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2024, Vol.19, Issue.3

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Smart manufacturing systems for Industry 4.0: Conceptual framework, scenarios, and future perspectives

Pai ZHENG, Honghui WANG, Zhiqian SANG, Ray Y. ZHONG, Yongkui LIU, Chao LIU, Khamdi MUBAROK, Shiqiang YU, Xun XU

16 Mar 2018 | Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering

Edge preparation methods for cutting tools: a review

29 Dec 2023 | Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering

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Development of lunar regolith composite and structure via laser-assisted sintering

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering   Pages - doi:10.1007/s11465-021-0662-2

Abstract 181 PDF 36

Ultrasonic measurement of tie-bar stress for die-casting machine

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering   Pages - doi:10.1007/s11465-021-0663-1

Abstract 176 PDF 28

Integrated slipper retainer mechanism to eliminate slipper wear in high-speed axial piston pumps

Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering   Pages - doi:10.1007/s11465-021-0657-z

Abstract 89 PDF 21