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Recent advances in systemic lupus erythematosus and microbiota: from bench to bedside

Frontiers of Medicine 2022, Volume 16, Issue 5,   Pages 686-700 doi: 10.1007/s11684-022-0957-7

Abstract: Human microbiome, which is mostly composed of microbiota colonized in the gut, skin, and oral cavity,The past decade of research has demonstrated a strong association between microbiota and metabolic diseasesand methodological progress facilitates further microbiota research in SLE.In this review, the latest research about the role and mechanisms of microbiota in SLE and the advancesin the development of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies based on microbiota for SLE were summarized

Keywords: systemic lupus erythematosus     microbiota     biotherapy    

Gut microbiota and its implications in small bowel transplantation

Chenyang Wang, Qiurong Li, Jieshou Li

Frontiers of Medicine 2018, Volume 12, Issue 3,   Pages 239-248 doi: 10.1007/s11684-018-0617-0


The gut microbiota is mainly composed of a diverse population of commensal bacterial species and playsThe influence of the gut microbiota on solid organ transplantation has recently been recognized.In this review, we focused on the recent findings regarding alterations in the microbiota following SBTWe also reviewed important advances with respect to the interplays between the microbiota and host immuneFurthermore, we explored the potential of the gut microbiota as a microbial marker and/or therapeutic

Keywords: gut microbiota     small bowel transplantation     acute rejection     chronic rejection     mucosal immunity     biomarker     microbiota-targeted therapy    

Gut microbiota-dependent phenylacetylglutamine in cardiovascular disease: current knowledge and new insights

Frontiers of Medicine 2024, Volume 18, Issue 1,   Pages 31-45 doi: 10.1007/s11684-024-1055-9

Abstract: Phenylacetylglutamine (PAGln) is an amino acid derivate that comes from the amino acid phenylalanine. There are increasing studies showing that the level of PAGln is associated with the risk of different cardiovascular diseases. In this review, we discussed the metabolic pathway of PAGln production and the quantitative measurement methods of PAGln. We summarized the epidemiological evidence to show the role of PAGln in diagnostic and prognostic value in several cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure, coronary heart disease/atherosclerosis, and cardiac arrhythmia. The underlying mechanism of PAGln is now considered to be related to the thrombotic potential of platelets via adrenergic receptors. Besides, other possible mechanisms such as inflammatory response and oxidative stress could also be induced by PAGln. Moreover, since PAGln is produced across different organs including the intestine, liver, and kidney, the cross-talk among multiple organs focused on the function of this uremic toxic metabolite. Finally, the prognostic value of PAGln compared to the classical biomarker was discussed and we also highlighted important gaps in knowledge and areas requiring future investigation of PAGln in cardiovascular diseases.

Keywords: PAGln     cardiovascular disease     gut microbiota     uremic metabolite     biomarker    

ADT-OH improves intestinal barrier function and remodels the gut microbiota in DSS-induced colitis

Frontiers of Medicine 2023, Volume 17, Issue 5,   Pages 972-992 doi: 10.1007/s11684-023-0990-1

Abstract: In addition, ADT-OH restored intestinal microbiota dysbiosis characterized by the significantly increasedTransplanting ADT-OH-modulated microbiota can alleviate DSS-induced colitis and negatively regulate the

Keywords: inflammatory bowel disease     ADT-OH     intestinal permeability     gut microbiota    

The Fish Microbiota: Research Progress and Potential Applications Review

Yinyin Luan, Ming Li, Wei Zhou, Yuanyuan Yao, Yalin Yang, Zhen Zhang, Einar Ringø, Rolf Erik Olsen, Jihong Liu Clarke, Shouqi Xie, Kangsen Mai, Chao Ran, Zhigang Zhou

Engineering 2023, Volume 29, Issue 10,   Pages 137-146 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.12.011


The gut microbiota plays an important role in host health and diseaseNevertheless, research has highlighted the importance of the microbiota in the health, performance, andThe composition of the fish microbiota depends on host selection, diet, and environmental factors.In this review, we discuss recent progress in fish microbiota research.fundamental research extending our knowledge of host–microbiota interaction in fish.

Keywords: Gut microbiota     Fish     Host–microbiota interaction     Aquaculture    

Altered intestinal microbiota associated with colorectal cancer

Hong Zhang, Ying Chang, Qingqing Zheng, Rong Zhang, Cheng Hu, Weiping Jia

Frontiers of Medicine 2019, Volume 13, Issue 4,   Pages 461-470 doi: 10.1007/s11684-019-0695-7

Abstract: The gut microbiota plays an important role in the development and progression of colorectal cancer (CRCTo learn more about the dysbiosis of carcinogenesis, we assessed alterations in gut microbiota in patientsreduction in which is a butyrate-producing genera of bacteria, and a significant increase in in the gut microbiota

Keywords: colorectal cancer (CRC)     gut microbiota     intestinal     Eubacterium     Devosia    

Clinical factors associated with composition of lung microbiota and important taxa predicting clinical

Frontiers of Medicine 2022, Volume 16, Issue 3,   Pages 389-402 doi: 10.1007/s11684-021-0856-3

Abstract: Few studies have described the key features and prognostic roles of lung microbiota in patients withvariance found that positive bacteria lab test results had the strongest independent association with lung microbiotapositive bacteria lab test results, AKI, and plasma MIP-1β level were associated with patients’ lung microbiota

Keywords: severe community-acquired pneumonia     lung microbiota     clinical improvements     7-category ordinal scale    

Treating Chronic Diseases by Regulating the Gut Microbiota

Bin Hong, Jian-Dong Jiang

Engineering 2022, Volume 18, Issue 11,   Pages 17-20 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.08.015

Untargeted metabolomic analysis of pregnant women exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid at different degrees

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 3, doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1628-x


● Metabolome can distinguish pregnant women exposure to PFOA at different degrees.

Keywords: Perfluorooctanoic acid     Exposure     Pregnant women     Metabolomic     GSH     Microbiota metabolism    

How Does the Microbiota Affect Human Health?

Lanjuan Li

Engineering 2017, Volume 3, Issue 1,   Pages 1-1 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2017.01.021

The Gut Microbiota, Tumorigenesis, and Liver Diseases

Guishuai Lv, Ningtao Cheng, Hongyang Wang

Engineering 2017, Volume 3, Issue 1,   Pages 110-114 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2017.01.017


In recent decades, diseases concerning the gut microbiota have presented some of the most seriousIt is surprising that the role of the microbiota in tumorigenesis has only recently been recognized,Extensive epidemiological studies have revealed that there is a strong link between the gut microbiotaRelevant animal studies involving gut microbiota manipulations, combined with observational studies onStudies of the composition and function of the gut microbiota could shed some light on understanding

Keywords: Gut microbiota     Dysbiosis     Tumorigenesis     Hepatocellular carcinoma     Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease    

From Farming to Engineering: The Microbiota and Allergic Diseases

Dominique Angèle Vuitton, Jean-Charles Dalphin

Engineering 2017, Volume 3, Issue 1,   Pages 98-109 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2017.01.019

Abstract: A common unifying concept is that of the immunoregulatory role of the gut microbiota.microbial environment appears to be crucial for this protection, as does the biodiversity of the gut microbiota

Keywords: Allergy     Farming     Microbial biodiversity     Immune regulation     Microbiota     Translational research    

Structural shifts in the intestinal microbiota of rats treated with cyclosporine A after orthotropic

Junjun Jia, Xinyao Tian, Jianwen Jiang, Zhigang Ren, Haifeng Lu, Ning He, Haiyang Xie, Lin Zhou, Shusen Zheng

Frontiers of Medicine 2019, Volume 13, Issue 4,   Pages 451-460 doi: 10.1007/s11684-018-0675-3

Abstract: Understanding the effect of immunosuppressive agents on intestinal microbiota is important to reduceThe intestinal microbiota was assayed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles and by usingHence, CSA ameliorates hepatic graft injury and partially restores gut microbiota following LT, and these

Keywords: microbial community     liver transplantation     immunosuppressive agents     cyclosporine A    

The Human Microbiota in Health and Disease

Baohong Wang, Mingfei Yao, Longxian Lv, Zongxin Ling, Lanjuan Li

Engineering 2017, Volume 3, Issue 1,   Pages 71-82 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2017.01.008

Abstract: Here, we focus on the interactions between the human microbiota and the host in order to provide an overviewCurrent research on the human microbiota has become much more sophisticated and more comprehensive.interaction and on cause-effect mechanisms, which could pave the way to an understanding of the role of gut microbiota

Keywords: Microbiome     Health     Infectious disease     Liver diseases     Gastrointestinal malignancy     Metabolic disorder     Microbiota    

Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations and the major regulators

Li XUE, Ertao WANG

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2020, Volume 7, Issue 3,   Pages 296-306 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020347


Plants growing in natural soils encounter diverse biotic and abiotic stresses and have adapted with sophisticated strategies to deal with complex environments such as changing root system structure, evoking biochemical responses and recruiting microbial partners. Under selection pressure, plants and their associated microorganisms assemble into a functional entity known as a holobiont. The commonest cooperative interaction is between plant roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. About 80% of terrestrial plants can form AM symbiosis with the ancient phylum Glomeromycota. A very large network of extraradical and intraradical mycelium of AM fungi connects the underground biota and the nearby carbon and nutrient fluxes. Here, we discuss recent progress on the regulators of AM associations with plants, AM fungi and their surrounding environments, and explore further mechanistic insights.

Keywords: AM symbiosis     signal     regulators     nutrients     phosphate     microbiota    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Recent advances in systemic lupus erythematosus and microbiota: from bench to bedside

Journal Article

Gut microbiota and its implications in small bowel transplantation

Chenyang Wang, Qiurong Li, Jieshou Li

Journal Article

Gut microbiota-dependent phenylacetylglutamine in cardiovascular disease: current knowledge and new insights

Journal Article

ADT-OH improves intestinal barrier function and remodels the gut microbiota in DSS-induced colitis

Journal Article

The Fish Microbiota: Research Progress and Potential Applications

Yinyin Luan, Ming Li, Wei Zhou, Yuanyuan Yao, Yalin Yang, Zhen Zhang, Einar Ringø, Rolf Erik Olsen, Jihong Liu Clarke, Shouqi Xie, Kangsen Mai, Chao Ran, Zhigang Zhou

Journal Article

Altered intestinal microbiota associated with colorectal cancer

Hong Zhang, Ying Chang, Qingqing Zheng, Rong Zhang, Cheng Hu, Weiping Jia

Journal Article

Clinical factors associated with composition of lung microbiota and important taxa predicting clinical

Journal Article

Treating Chronic Diseases by Regulating the Gut Microbiota

Bin Hong, Jian-Dong Jiang

Journal Article

Untargeted metabolomic analysis of pregnant women exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid at different degrees

Journal Article

How Does the Microbiota Affect Human Health?

Lanjuan Li

Journal Article

The Gut Microbiota, Tumorigenesis, and Liver Diseases

Guishuai Lv, Ningtao Cheng, Hongyang Wang

Journal Article

From Farming to Engineering: The Microbiota and Allergic Diseases

Dominique Angèle Vuitton, Jean-Charles Dalphin

Journal Article

Structural shifts in the intestinal microbiota of rats treated with cyclosporine A after orthotropic

Junjun Jia, Xinyao Tian, Jianwen Jiang, Zhigang Ren, Haifeng Lu, Ning He, Haiyang Xie, Lin Zhou, Shusen Zheng

Journal Article

The Human Microbiota in Health and Disease

Baohong Wang, Mingfei Yao, Longxian Lv, Zongxin Ling, Lanjuan Li

Journal Article

Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations and the major regulators

Li XUE, Ertao WANG

Journal Article