Research Progress of Marine Scientific Equipment and Development Recommendations in China

Xiancang Song, Junfeng Du, Shuqing Wang, Huajun Li

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Strategic Study of CAE ›› 2020, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (6) : 76-83. DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.06.010
Development Strategy of Marine Equipment
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Research Progress of Marine Scientific Equipment and Development Recommendations in China

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Marine scientific equipment is an essential tool for better understanding oceans, and it is also the foundation for exploiting and protecting oceans. This study analyzes the urgent requirements for developing highly efficient marine scientific equipment in China from four aspects, including understanding oceans, exploring oceans, protecting oceans, and maintaining ocean rights and interests. In addition, it provides reviews on the state-of-the-art techniques associated with the marine scientific observation platforms, namely air–sea interface observation platform, mobile underwater observation platform, and seafloor observation network system, in the countries that are believed to lead the field, and the development trends associated therewith are then identified. The remarkable achievements obtained in marine scientific equipment in China are presented such as the marine remote-sensing satellites, marine research ships, deep-diving submersibles, and seafloor observation networks. By comparing to the international advanced level, the issues China encountered in the general technologies, core equipment, and integrated system of marine scientific equipment are given. Several key development suggestions associated with the marine scientific equipment development in China are provided in terms of basic theories and key technologies, novel equipment development and achievement conversion, sharing mechanism and service platform, as well as international cooperation and standard system establishment, enabling the marine scientific equipment to better serve the implementation of the national marine power strategy.


marine scientific equipment / deep-sea observation platform / air–sea interface observation / mobile underwater observation / seafloor observation network / equipment development

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Xiancang Song, Junfeng Du, Shuqing Wang, Huajun Li. Research Progress of Marine Scientific Equipment and Development Recommendations in China. Strategic Study of CAE, 2020, 22(6): 76‒83


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