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碳中和 4

网络空间安全 4

能源战略 4

能源结构 4

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能源革命 4

节能减排 4

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展开 ︾


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Water, energy and food interactions–Challenges and opportunities


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第5期   页码 787-793 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0526-z

摘要: Water and energy are inextricably linked, and as a consequence both have to be addressed together. This is called the water-energy nexus. When access to either is limited, it becomes obvious that it is necessary to consider their interdependence. Population growth, climate change, urbanization, increasing living standards and food consumption will require an integrated approach where food, water and energy security are considered together. In this paper we examine water, energy and food security and their couplings. The nexus also creates conflicts between water use, energy extraction and generation as well as food production. Some of these conflicts are illustrated. It is argued that there is an urgent need for integrated planning and operation. Not only will better technology be needed, but also better integration of policies, organizations and political decisions.

关键词: water security     energy security     food security     water-energy nexus     water conflicts    

Modeling China’s energy dilemma: conflicts among energy saving, energy security, and CO 2 mitigation

Feng FU, Zheng LI, Linwei MA,

《能源前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第3期   页码 295-300 doi: 10.1007/s11708-010-0104-z

摘要: This study analyzes China’s future energy scenarios stretching until 2050 under different policy portfolios of energy security (e.g., oil import dependency) and CO emissions control. Four scenarios, namely, ① business as usual, ② strong oil import dependency (OID) control, ③ strong CO emissions control, and ④ twofold emphasis on OID and CO emissions control, are designed. The results reveal the existence of conflicts among China’s multiple objectives, particularly energy saving, energy security, and CO mitigation. Based on the analysis, an improvement in China’s efficiency in fossil energy conversion and the promotion of the utilization of non-fossil energy such as nuclear, wind, and hydro energy are recommended. The over-development of coal-derived fuels should also be avoided because of incremental coal consumption and CO emissions. Furthermore, research on and development of carbon capture and storage technologies should be promoted, while the energy efficiency loss caused by integrating these technologies into energy systems should be reduced in view of the high possibility of stricter standards for CO emissions in the future.

关键词: Energy dilemma     energy saving     energy security     CO2 mitigation    

Transportation: meeting the dual challenges of achieving energy security and reducing greenhouse gas

Michael Quanlu WANG, Hong HUO

《能源前沿(英文)》 2009年 第3卷 第2期   页码 212-225 doi: 10.1007/s11708-009-0016-y

摘要: As the population and economy continue to grow globally, demand for energy will continue to grow. The transportation sector relies solely on petroleum for its energy supply. The United States and China are the top two oil-importing countries. A major issue both countries face and are addressing is energy insecurity as a result of the demand for liquid fuels. Improvements in the energy efficiency of vehicles and the substitution of petroleum fuels with alternative fuels can help contain growth in the demand for transportation oil. Although most alternative transportation fuels - when applied to advanced vehicle technologies - can substantially reduce greenhouse emissions, coal-based liquid fuels may increase greenhouse gas emissions by twice as much as gasoline. Such technologies as carbon capture and storage may need to be employed to manage the greenhouse gas emissions of coal-based fuels. At present, there is no ideal transportation fuel option to solve problems related to transportation energy and greenhouse gas emissions. To solve these problems, research and development efforts are needed for a variety of transportation fuel options and advanced vehicle technologies.

关键词: transportation energy     energy security     greenhouse gases     alternative fuels     vehicle technologies    



《中国工程科学》 2021年 第23卷 第1期   页码 112-117 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.01.017


能源安全是国家安全体系的重要组成部分,受全球地缘政治、新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情蔓延的影响,我国能源安全面临严峻挑战。综合高效利用国内能源资源、控制和减少油气进口规模、保障能源安全,仍是我国高质量、可持续发展亟待研究的课题。本文梳理了能源安全概念的演变历程、国外代表性的能源安全战略,从“发展可持续、供应有保障、科技有支撑、经济可承受、体制有保障” 5 个维度研究界定了能源革命条件下我国能源安全的新内涵;在此基础上研判了我国能源安全面临的形势并提出相应战略构想。研究表明,稳定传统能源生产,保障进口油气供给安全,实施多能互补、提升可再生能源消费比重,提高能源科技水平、加快能源科技创新合作,完善能源发展体制机制,是我国能源发展的必要举措。最后从顶层设计与规划、天然气与可再生能源融合发展、新能源科技创新研发、能源对外合作深化等角度提出了对策建议。

关键词: 能源革命     能源安全     安全保障     能源经济     形势分析    

On water security, sustainability, and the water-food-energy-climate nexus


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第5期   页码 626-639 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0548-6

摘要: The role of water security in sustainable development and in the nexus of water, food, energy and climate interactions is examined from the starting point of the definition of water security offered by Grey and Sadoff. Much about the notion of security has to do with the presumption of scarcity in the resources required to meet human needs. The treatment of scarcity in mainstream economics is in turn examined, therefore, in relation to how each of us as individuals reconciles means with ends, a procedure at the core of the idea of sustainable development. According to the Grey-Sadoff definition, attaining water security amounts to achieving basic, single-sector water development as a precursor of more general, self-sustaining, multi-sectoral development. This is consistent with the way in which water is treated as “first among equals”, i.e. privileged, in thinking about what is key in achieving security around the nexus of water, food, energy and climate. Cities, of course, are locations where demands for these multiple resource-energy flows are increasingly being generated. The paper discusses two important facets of security, i.e., diversity of access to resources and services (such as sanitation) and resilience in the behavior of coupled human-built-natural systems. Eight quasi-operational principles, by which to gauge nexus security with respect to city buildings and infrastructure, are developed.

关键词: cities as forces for good     diversity     energy and nutrient recovery     green economy     infrastructure failure     resilience    



《中国工程科学》 2021年 第23卷 第1期   页码 124-132 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.01.018


能源是经济运行的血脉,能源革命伴生的能源结构调整对宏观经济运行所产生的影响是值得关注的问题。本文基于计量模型和统计分析方法,定量研究了能源结构变化影响能源价格对宏观经济运行产生的效应。分析结果表明,天然气消费占全部能源消费比例每增加 1%,能源价格将增加 0.82%;煤炭消费占比每增加 1%,能源价格将减少 0.24%;技术取得进步、能源投资增长、市场化程度提高、能源效率提升有利于降低能源价格;整体上,中国能源革命不会对能源经济安全产生较大影响,能源价格上升幅度仍处于国民经济和能源消费可承受的范围内。研究针对性提出了中国能源革命进程中更好保障能源经济安全的建议:注重技术进步,深化能源市场改革,提高能源市场竞争程度,这些措施有利于减缓能源革命对能源价格的冲击作用。

关键词: 能源革命     能源经济安全     能源结构     能源价格     国民经济    



《中国工程科学》 2021年 第23卷 第1期   页码 118-123 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.01.019



关键词: 能源国际合作     能源安全     油气进口     电力互联互通     能源技术合作     全球能源治理    

Achieving food security and high production of bioenergy crops through intercropping with efficient resource

Yuanmei ZUO,Zhenjiao ZHANG,Caihong LIU,Weina ZHANG

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第2期   页码 134-143 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2015069

摘要: With high rates of food and nonrenewable fossil fuel consumption worldwide, we are facing great challenges in ensuring food and energy security to satisfy the world population. Intercropping, as an important and sustainable cropping practice in agroecosystems, has been widely practiced around the world. Many studies have shown that some plants can deliver high yields when intercropped with other plants. Here, we review the biological mechanisms in improving resource utilization efficiency and illustrate the practical application of intercropping in ensuring food and energy security through improving production. Identifying suitable energy plants for marginal land, land not suitable for food crops growth, is an effective strategy to acquire high production of bioenergy, thus removing competition between the use of land for food and energy. The effective application of intercropping provides a potential pathway for production of food crops and energy plants by improving resource use efficiency and resistance to environmental stress.

关键词: intercropping     food security     energy security     high production     marginal land    

Nexus security: governance, innovation and the resilient city


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第5期   页码 640-657 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0549-5

摘要: Nexus security is a compound mix of ideas: reconciling human needs and wants with access to multiple resources; diversity of access to those resources and services; resilience in the face of weather- and climate-related variability; resilience likewise in the face of infrastructure failure; and the personal, individual sense of belonging. At the level of Systems Thinking there is a very close relationship between resilience in the behavior of natural (ecological) systems and resilience in the social dynamics of governance within communities, where such resilience establishes the viability of these communities over centuries, which in turn entails successful stewardship of the man-environment relationship. We use insights from this cross-system mapping — across natural, built, and human systems — to assess, first, the role of city governance in achieving nexus security (or not) and, second, the role of technological innovations in serving the same purpose. More specifically, eight principles, covering resilience and diversity of access to resources and services, are used to gauge security-enhancing features of city buildings and infrastructure. Case studies include new designs of resilient office blocks, nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) recovery systems for sanitation and wastewater treatment, and the reconstruction of urban parks for the provision of ecosystem services. Throughout the paper, matters of risk in the face of meteorological variability are prominent. We do not conclude, however, that the presence of risk implies nexus security.

关键词: cities as forces for good     climate variability     ecosystem services     energy and nutrient recovery     infrastructure failure     urban metabolism    



《中国工程科学》 2011年 第13卷 第11期   页码 20-25



关键词: 煤化工     替代     石油化工     战略     能源安全     建议    

Water---- and nutrient and energy---- systems in urbanizing watersheds

Rodrigo VILLARROEL WALKER, Michael Bruce BECK, Jim W. HALL

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2012年 第6卷 第5期   页码 596-611 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0445-4

摘要: Driven by considerations of sustainability, it has become increasingly difficult over the past 15–20 years — at least intellectually — to separate out the water infrastructure and water metabolism of cities from their intimately inter-related nutrient and energy metabolisms. Much of the focus of this difficulty settles on the wastewater component of the city’s water infrastructure and its associated fluxes of nutrients (N, P, C, and so on). Indeed, notwithstanding the massive volumes of these materials flowing into and out of the city, the notion of an urban nutrient infrastructure is conspicuous by its absence. Likewise, we do not tend to discuss, or conduct research into, “soilshed” agencies, or soilshed management, or Integrated Nutrient Resources Management (as opposed to its most familiar companion, Integrated Water Resources Management, or IWRM). The paper summarizes some of the benefits (and challenges) deriving from adopting this broader, multi-sectoral “systems” perspective on addressing water-nutrient-energy systems in city-watershed settings. Such a perspective resonates with the growing interest in broader policy circles in what is called the “water-food-energy security nexus”. The benefits and challenges of our Multi-sectoral Systems Analysis (MSA) are illustrated through computational results from two primary case studies: Atlanta, Georgia, USA; and London, UK. Since our work is part of the International Network on Cities as Forces for Good in the Environment (CFG; see www.cfgnet.org), in which other case studies are currently being initiated — for example, on Kathmandu, Nepal — we close by reflecting upon these issues of water-nutrient-energy systems in three urban settings with quite different styles and speeds of development.

关键词: cities     climate change     energy sector     nutrient sector     systems analysis     resource recovery     water-food-energy security    

Biofuels and food security


《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第1期   页码 1-12 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2015052

摘要: The major source of energy comes from fossil fuels. The current situation in the field of fuel and energy is becoming more problematic as world population continues to grow because of the limitation of fossil fuels reserve and its pressure on environment. This review aims to find economic, reliable, renewable and non-polluting energy sources to reduce high energy tariffs in Russian Federation. Biofuel is fuel derived directly from plants, or indirectly from agricultural, commercial, domestic, and/or industrial wastes. Other alternative energy sources including solar energy and electric power generation are also discussed. Over 100 Mt of biomass available for energy purposes is produced every year in Russian. One of the downsides of biomass energy is its potential threatens to food security and forage industries. An innovative approach proved that multicomponent fuel (80% diesel oil content for motor and 64% for in stove fuel) can remarkably reduce the costs. This paper proposed that the most promising energy model for future is based on direct solar energy conversion and transcontinental terawatt power transmission with the use of resonant wave-guide technology.

关键词: fossil fuels     biofuels     food security     electric power     solar energy    

Energy shift: decline of easy oil and restructuring of geo-politics


《能源前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第3期   页码 260-267 doi: 10.1007/s11708-016-0416-8

摘要: This paper critically assesses the geopolitical and geo-economic impact of novel fuel resources on both resource exporters and importers. Presently, very strong political and economic forces drive the utilisation of domestic, unconventional oil and gas recovery in the West as these enhance energy security and ease balance of payment issues. The additional capacity generated by this trend has, supported by other effects such as Saudi Arabia’s decision to maintain current production, triggered a significant reduction of oil prices. Consequently, it is now oil exporters that struggle with the balance of payment issues and often these countries base their fiscal budget completely on fossil fuel revenues. In fact, these unconventional resources help turn the tide while oil exporters are now politically significantly weakened due to the increased energy sufficiency of the West. The catch is that the extraction of unconventional types of oil has many environmental implications. So, internalising the environmental externalities have to be considered. This paper, therefore, assesses, next to geopolitics and geo-economics, the environmental implications of this trend.

关键词: energy security     climatic change     geo-economics     geopolitics     unconventional resources     macroeconomics    



《中国工程科学》 2022年 第24卷 第6期   页码 1-7 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.06.001


2035 年前是我国基本实现社会主义现代化的关键时期,能源高质量发展是支撑经济社会可持续发展的先决条件,应立足基本国情和所处发展阶段,在保障能源安全供应的前提下推进能源清洁低碳转型。本文从能源总量、能源结构、综合能效、能源科技、体制机制、能源安全六方面阐述了我国能源发展现状,重点分析了未来一段时期内能源发展的关键问题,涵盖煤炭兜底保障作用、能源消费增量的可再生能源替代、油气供给安全、核电发展立足自主、氢能和储能全产业链规模化发展等。着眼2035 年能源领域高质量发展,提出了能源革命,碳达峰、碳中和4 个阶段的战略目标。研究建议,各环节全面落实节能优先方针,继续实施煤炭清洁高效低碳利用,站位全局谋划和推动可再生能源成为未来能源供应增量的主体,加快低碳转型并统筹构建多能互补能源系统。

关键词: 能源革命;能源安全;低碳转型;碳达峰、碳中和;煤炭清洁高效利用    


汤广福 ,周静 ,庞辉 ,林俊杰 ,范征 ,吴亚楠 ,贺之渊 ,马士聪 ,薛峰 ,周保荣

《中国工程科学》 2023年 第25卷 第2期   页码 79-88 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.02.010


构建新型电力系统是实现碳达峰、碳中和战略目标,确保能源安全转型的关键路径;电力系统作为当前规模最大、层次复杂、强非线性的人造系统,是未来能源转型的核心,而新能源发电的波动性、随机性将使电力系统安全面临严峻挑战。本文结合我国能源安全转型面临的新形势、新挑战,明确了能源安全涉及的供给、环境、经济、科技等方面的内涵;探讨了能源转型的发展目标与战略路径,阐述了新型电力系统对于能源安全的重要性;剖析了影响新型电力系统安全发展的电源、电网、负荷、储能、市场、技术等关键环节。研究认为,需从应急预警、共享互济、安全防御3 个层面着手,构建新型电力系统安全发展所需的核心体系;进一步提出了新型电力系统发展路径研究的基本思路,以期为新型电力系统构建及安全发展研究提供基础参考。

关键词: 能源安全;新型电力系统;应急预警;共享互济;安全防御;战略框架    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Water, energy and food interactions–Challenges and opportunities



Modeling China’s energy dilemma: conflicts among energy saving, energy security, and CO 2 mitigation

Feng FU, Zheng LI, Linwei MA,


Transportation: meeting the dual challenges of achieving energy security and reducing greenhouse gas

Michael Quanlu WANG, Hong HUO





On water security, sustainability, and the water-food-energy-climate nexus









Achieving food security and high production of bioenergy crops through intercropping with efficient resource

Yuanmei ZUO,Zhenjiao ZHANG,Caihong LIU,Weina ZHANG


Nexus security: governance, innovation and the resilient city






Water---- and nutrient and energy---- systems in urbanizing watersheds

Rodrigo VILLARROEL WALKER, Michael Bruce BECK, Jim W. HALL


Biofuels and food security



Energy shift: decline of easy oil and restructuring of geo-politics







汤广福 ,周静 ,庞辉 ,林俊杰 ,范征 ,吴亚楠 ,贺之渊 ,马士聪 ,薛峰 ,周保荣
