Frontiers in Energy
>> 2020,
Volume 14,
Issue 1
Performance analysis of series/parallel and dual side LCC compensation topologies of inductive power transfer for EV battery charging system
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620015, India
Accepted: 2018-03-21
Available online: 2018-03-21
In an inductive battery charging system, for better power transfer capability and attaining required power level, compensation is necessary. This paper analyzes series/parallel (S/P) and dual side inductor-capacitor-capacitor (LCC) compensation topologies for inductive power transfer of electric vehicle (EV) battery charging system. The design and modeling steps of inductive power transfer for electric vehicle battery charging system are presented. Besides, the equivalent electrical circuits are used to describe the circuit compensation topologies. The results convey that the efficiency of dual side LCC compensation is higher than that of S/P compensation at variable mutual inductance (misalignment).