Application Status and Prospect of Ammonia Energy

Ruisheng Yong, Chuanruo Yang, Ming Xue, Fan Nie, Xinglei Zhao

Strategic Study of CAE ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (2) : 111-121.

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Strategic Study of CAE ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (2) : 111-121. DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.02.014
Energy Transformation and Power Supply Security
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Application Status and Prospect of Ammonia Energy

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Ammonia energy can be potentially used for substituting fossil energies and it has a close relationship with renewable energy sources; therefore, promoting the application of ammonia energy is expected to enable China to achieve a certain degree of energy independence, which is significant for the future development of energies. In this study, the strategic significance in developing ammonia energy is analyzed from the perspectives of its energy-storage and fuel properties and basic industrial conditions. The ammonia energy application status is reviewed from four aspects: ammonia internal combustion engines, ammonia gas turbines, ammonia-burning boilers, and ammonia-hydrogen fuel cells. Moreover, the status quo of the synthetic ammonia industry, development trend of the ammonia energy industry, and development plans of the industry in China and abroad are examined. Furthermore, we suggest that the ammonia energy industry in China should be promoted steadily by stages. First, the research on novel green ammonia synthesis technologies should be strengthened, laws/regulations and carbon market mechanisms should be improved, and green ammonia demonstration projects should be implemented. Second, an ammonia energy technology system with independent intellectual property rights should be established, and a low-cost ammonia energy supply chain and a high-efficiency ammonia energy utilization chain should be built to achieve large-scale promotion of the energy. Third, the ammonia energy industrial structure should be reshaped according to a green circular economy route that integrates green production, economical transportation, and carbon-free application of ammonia, thereby supporting the carbon peaking and carbon neutralization goals.


zero-carbon fuel / ammonia energy / energy storage / combustion

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Ruisheng Yong, Chuanruo Yang, Ming Xue, Fan Nie, Xinglei Zhao. Application Status and Prospect of Ammonia Energy. Strategic Study of CAE, 2023, 25(2): 111‒121


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