Construction of Modern Science and Technology Support System for Advanced Manufacturing Clusters
Yong Gan, Man Xie, Haiqiang Lian, Wei Zou, long
Strategic Study of CAE ›› 2022, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2) : 22-28.
Construction of Modern Science and Technology Support System for Advanced Manufacturing Clusters
Advanced manufacturing clusters are crucial for building a manufacturing power and are key to the construction of a modern industrial system and high-quality industrial development. Lacking scientific and technological innovation capabilities has become a prominent problem that restricts the manufacturing cluster development in China. In this study, we summarize international experiences in establishing science and technology support systems for advanced manufacturing clusters, and analyze the current status and existing problems of these clusters and support systems in China. Herein we categorize the advanced manufacturing clusters into basic, strategic, and cutting-edge technology industrial clusters according to the characteristics of industrial development stages. Moreover, we explore the development directions and propose the construction paths for these manufacturing clusters. Specifically, the industrial concentration and intelligent level of the basic industrial clusters need to be improved. Major enterprises should be cultivated for the industrial chain within the strategic industrial clusters, and major common technology innovation platforms and pilot test platforms need to be established. As for the industrial clusters of cutting-edge technologies, an innovation ecosystem that integrates universities and scientific research institutes needs to be established, and demonstration and application of new technologies should be encouraged.
advanced manufacturing / industrial clusters / science and technology support system / industrial structure adjustment / common technology innovation platform
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