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Exploring price effects on the residential water conservation technology diffusion process: a case study

Junying CHU, Hao WANG, Can WANG

《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第5期   页码 688-698 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0559-3

摘要: Reforms of the water pricing management system and the establishment of a flexible water pricing system are significant for cities in northern China to tackle their critical water issues. The WATAP (Water conservation Technology Adoption Processes) model is developed in order to capture the water conservation technology adoption process under different price scenarios with disaggregate water demands down to the end use level. This model is explicitly characterized by the technological selection process under maximum marginal benefit assumption by different categories of households. In particular, when households need to purchase water devices in the provision market with the consideration of complex factors such as the life span, investment and operating costs of the device, as well as the regulated water price by the government. Applied to Tianjin city, four scenarios of water price evolutions for a long-term perspective (from year 2011 to 2030) are considered, including BAU (Business As Usual), SP1 (Scenario of Price increase with constant annual rate), SP2 (Scenario of Price increase every four years) and SP3 (Scenario of Price increase with affordable constraint), considering many factors such as historic trends, affordability and incentives for conservation. Results show that on aggregate 2.3%, 11.0% and 18.2% of fresh water can be saved in the residential sector in scenario SP1, SP2 and SP3, respectively, compared with the BAU scenario in the year 2030. The water price signals can change the market shares of different water appliances, as well as the water end use structure of households, and ultimately improve water use efficiency. The WATAP model may potentially be a helpful tool to provide insights for policy makers on water conservation technology policy analysis and assessment.

关键词: technology selection     model optimization     water price     scenario analysis     consumer behavior    

Can the Shanghai LNG Price Index indicate Chinese market?An econometric investigation using price discovery theory

Yeli ZENG, Cong DONG, Mikael HÖÖK, Jinhua SUN, Danyang SHI

《能源前沿(英文)》 2020年 第14卷 第4期   页码 726-739 doi: 10.1007/s11708-020-0701-4

摘要: China became the world’s second largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) importer in 2018 but has faced extremely high import costs due to a lack of bargaining power. Assessments of the Shanghai LNG Price Index, first released in 2015, are vital for improving the understanding of these cost dynamics. This paper, using the LNG price index data from the Shanghai Petroleum and Gas Exchange (SHPGX) coupled with domestic and international LNG prices from July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2018, estimates several econometric models to evaluate the long-term and short-term equilibriums of the Shanghai LNG Price Index, the responses to market information shocks and the leading or lagging relationships with LNG and alternative energy prices from other agencies. The results show that the LNG price index of the SHPGX has already exhibited a long-term equilibrium and short-term adjustment mechanisms to reflect the average price level and market movements, but the market information transparency and price discovery efficiency of the index are still inadequate. China’s LNG market is still relatively independent of other natural gas markets, and marketization reforms are under way in China. The influence of the SHPGX LNG price index on the trading decisions of market participants is expected to improve with further development of China’s LNG reforms, the formation of a natural gas entry-exit system, and the increasing liquidity of the hub.

关键词: liquefied natural gas     price index     Shanghai Petroleum and Gas Exchange     price discovery     market reforms    



《中国工程科学》 2021年 第23卷 第5期   页码 163-168 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.05.021


保障农村饮用水安全是落实脱贫地区“两不愁、三保障”的基本内容,开展脱贫地区农村饮用水安全保障战略研究对于巩固脱贫攻坚成果、有效衔接乡村振兴战略具有重要意义。本文研究了脱贫地区农村饮用水安全现状与存在的问题,分析了脱贫地区农村饮用水安全保障的风险成因,提出了保障脱贫地区农村饮用水安全的战略目标以及包括工程技术保障、政策保障、机制保障3 个方面的战略路径,并针对性地提出了对策建议。为进一步巩固脱贫地区农村饮用水安全保障成果,研究建议,要保持脱贫地区农村饮用水安全保障政策的稳定性和连续性;优化农村饮用水卫生标准,推进城乡饮水“同网、同质、同价”;建立以水价为重点的农村供水工程的长效运维管理机制。

关键词: 农村饮用水,脱贫地区,饮用水卫生标准,水价    

Does oil price affect the value of firms? Evidence from Tunisian listed firms

Kaouther ZAABOUTI,Ezzeddine BEN MOHAMED,Abdelfettah BOURI

《能源前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第1期   页码 1-13 doi: 10.1007/s11708-016-0396-8

摘要: A new debate on the potential impact of oil price changes on the value of firms was initiated in this paper. Using a stochastic frontier approach, an attempt was made to derive the optimal value * of firms and calculate the value observed. Then the shortfall ( *– ) which represents the inefficiency term was explained. Starting from 19 industrial Tunisian firms listed on the Tunis Stock Exchange between 2007 and 2011, the fact that variation of oil prices can largely explain distortions in the value of firms was empirically demonstrated.

关键词: industrial Tunisian firms     oil price     value of firm     stochastic frontier approach    

Macroeconomic impacts of oil price volatility: mitigation and resilience


《能源前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第1期   页码 9-24 doi: 10.1007/s11708-014-0303-0

摘要: Dependency on oil-derived fuels in various sectors, most notably in mobility, has left the global economy vulnerable to several macroeconomic economic side effects. Numerous studies have addressed the effect of price volatility on specific economic parameters. However, the current literature lacks a comprehensive review of the interactions between global macroeconomic performance and oil price volatility (OPV). Price volatility is intrinsic in commodity markets, but has been advancing at a faster rate in the crude oil market in comparison to other commodities over the past decade, reflecting the status of oil as the most globalised commodity. In this paper, the analytical literature review and analysis of the behavioral responses of macroeconomic agents to OPV shows that such volatility has several damaging and destabilizing macroeconomic impacts that will present a fundamental barrier to future sustainable economic growth if left unchecked. To ensure macroeconomic isolation from OPV, a combination of supply and demand-side policies have been recommended that can help to mitigate and build resilience to the economic uncertainty advanced by OPV.

关键词: conventional oil     price volatility     macroeconomy     economic stability     energy security    

Day-ahead electricity price forecasting using back propagation neural networks and weighted least square

S. Surender REDDY,Chan-Mook JUNG,Ko Jun SEOG

《能源前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第1期   页码 105-113 doi: 10.1007/s11708-016-0393-y

摘要: This paper proposes the day-ahead electricity price forecasting using the artificial neural networks (ANN) and weighted least square (WLS) technique in the restructured electricity markets. Price forecasting is very important for online trading, e-commerce and power system operation. Forecasting the hourly locational marginal prices (LMP) in the electricity markets is a very important basis for the decision making in order to maximize the profits/benefits. The novel approach proposed in this paper for forecasting the electricity prices uses WLS technique and compares the results with the results obtained by using ANNs. To perform this price forecasting, the market knowledge is utilized to optimize the selection of input data for the electricity price forecasting tool. In this paper, price forecasting for Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) interconnection is demonstrated using the ANNs and the proposed WLS technique. The data used for this price forecasting is obtained from the PJM website. The forecasting results obtained by both methods are compared, which shows the effectiveness of the proposed forecasting approach. From the simulation results, it can be observed that the accuracy of prediction has increased in both seasons using the proposed WLS technique. Another important advantage of the proposed WLS technique is that it is not an iterative method.

关键词: day-ahead electricity markets     price forecasting     load forecasting     artificial neural networks     load serving entities    

An approach to locational marginal price based zonal congestion management in deregulated electricity


《能源前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第2期   页码 240-248 doi: 10.1007/s11708-016-0404-z

摘要: Congestion of transmission line is a vital issue and its management pose a technical challenge in power system deregulation. Congestion occurs in deregulated electricity market when transmission capacity is not sufficient to simultaneously accommodate all constraints of power transmission through a line. Therefore, to manage congestion, a locational marginal price (LMP) based zonal congestion management approach in a deregulated electricity market has been proposed in this paper. As LMP is an economic indicator and its difference between two buses across a transmission line provides the measure of the degree of congestion, therefore, it is efficiently and reliably used in deregulated electricity market for congestion management. This paper utilizes the difference of LMP across a transmission line to categorize various congestion zones in the system. After the identification of congestion zones, distributed generation is optimally placed in most congestion sensitive zones using LMP difference in order to manage congestion. The performance of the proposed methodology has been tested on the IEEE 14-bus system and IEEE 57-bus system.

关键词: locational marginal price (LMP)     distributed generation     pool market     deregulated electricity market     congestion management    

Direct energy rebound effect for road transportation in China

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2023年 第10卷 第4期   页码 597-611 doi: 10.1007/s42524-023-0276-y

摘要: The enhancement of energy efficiency stands as the principal avenue for attaining energy conservation and emissions reduction objectives within the realm of road transportation. Nevertheless, it is imperative to acknowledge that these objectives may, in part or in entirety, be offset by the phenomenon known as the energy rebound effect (ERE). To quantify the long-term EREs and short-term EREs specific to China’s road transportation, this study employed panel cointegration and panel error correction models, accounting for asymmetric price effects. The findings reveal the following: The long-term EREs observed in road passenger transportation and road freight transportation range from 13% to 25% and 14% to 48%, respectively; in contrast, the short-term EREs in road passenger transportation and road freight transportation span from 36% to 41% and 3.9% to 32%, respectively. It is noteworthy that the EREs associated with road passenger transportation and road freight transportation represent a partial rebound effect, falling short of reaching the magnitude of a counterproductive backfire effect. This leads to the inference that the upsurge in energy consumption within the road transportation sector cannot be solely attributed to advancements in energy efficiency. Instead, various factors, including income levels, the scale of commodity trade, and industrial structure, exert more substantial facilitating influences. Furthermore, the escalation of fuel prices fails to dampen the demand for energy services, whether in the domain of road passenger transportation or road freight transportation. In light of these conclusions, recommendations are proffered for the formulation of energy efficiency policies pertinent to road transportation.

关键词: road transportation     direct energy rebound effect     asymmetric price effects     panel data model    



《中国工程科学》 2004年 第6卷 第8期   页码 69-73


东北原油长输管网是中国规模最大的地区性原油运输系统,就该管网基于峰谷电价体制下的运行现状,建立了线性规划数学模型,提出了日输油计划优化问题,并以铁秦线为例进行分析;初步揭示了峰谷电价体制下日输油计划方式的一些基本规律, 表明在该体制下东北管网具有一定的节能降耗潜力。但该方式在一定程度上受到管道本身运行特性的约束,与热油管道相比它更适合于等温管道。

关键词: 东北管网     峰谷电价     日输油     优化    

Toward energy finance market transition: Does China’s oil futures shake up global spots market?

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第3期   页码 409-424 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0207-3

摘要: China is breaking through the petrodollar system, establishing RMB-dominating crude oil futures market. The country is achieving a milestone in its transition to energy finance market internationalization. This study explores the price leadership of China’s crude oil futures and identifies its price co-movement to uncover whether it truly shakes up the global oil spots market. First, we find that for oil spots under different gravities, China’s oil futures is only a net price information receiver from light-, medium-, and heavy-gravity oil spots, but it has a relatively stronger price co-movement with these three spots. Second, for oil spots under different sulfur contents, China’s oil futures still has weak price leadership in sweet, neutral, and sour oil spots, but it has strong co-movement with them. Third, for oil spots under different geographical origins, China’s oil futures shows price leadership in East Asian and Australian oil spots at the medium- and long-run time scales and strong price co-movement with East Asian, Middle Eastern, Latin American and Australian oil spots. China’s oil futures may not have good price leadership in global spots market, but it features favorable price co-movement.

关键词: China’s oil futures     price information spillover     price co-movement     BK spillover index     BDECO model    


张怀强,蒋铁军,王 孟

《中国工程科学》 2015年 第17卷 第5期   页码 71-75



关键词: 舰船装备大修费;物价指数;协整检验    

Optimal portfolio design of energy storage devices with financial and physical right market

《能源前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第1期   页码 95-104 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0788-2

摘要: With the continuous development of the spot market, in the multi-stage power market environment with the day-ahead market and right market, the study associated with the portfolio of energy storage devices requires that attention should be paid to transmission congestion and power congestion. To maximize the profit of energy storage and avoid the imbalance of power supply and consumption and the risk of node price fluctuation caused by transmission congestion, this paper presents a portfolio strategy of energy storage devices with financial/physical contracts. First, the concepts of financial/physical transmission rights and financial/physical storage rights are proposed. Then, the portfolio models of financial contract and physical contract are established with the conditional value-at-risk to measure the risks. Finally, the portfolio models are verified through the test data of the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) electric power spot market, and the comparison between the risk aversion of portfolios based on financial/physical contract with the portfolio of the market without rights. The simulation results show that the portfolio models proposed in this paper can effectively avoid the risk of market price fluctuations.

关键词: portfolio     node price fluctuation     transmission right     energy storage right     risk aversion    

Economic Analysis of Residential Distributed Solar Photovoltaic

Xi Luo,Jia-ping Liu

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第2期   页码 125-130 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2015031

摘要: Under the huge challenges of global energy conservation, emission reduction and energy security, distributed solar photovoltaic industry has become the key means to achieve economic restructuring and low carbon economy. Based on System Advisor Model software, the authors choose Baoji as the sample plot. Household load, unit investment, loan interest rate and loan fraction are used as influence factors to analyze the economic benefits of distributed solar photovoltaic in China. The result demonstrates that government incentives help to increase the profitability of distributed solar photovoltaic by a large extent; other factors that influence the profitability includes household load, unit investment cost, loan interest rate and loan fraction.

关键词: distributed solar photovoltaic     internal rate of return     price ladder     government incentives    

Carbon payments in the Guanzhong–Tianshui region to control land degradation

Zixiang ZHOU, Yufeng ZOU

《农业科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第2期   页码 246-253 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2017144

摘要: Carbon trading and carbon offset markets are potential policy options for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. A price on carbon is expected to generate demand for carbon offsets. In a market-based framework, the carbon price should be high enough to compensate for opportunity costs. We studied a highly-modified agricultural system in the Guanzhong–Tianshui economic region of China that is typical of many temperate agricultural zones in western China. We quantified the economic returns from agriculture and from carbon plantings (both monoculture and ecological plantings) under five carbon-price scenarios. The mean carbon sequestration is 34 Mg·hm ·a , and the average annual payment increased to 1146 CNY·hm at a medium carbon price of 50 CNY·Mg CO . Thus, areas of high priority for conservation and restoration may be restored relatively cheaply in the presence of a carbon market. Overall, however, less carbon is sequestered by ecological plantings (i.e., mixed native trees and shrubs) compared to agriculture.

关键词: carbon-price     carbon sequestration     economic returns     Guanzhong–Tianshui economic region     net present value    

DSM in an area consisting of residential, commercial and industrial load in smart grid

Balasubramaniyan SARAVANAN

《能源前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第2期   页码 211-216 doi: 10.1007/s11708-015-0351-0

摘要: With the latest introduction of the demand side management (DSM) in smart grids, the power distribution units are able to modify the load schedules of the consumers. This involves a co-operative interaction of the utility and the consumers so as to achieve customer load modifications in which the customer, utility and society all are benefited. The interaction is performed with the help of the devices known as the smart meter. This paper shows the use of game theory and logical mathematical expressions in order to achieve the objectives. The objectives are to minimize the peak to average ratio (PAR) and the energy cost. The outcome of the game between supplier and customers helps to shape the load profile. The design proposed in this paper is very user-friendly and is based on simple logarithmic programming computations. In this paper, residential, commercial and industrial types of loads are taken into account. A basic 24 h load schedule along with the fluctuating prices at each hour of the day is forecasted by the supplier of the various shiftable and non-shiftable loads and then that schedule is conveyed to the user. The users are encouraged to shift their high load devices to off-peak hours which will not only reduce their electricity costs but also substantially reduce the PAR in the load demand.

关键词: demand side management (DSM)     smart grids     peak to average ratio (PAR)     smart meters and logarithmic price function    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Exploring price effects on the residential water conservation technology diffusion process: a case study

Junying CHU, Hao WANG, Can WANG


Can the Shanghai LNG Price Index indicate Chinese market?An econometric investigation using price discovery theory

Yeli ZENG, Cong DONG, Mikael HÖÖK, Jinhua SUN, Danyang SHI





Does oil price affect the value of firms? Evidence from Tunisian listed firms

Kaouther ZAABOUTI,Ezzeddine BEN MOHAMED,Abdelfettah BOURI


Macroeconomic impacts of oil price volatility: mitigation and resilience



Day-ahead electricity price forecasting using back propagation neural networks and weighted least square

S. Surender REDDY,Chan-Mook JUNG,Ko Jun SEOG


An approach to locational marginal price based zonal congestion management in deregulated electricity



Direct energy rebound effect for road transportation in China





Toward energy finance market transition: Does China’s oil futures shake up global spots market?



张怀强,蒋铁军,王 孟


Optimal portfolio design of energy storage devices with financial and physical right market


Economic Analysis of Residential Distributed Solar Photovoltaic

Xi Luo,Jia-ping Liu


Carbon payments in the Guanzhong–Tianshui region to control land degradation

Zixiang ZHOU, Yufeng ZOU


DSM in an area consisting of residential, commercial and industrial load in smart grid

Balasubramaniyan SARAVANAN
