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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2018, Volume 20, Issue 6 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.06.015

Intelligence Originating from Human Beings and Expanding in Industry— A View on the Development of Artificial Intelligence

Key Laboratory of Embedded System and Service Computing, Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China

Funding project:CAE Advisory Project “Strategic Research on Disruptive Technologies for Engineering Science and Technology” (2017-ZD-10); Major Research Plan Integrating Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (91218301) Received: 2018-10-22 Revised: 2018-10-30 Available online: 2018-12-31

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims to simulate information storage and processing mechanisms and other intelligent behaviors of a human brain, so that the machine has a certain level of intelligence. With the rapid development of the new generation of information technology, such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, and deep learning, researches and applications of AI have made and are making important progresses. In this paper, the historical integration and evolution of computer science, control science, brain-inspired intelligence, human brain intelligence, and other disciplines or fields closely related to AI are analyzed in depth; then it is pointed out that the research results on the structure and functional mechanism of brain from neuroscience, brain science and cognitive science provide some important inspirations for the construction of an intelligent computing model. Moreover, the drives and developments of AI are discussed from the aspects of logic model and system, neuron network model, visual nerve hierarchy mechanism, etc. Finally, the development trend of AI is prospected from the following five aspects: the computational theory of the Internet, the integration of AI calculus and computation, the model and mechanism of brain-inspired intelligence, the impetus of AI to neuroscience, and the algorithm design of feedback computation and the energy level of the control system.







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