Development Strategy for Aquaculture Genetic Breeding and Seed Industry
Jianfang Gui, Zhenmin Bao, Xiaojuan Zhang
Strategic Study of CAE ›› 2016, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (3) : 8-14.
Development Strategy for Aquaculture Genetic Breeding and Seed Industry
Along with the development of aquatic biology and biotechnology in recent two decades, China has made remarkable achievements with its aquaculture genetic breeding and seed industries, while facing with opportunities and challenges in the process. Around a range of topics related to these industries, including genetic resource preservation and utilization, genetic mechanism analysis and gene function discovery, novel variety breeding with good traits, and seed industry in aquaculture, This paper comparatively analyzes the status and problems of these industries from both national and international perspectives, and attempts to provide some suggestions and major policy goals for the two industries in the future, especially in the China's 13th Five Year Plan.
aquaculture / aquatic genetics and breeding / aquaculture seed industry
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