Comprehensive Review and Future Trend Outlook on Energy Utilization Technologies in Low-Carbon Energy Systems
Chuan Zhang, Peiyu Hu, Gege Yin, Wubin Yan, Shiwei Xu, Ruming Cao, Yinan Feng, Mingsheng Zhao, Lei Yang, Zhijun Jin
Strategic Study of CAE ›› 2024, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (4) : 164-175.
Comprehensive Review and Future Trend Outlook on Energy Utilization Technologies in Low-Carbon Energy Systems
Energy decarbonization is essential for achieving carbon neutrality. To facilitate the low-carbon transition of the energy system, extensive utilization of low-carbon energy technologies is crucial across various sectors, including primary energy supply, energy processing and conversion, and end-use consumption. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the current status and future trends of key energy utilization technologies from the perspective of low-carbon energy system analysis and optimization. We analyze the application prospects and layout challenges of energy utilization technologies in China's path toward carbon neutrality from multiple dimensions. Our study highlights the following points: Wind and solar energy, as the fastest-growing renewable energy sources, will continue to play a crucial role in energy supply. The utilization of biomass resources requires systematic evaluation of different conversion technologies, optimizing the allocation of biomass resources across industries. Utilization technologies of secondary energies such as hydrogen and energy storage face challenges related to materials, performance, and lifespan. Overcoming these technical bottlenecks is necessary to achieve low-cost and scalable system applications. Future end-use energy utilization technologies will focus on electrification, which depends on the secure and stable transformation and expansion of electricity distribution systems. Achieving low-carbon transformation in the energy system requires balancing the coordinated development of different energy technologies while addressing non-technical factors such as market dynamics, institutional frameworks, and societal acceptance, ultimately accelerating the decarbonization process.
energy system / low-carbon transition / primary energy / secondary energy / end-use energy utilization / electrification / non-technical factors
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