Beyond Pasteur’s Quadrant Model: A New Dynamic Model of Basic Research and its Implementation

Huiqin Zhang, Xin Wang, Xu Wang, Changpu Sun

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Strategic Study of CAE ›› 2021, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4) : 145-152. DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.04.017
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Beyond Pasteur’s Quadrant Model: A New Dynamic Model of Basic Research and its Implementation

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Basic research inspired by national interest is critical for the promotion of China’s innovation capacity and global competitiveness in science and technology; it is also a major driving force for disruptive technologies. Therefore, the concept and development law of basic research inspired by national interest should be well studied to guide the development of basic research. In this study, we review the connotation and application of the linear model of innovation proposed by Vannevar Bush and the Pasteur’s quadrant model proposed by Donald Stokes. Based on these models, we introduce basicness and useness dimensions along with a time dimension and develop a new three-dimensional dynamic model of basic research. The development of intense lasers fits this new model well and clearly demonstrates the spiral upward interactions among basic research, applied research, and technology development inspired by national interest. On the basis of this new model of basic research development, we emphasize the importance of falsifiability and research integrity, and the decisive role of basic research on the key technologies. Besides, the subjective misguidance of researches inspired by national interest should be avoided.


basic research / research inspired by demand / Bush’s linear model of innovation / Pasteur’s quadrant model / dynamic model of basic research / falsifiability

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Huiqin Zhang, Xin Wang, Xu Wang, Changpu Sun. Beyond Pasteur’s Quadrant Model: A New Dynamic Model of Basic Research and its Implementation. Strategic Study of CAE, 2021, 23(4): 145‒152


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