
期刊论文 1042

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2024 38

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2014 39

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2005 9

展开 ︾


能源 51

可持续发展 12

可再生能源 11

核能 11

节能 10

碳中和 8

能源安全 6

2035 4

新能源 4

氢能 4

能源战略 4

能源结构 4

能源转型 4

能源革命 4

节能减排 4

节能环保 4

中长期 3

关键技术 3

太阳能 3

展开 ︾


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Microwave-induced high-energy sites and targeted energy transition promising for efficient energy deployment

《能源前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第6期   页码 931-942 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0771-y

摘要: Diverse interactions between microwaves and irradiated media provide a solid foundation for identifying novel organization pathways for energy flow. In this study, a high-energy-site phenomenon and targeted-energy transition mechanism were identified in a particular microwave heating (MH) process. Intense discharges were observed when microwaves were imposed on irregularly sized SiC particles, producing tremendous heat that was 8-fold the amount generated in the discharge-free case. Energy efficiency was thereby greatly improved in the electricity-microwaves-effective heat transition. Meanwhile, the dispersed microwave field energy concentrated in small sites, where local temperatures could reach 2000°C– 4000°C, with the energy density reaching up to 4.0 × 105 W/kg. This can be called a high-energy site phenomenon which could induce further processes or reactions enhancement by coupling effects of heat, light, and plasma. The whole process, including microwave energy concentration and intense site-energy release, shapes a targeted-energy transition mechanism that can be optimized in a controlled manner through morphology design. In particular, the discharge intensity, frequency, and high-energy sites were strengthened through the fabrication of sharp nano/microstructures, conferring twice the energy efficiency of untreated metal wires. The microwave-induced high-energy sites and targeted energy transition provide an important pathway for high-efficiency energy deployment and may lead to promising applications.

关键词: microwave discharge     high-energy sites     targeted-energy transition     morphology design     energy efficiency    

Energy transition management towards a low-carbon world

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第3期   页码 499-503 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0201-9

关键词: energy transition     low-carbon technology     system modeling     transition path     emission reduction    

Special issue: Transition management of energy systems towards carbon neutrality

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第3期   页码 355-357 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0219-z

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Energy transition toward carbon-neutrality in China: Pathways, implications and uncertainties

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第3期   页码 358-372 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0202-8

摘要: Achieving carbon neutrality in China before 2060 requires a radical energy transition. To identify the possible transition pathways of China’s energy system, this study presents a scenario-based assessment using the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) model. China could peak the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions before 2030 with current policies, while carbon neutrality entails a reduction of 7.8 Gt CO2 in emissions in 2060 and requires an energy system overhaul. The assessment of the relationship between the energy transition and energy return on investment (EROI) reveals that energy transition may decrease the EROI, which would trigger increased energy investment, energy demand, and emissions. Uncertainty analysis further shows that the slow renewable energy integration policies and carbon capture and storage (CCS) penetration pace could hinder the emission mitigation, and the possible fossil fuel shortage calls for a much rapid proliferation of wind and solar power. Results suggest a continuation of the current preferential policies for renewables and further research and development on deployment of CCS. The results also indicate the need for backup capacities to enhance the energy security during the transition.

关键词: carbon neutrality     energy transition     uncertainty     EROI     LEAP    



《中国工程科学》 2009年 第11卷 第11期   页码 4-12


中国石油和天然气资源贫乏,进口依存度超过50 %,煤炭的储产比也降到了50以下。中国能源消费结构中煤炭占到七成,CO2排放超过美国。能源转型是当今世界,也是中国发展的大趋势。能源转型的方向是清洁能源,发展清洁能源的重点是可再生能源。中国清洁能源资源具有替代现能源消费总量七成以上的潜力;可再生能源中的小水电、风能和生物质能的可经济利用资源量分别是0.63亿吨,1.23亿吨和10.47亿吨(标煤)。中国生物质原料资源最丰富,而且可以立竿见影地增加农民收入,促进农村经济发展,是发展可再生能源和能源转型的战略重点。

关键词: 中国能源     困境     转型    

Energy budget and economic analysis in conventional and organic rice production systems and organic scenariosin the transition period in Iran

Hamed MANSOORI, Parviz Rezvani MOGHADDAM, Rooholla MORADI

《能源前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第4期   页码 341-350 doi: 10.1007/s11708-012-0206-x

摘要: Compared to conventional agriculture, organic agriculture is reported to be more efficient and effective in reducing water and soil pollution, greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission and risk of human health. In additional, field management under organic condition can be useful for increasing energy efficiency. Rice is one of the important crops which are cultivated in two forms, organic and conventional, in Iran. In order to compare the energy efficiency and economic analysis of rice production in organic and conventional systems in Iran, needed information was collected by face-to-face questionnaire in 2011 and three scenarios were designed to predict the changes of energy budget and economic analysis in the transition period that included: 25%, 50% and 75% organic management in rice production. The results showed that all energy indexes were improved in organic rice production compared to conventional condition. Higher values of benefit to cost ratio, gross and net return and lower value of total cost of production were obtained from organic rice production which indicated that the organic management of farm improved economically in comparison with the conventional rice production system. The shares of direct and renewable energies were increased by approach to organic management. Increase in energy efficiency and productivity was predicted for the transition period but decrease trend in economic indexes was projected for this period in all scenarios. The main reason for decreasing economic indexes in organic scenarios was that the market price of organic rice was the same as that of conventional rice in the transition period.

关键词: energy efficiency     specific energy     net return     Cobb-Douglas function    

Tackling climate change and promoting the energy revolution

Xiangwan DU

《能源前沿(英文)》 2018年 第12卷 第3期   页码 338-343 doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0535-5


Following the Paris Agreement, green and low-carbon development has entered into a new stage. China’s international responsibility to combat climate change is consistent with the inherent sustainable development needs of the country. In this paper, the reasonability of China’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) is examined and the fact that low-carbon development can lead to modernization is demonstrated based on data analysis of energy economics from developed countries. Considering the fact that such an energy revolution forms the basis for China’s low-carbon transition, a roadmap of the China’s energy utilization is presented. Based on research results from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the three historical stages of China’s energy structure reform are analyzed. Promoting a low-carbon transition through an energy revolution is a long-term and arduous process that requires a genuine transformation of development outlook and patterns. By empirically analyzing situations at home and abroad, a conclusion is made that economic development and a low-carbon transition can be achieved simultaneously; specifically, low-carbon development fosters new points of economic growth and gives rise to different development paths.

关键词: climate change     Paris Agreement     low-carbon transition     energy revolution    



《中国工程科学》 2022年 第24卷 第6期   页码 8-18 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.06.002


我国是世界上最大的能源消费和碳排放国家,能源结构“偏煤”、产业结构“偏重”的特点给碳达峰、碳中和(“双碳”)目标实现及能源领域高质量发展构成挑战,因而面向未来的能源转型路径研究较为迫切。本文在梳理我国能源发展现状的基础上,对我国中长期能源需求和转型趋势进行了预测及分析。研究结果表明,2035 年我国一次能源需求总量为5.56×109~5.96×109 tce,单位国内生产总值CO2排放强度较2005 年将下降77.6%~81.5%;能源相关CO2排放将在“十五五”时期达峰;能效提高,可再生能源发展,碳捕获、利用与封存技术应用,氢能及可再生燃料替代是降低能源CO2排放的主要技术措施,技术创新是推动重点领域绿色低碳转型的核心驱动力。进一步从推进节能战略,发展可再生能源,加强技术创新,统筹法制、技术和市场等方面提出了发展建议,以期为能源领域高质量发展提供参考。

关键词: 碳达峰;碳中和;能源需求;能源转型    

Toward energy finance market transition: Does China’s oil futures shake up global spots market?

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第3期   页码 409-424 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0207-3

摘要: China is breaking through the petrodollar system, establishing RMB-dominating crude oil futures market. The country is achieving a milestone in its transition to energy finance market internationalization. This study explores the price leadership of China’s crude oil futures and identifies its price co-movement to uncover whether it truly shakes up the global oil spots market. First, we find that for oil spots under different gravities, China’s oil futures is only a net price information receiver from light-, medium-, and heavy-gravity oil spots, but it has a relatively stronger price co-movement with these three spots. Second, for oil spots under different sulfur contents, China’s oil futures still has weak price leadership in sweet, neutral, and sour oil spots, but it has strong co-movement with them. Third, for oil spots under different geographical origins, China’s oil futures shows price leadership in East Asian and Australian oil spots at the medium- and long-run time scales and strong price co-movement with East Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American and Australian oil spots. China’s oil futures may not have good price leadership in global spots market, but it features favorable price co-movement.

关键词: China’s oil futures     price information spillover     price co-movement     BK spillover index     BDECO model    



《中国工程科学》 2021年 第23卷 第1期   页码 15-23 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.01.005



关键词: 能源转型,全球能源系统,中国能源系统,SEGO    

碳中和愿景下的中国能源转型之路 Article

张枢, 陈文颖

《工程(英文)》 2022年 第14卷 第7期   页码 64-76 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.09.004


为了实现碳中和,中国能源系统需要经历深刻转型。本文利用能源-环境-经济模型China TIMES,设计了4个面向碳中和的能源转型情景,对因实现碳达峰时间不同和2050年碳排放量不同引起的转型路径差异进行了比较。结果显示,中国的二氧化碳排放量将在2025—2030年达到103亿~104亿吨的峰值。2050年,中国能源消费总量(电热当量)的60%、发电量的90%将由可再生能源提供,终端电气化率提升至接近60%。能源转型将带来持续的空气质量改善,2050年局地空气污染物排放较2020年减少85%,而提前达峰能够产生更多的近期收益。提前达峰要求在未来10年大量部署可再生能源,并在2025年后加速淘汰煤炭,这加大了近期的减排压力。然而,这些措施能尽早获得更好的空气质量,减少二氧化碳累计排放,为其他部门的转型争取更多时间。另外,本研究还发现,中国2050年的减排压力会在近期对可再生能源的发展、能源服务需求变化和福利损失产生影响。

关键词: 碳中和     能源转型     气候变化减缓     China TIMES模型     协同效应    

能源系统低碳转型——工程管理视角下的文献计量研究 Review

周鹏, 吕悦, 闻雯

《工程(英文)》 2023年 第29卷 第10期   页码 147-158 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2022.11.010



关键词: 低碳转型     能源系统     文献计量研究     系统性综述    

电力系统主动支撑能源转型 Editorial


《工程(英文)》 2021年 第7卷 第8期   页码 1035-1036 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.07.002

Big Data to support sustainable urban energy planning: The EvoEnergy project

Moulay Larbi CHALAL, Benachir MEDJDOUB, Nacer BEZAI, Raid SHRAHILY

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第2期   页码 287-300 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0081-9

摘要: Energy sustainability is a complex problem that needs to be tackled holistically by equally addressing other aspects such as socio-economic to meet the strict CO emission targets. This paper builds upon our previous work on the effect of household transition on residential energy consumption where we developed a 3D urban energy prediction system (EvoEnergy) using the old UK panel data survey, namely, the British household panel data survey (BHPS). In particular, the aim of the present study is to examine the validity and reliability of EvoEnergy under the new UK household longitudinal study (UKHLS) launched in 2009. To achieve this aim, the household transition and energy prediction modules of EvoEnergy have been tested under both data sets using various statistical techniques such as Chow test. The analysis of the results advised that EvoEnergy remains a reliable prediction system and had a good prediction accuracy (MAPE  5%) when compared to actual energy performance certificate data. From this premise, we recommend researchers, who are working on data-driven energy consumption forecasting, to consider merging the BHPS and UKHLS data sets. This will, in turn, enable them to capture the bigger picture of different energy phenomena such as fuel poverty; consequently, anticipate problems with policy prior to their occurrence. Finally, the paper concludes by discussing two scenarios of EvoEnergy development in relation to energy policy and decision-making.

关键词: urban energy planning     sustainable planning     Big Data     household transition     energy prediction    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Microwave-induced high-energy sites and targeted energy transition promising for efficient energy deployment


Energy transition management towards a low-carbon world


Special issue: Transition management of energy systems towards carbon neutrality


Energy transition toward carbon-neutrality in China: Pathways, implications and uncertainties





Energy budget and economic analysis in conventional and organic rice production systems and organic scenariosin the transition period in Iran

Hamed MANSOORI, Parviz Rezvani MOGHADDAM, Rooholla MORADI


Tackling climate change and promoting the energy revolution

Xiangwan DU





Toward energy finance market transition: Does China’s oil futures shake up global spots market?






张枢, 陈文颖


Martin Blunt:Flow in Porous Media in the Energy Transition(2022年10月12日)




周鹏, 吕悦, 闻雯





Big Data to support sustainable urban energy planning: The EvoEnergy project

Moulay Larbi CHALAL, Benachir MEDJDOUB, Nacer BEZAI, Raid SHRAHILY
