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Sustainable intensification of agriculture is key to feeding Africa in the 21st century

Shenggen FAN

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第4期   页码 366-370 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020342


Africa in facing numerous challenges in the 21st century in feeding its rapidly increasing population. Land resources have become limited due to urbanization and industrialization. The existing agricultural land has been degraded and soil fertility has declined due to unsustainable farming practices. Despite of progress made in the past several decades, hunger and malnutrition in Africa still hinder health, human development and economic growth, which will become even worse in the future if proper measures are not taken. Sustainable intensification is the only solution to tackling both environmental sustainability including climate change and malnutrition, i.e., to produce more foods in terms of nutrients human body needs with less natural resources and carbon emissions. To achieve this vision, innovations in technologies, policies and institutions are essential. The Chinese experience in Agricultural Green Development (AGD) can be shared with Africans when the region is pursuing its sustainable intensification strategy.

关键词: Africa     sustainable intensification     Agricultural Green Development     climate change     malnutrition    

Towards the sustainable intensification of agriculture—a systems approach to policy formulation


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 81-89 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019291


The sustainable intensification of agriculture involves providing sufficient food and other ecosystem services without going beyond the limits of the earth’s system. Here a project management approach is suggested to help guide agricultural policy to deliver these objectives. The first step is to agree measurable outcomes, integrating formal policy goals with the often much less formal and much more diverse goals of individual farmers. The second step is to assess current performance. Ideally, this will involve the use of farm-scale metrics that can feed into process models that address social and environmental domains as well as production issues that can be benchmarked and upscaled to landscape and country. Some policy goals can be delivered by supporting ad hoc interventions, while others require the redesign of the farming system. A pipeline of research, knowledge and capacity building is needed to ensure the continuous increase in farm performance. System models can help prioritise policy interventions. Formal optimization of land use is only appropriate if the policy goals are clear, and the constraints understood. In practice, the best approach may depend on the scale of action that is required, and on the amount of resource and infrastructure available to generate, implement and manage policy.

关键词: agricultural policy     ecosystem services     indicators of sustainable intensification     knowledge exchange     land use optimization    

Sustainable intensification of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: first things first!


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第4期   页码 376-382 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020351

Sustainable intensification of African agriculture: a necessity, but not yet a reality


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第4期   页码 383-389 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020361

Intercropping enables a sustainable intensification of agriculture

Wopke VAN DER WERF, Chunjie LI, Wen-Feng CONG, Fusuo ZHANG

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第3期   页码 254-256 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020352

Toward sustainable intensification of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第4期   页码 401-405 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020341


Across the African continent efforts to intensify agriculture have been limited to specific commodities, locations or particular production schemes. The causes for the widespread failure to overcome low land and labor productivity while maintaining ecosystem services have often be analyzed but remain poorly understood. A social-ecological system approach may help to better understand the complex nature of ecological disadvantages, postcolonial structures, limited connect between producers and consumer markets, low off-farm livelihood opportunities, partial underpopulation and lacking experience with the concept of sustainable production as a major impediment for sustainable intensification of the agricultural sector. Nevertheless, recent success stories in agro-pastoral systems as well as urban vegetable and animal production and associated value chains in West Africa, and in intensive mixed-cropping systems of the Great Lakes Region show the potential of stakeholder-driven agricultural intensification. Proper interpretation of these cases may provide lessons for a more widespread eco-intensification of smallholder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa.

关键词: colonial heritage     land use     marketing     property rights     subsistence agriculture     urbanization     value chains    

Sustainable intensification of agriculture in Africa

Antonius G.T. SCHUT, Ken E. GILLER

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第4期   页码 371-375 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2020357

摘要: Sustainable intensification is a key component of agricultural development in Africa, urgently needed to wean the continent off foreign food supply and to limit agricultural farmland expansion. It is expected that a relatively small fraction of farmers will adopt fertilizer technology, as profits in current economic settings are relatively small while risks are considerable with varying prices and uncertain yield responses. Many smallholders depend on off-farm income and local markets for food supply. Structural adjustments are therefore needed to allow management of larger units of land by trained farmers willing to take this opportunity, while recognizing land right sensitivities. There are large opportunities for African commodity crops to improve food security, including cassava and East African highland banana that strongly respond to fertilizer with limited environmental risks under good management. This requires investments in better functioning markets, local fertilizer production facilities that can produce regional crop blends and cost-efficient distribution networks, providing balanced fertilizers for African farmers.

关键词: Green Revolution     Manihot esculenta     Musa acuminata     sub-Saharan Africa    

Special issue on “Green chemical process and intensification

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第11期   页码 1533-1535 doi: 10.1007/s11705-022-2263-y

Agriculture Green Development: a model for China and the world

Jianbo SHEN, Qichao ZHU, Xiaoqiang JIAO, Hao YING, Hongliang WANG, Xin WEN, Wen XU, Tingyu LI, Wenfeng CONG, Xuejun LIU, Yong HOU, Zhenling CUI, Oene OENEMA, William J. DAVIES, Fusuo ZHANG

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2020年 第7卷 第1期   页码 5-13 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2019300


Realizing sustainable development has become a global priority. This holds, in particular, for agriculture. Recently, the United Nations launched the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Nineteenth National People’s Congress has delivered a national strategy for sustainable development in China—realizing green development. The overall objective of Agriculture Green Development (AGD) is to coordinate “green” with “development” to realize the transformation of current agriculture with high resource consumption and high environmental costs into a green agriculture and countryside with high productivity, high resource use efficiency and low environmental impact. This is a formidable task, requiring joint efforts of government, farmers, industry, educators and researchers. The innovative concept for AGD will focus on reconstructing the whole crop-animal production and food production-consumption system, with the emphasis on high thresholds for environmental standards and food quality as well as enhanced human well-being. This paper addresses the significance, challenges, framework, pathways and potential solutions for realizing AGD in China, and highlights the potential changes that will lead to a more sustainable agriculture in the future. Proposals include interdisciplinary innovations, whole food chain improvement and regional solutions. The implementation of AGD in China will provide important implications for the countries in developmental transition, and contribute to global sustainable development.

关键词: Agriculture Green Development     food security     interdisciplinary innovations     resource use efficiency     sustainable development     sustainable intensification     whole industry chain    

氧化还原氧化裂解石脑油制乙烯的过程模拟与分析 Article

Vasudev Pralhad Haribal,Yun Chen,Luke Neal,Fanxing Li

《工程(英文)》 2018年 第4卷 第5期   页码 714-721 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2018.08.001


石脑油热裂解制乙烯(C2H4)是一种能源密集型工艺(每吨C2H4 高达40 GJ 热量),会形成大量焦炭和氮氧化物(NOx),而且每产生1 kg C2H4 就有1.8~2 kg 的二氧化碳(CO2)排放量。我们提出了石脑油氧化还原氧化裂解(redox oxy-cracking,ROC)的替代方法。在该两步法中,石脑油裂解产生的氢气(H2)首先在氧化还原催化剂的作用下与其晶格氧选择性地燃烧。随后氧化还原催化剂被空气再次氧化并释放热量,以满足裂解反应对热量的需求。这个强化过程减少了附加能量的消耗以及CO2 和NOx 的排放。此外,由于H2 的选择性燃烧,C2H4 和丙烯(C3H6)的形成可以被增强。在本研究中,我们基于最近开发氧化还原催化剂的实验数据,使用ASPEN Plus® 模拟ROC工艺。与传统的石脑油裂解相比,ROC 工艺可将能耗和CO2 排放量降低52%。该工艺的上游部分少消耗约67% 的能量,同时每千克石脑油原料多产生28% 的C2H4 和C3H6

关键词: 乙烯     石脑油裂解     过程强化     化学循环     过程模拟    


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2021年 第8卷 第1期


• Current intensification trends in the Rio de la Plata need urgent re-direction.

•Integrated crop-livestock systems reconcile food production with ecosystem services.

•Case studies validate recoupling as a sustainable way to ecological intensification.


The Rio de la Plata region comprises central Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. Modern agriculture developed around 1900 with recent decades being characterized by the advance of cropping areas over native grasslands. Highly specialized agriculture has decoupled crop and livestock production but has succeeded in intensifying yields. However, significant losses of ecosystem services have been reported. Thus, questions have been raised on the sustainability of this pathway. A glance at world regions that have experienced similar trends suggests that an urgent course correction is needed. A major concern has been the lack of diversity in regions with highly specialized agriculture, promoting renewed interest in integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS), not only because ICLS are more diverse than specialized systems, but also because they are rare examples of reconciliation between agroecosystem intensification and environmental quality. Consequently, this paper discusses alternatives to redesign multifunctional landscapes based on ICLS. Recent data provide evidence that recoupling crop and animal production increases the resilience of nutrient cycling functions and economic indicators to external stressors, enabling these systems to face climate-market uncertainty and reconcile food production with the provision of diverse ecosystem services. Finally, these concepts are exemplified in case studies where this perspective has been successfully applied.

气升式浆态床反应器的过程强化 Review

耿淑君, 毛在砂, 黄青山, 杨超

《工程(英文)》 2021年 第7卷 第3期   页码 304-325 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.03.002



关键词: 浆态床反应器     气升式搅拌     鼓泡塔     环流反应器     过程强化     固体颗粒    

膜结晶过程强化与控制研究进展 Review

姜晓滨, 邵钰珊, 盛磊, 李培钰, 贺高红

《工程(英文)》 2021年 第7卷 第1期   页码 50-62 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2020.06.024



关键词: 膜结晶     成核     过程控制     过程强化    

Design and optimization of reactive distillation: a review

《化学科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第6期   页码 799-818 doi: 10.1007/s11705-021-2128-9

摘要: Reactive distillation process, a representative process intensification technology, has been widely applied in the chemical industry. However, due to the strong interaction between reaction and separation, the extension of reactive distillation technology is restricted by the difficulties in process analysis and design. To overcome this problem, the design and optimization of reactive distillation have been widely studied and illustrated for plenty of reactive mixtures over the past three decades. These design and optimization methods of the reactive distillation process are classified into three categories: graphical, optimization-based, and evolutionary/heuristic methods. The primary objective of this article is to provide an up-to-date review of the existing design and optimization methods. Desired and output information, advantages and limitations of each method are stated, the modification and development for original methodologies are also reviewed. Perspectives on future research on the design and optimization of reactive distillation method are proposed for further research.

关键词: reactive distillation     process intensification     design method     reactive phase diagram     optimization algorithm    

Equipment–process–strategy integration for sustainable machining: a review

《机械工程前沿(英文)》 2023年 第18卷 第3期 doi: 10.1007/s11465-023-0752-4

摘要: Although the manufacturing industry has improved the quality of processing, optimization and upgrading must be performed to meet the requirements of global sustainable development. Sustainable production is considered to be a favorable strategy for achieving machining upgrades characterized by high quality, high efficiency, energy savings, and emission reduction. Sustainable production has aroused widespread interest, but only a few scholars have studied the sustainability of machining from multiple dimensions. The sustainability of machining must be investigated multidimensionally and accurately. Thus, this study explores the sustainability of machining from the aspects of equipment, process, and strategy. In particular, the equipment, process, and strategy of sustainable machining are systematically analyzed and integrated into a research framework. Then, this study analyzes sustainable machining-oriented machining equipment from the aspects of machine tools, cutting tools, and materials such as cutting fluid. Machining processes are explored as important links of sustainable machining from the aspects of dry cutting, microlubrication, microcutting, low-temperature cutting, and multidirectional cutting. The strategies for sustainable machining are also analyzed from the aspects of energy-saving control, machining simulation, and process optimization of machine tools. Finally, opportunities and challenges, including policies and regulations toward sustainable machining, are discussed. This study is expected to offer prospects for sustainable machining development and strategies for implementing sustainable machining.

关键词: sustainable machining     equipment     process     strategy     manufacturing    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Sustainable intensification of agriculture is key to feeding Africa in the 21st century

Shenggen FAN


Towards the sustainable intensification of agriculture—a systems approach to policy formulation



Sustainable intensification of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: first things first!



Sustainable intensification of African agriculture: a necessity, but not yet a reality



Intercropping enables a sustainable intensification of agriculture

Wopke VAN DER WERF, Chunjie LI, Wen-Feng CONG, Fusuo ZHANG


Toward sustainable intensification of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa



Sustainable intensification of agriculture in Africa

Antonius G.T. SCHUT, Ken E. GILLER


Special issue on “Green chemical process and intensification


Agriculture Green Development: a model for China and the world

Jianbo SHEN, Qichao ZHU, Xiaoqiang JIAO, Hao YING, Hongliang WANG, Xin WEN, Wen XU, Tingyu LI, Wenfeng CONG, Xuejun LIU, Yong HOU, Zhenling CUI, Oene OENEMA, William J. DAVIES, Fusuo ZHANG



Vasudev Pralhad Haribal,Yun Chen,Luke Neal,Fanxing Li





耿淑君, 毛在砂, 黄青山, 杨超



姜晓滨, 邵钰珊, 盛磊, 李培钰, 贺高红


Design and optimization of reactive distillation: a review


Equipment–process–strategy integration for sustainable machining: a review
