be achieved simultaneously by conventional reactive scheduling methods. To improve the robustness of the scheduling scheme, we propose a novel slack-based robust scheduling rule (SR) based on the analysis of robustness measurement for SMS with uncertain processing time. The decision in the SR is made in real time given the robustness. The proposed SR is verified under different scenarios, and the results are compared with the existing heuristic rules. Simulation results show that the proposed SR can effectively improve the robustness of the scheduling scheme with a slight performance loss.

关键词: semiconductor manufacturing system     uncertain processing time     dynamic scheduling     slack-based robust scheduling rule    

Assessment of popular techniques for co-processing municipal solid waste in Chinese cement kilns

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第4期 doi: 10.1007/s11783-021-1485-4


• Municipal solid waste (MSW) was fermented, screened, gasified, then co-processed.

关键词: Cement kiln     Co-processing     Environmental risk assessment     By-pass system    

微观选择性激光熔化技术发展的现状及未来展望 Review

Balasubramanian Nagarajan, Zhiheng Hu, Xu Song, Wei Zhai, Jun Wei

《工程(英文)》 2019年 第5卷 第4期   页码 702-720 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2019.07.002


增材制造(AM)能将各种材料制成形状复杂的部件,因此在制造业中越来越受到青睐。选择性激光熔化(SLM)是一种常见的AM技术,它基于粉床熔融法(PBF)来处理金属,但目前只专注于大中型元件的制作。本文综述了微型金属材料SLM的研究现状。与通常用于微观AM的直接写入技术相比,微观SLM由于许多因素而更加具有吸引力,包括更快的周期时间、流程简单性和材料通用性。此外,本文综合评价了利用SLM和选择性激光烧结(SLS)制造微尺度零件的各种研究工作和商业系统,不仅从微观尺度上找出了SLM存在的问题,包括粉末重涂、激光光学和粉末粒度等, 还详细阐述了SLM未来的发展方向。文章详细回顾了粉床技术中现有的粉末重涂方法,并描述了在AM领域实施干粉分配方法的新进展。对AM部件的一些二次整理技术进行了回顾,重点介绍了细微加工特征的应用以及与微观SLM系统的结合。

关键词: 增材制造     选择性激光熔化     微细加工     混合处理     粉床重涂    

Recent development on innovation design of reconfigurable mechanisms in China

Wuxiang ZHANG, Shengnan LU, Xilun DING

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2019年 第14卷 第1期   页码 15-20 doi: 10.1007/s11465-018-0517-7

摘要: Reconfigurable mechanisms can deliberately reconfigure themselves by rearranging the connectivity of components to meet the different requirements of tasks. Metamorphic and origami-derived mechanisms are two kinds of typical reconfigurable mechanisms, which have attracted increasing attention in the field of mechanisms since they were proposed. Improving the independent design level, innovation, and international competitive powers of reconfigurable mechanical products is important. Summarizing related significant innovation research and application achievements periodically will shed light on research directions and promote academic exchanges. This paper presents an overview of recent developments in innovation design of reconfigurable mechanisms in China, including metamorphic and origami mechanisms and their typical applications. The future development trends are analyzed and forecasted.

关键词: innovation design     reconfigurable mechanisms     metamorphic mechanisms     origami-derived mechanisms     development trends    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

A zone-layered trimming method for ceramic core of aero-engine blade based on an advanced reconfigurablelaser processing system





Processing parameter optimization of fiber laser beam welding using an ensemble of metamodels and MOABC


Gain-enhanced reconfigurable radiation array with mechanically driven system and directive elements





Distributed flexible reconfigurable condition monitoring and diagnosis technology

HU You-min, YANG Shu-zi, DU Run-sheng


Observation of premixed flame fronts by laser tomography

MU Kejin, WANG Yue, LEI Yu, ZHANG Zhedian, NIE Chaoqun, XIAO Yunhan





A Miniature Meta-Optical System for Reconfigurable Wide-Angle Imaging and Polarization-Spectral Detection

Fei Zhang,Minghao Liao,Mingbo Pu,Yinghui Guo,Lianwei Chen,Xiong Li,Qiong He,Tongtong Kang,Xiaoliang Ma,Yuan Ke,Xiangang Luo,



于泳超, 白石, 王树同, 胡安明





Novel slack-based robust scheduling rule for a semiconductor manufacturing system with uncertain processing

Juan LIU, Fei QIAO, Yumin MA, Weichang KONG


Assessment of popular techniques for co-processing municipal solid waste in Chinese cement kilns



Balasubramanian Nagarajan, Zhiheng Hu, Xu Song, Wei Zhai, Jun Wei


Recent development on innovation design of reconfigurable mechanisms in China

Wuxiang ZHANG, Shengnan LU, Xilun DING
