International Application of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
Changfeng Yang, Jun Yang, Junlin Yang, Jun Wang, Zuohu Li
International Application of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
The international application of the BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) is a new requirement for BDS development in the new development stage; it is also significant for promoting the high-quality development of the Belt and Road, establishing a new development pattern that features domestic and international dual circulations, and promoting global sharing of BDS development achievements. This study explores the internationalization demand for BDS application, examines the development status and trend of global navigation satellite systems, and analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and challenges of BDS internationalization. Moreover, the implications of BDS internationalization are proposed, comprising BDS image, service, application product, and business operation internationalization. The development objectives and specific indicators of BDS internationalization is also clarified. Furthermore, to promote the international application of the BDS, we propose the following suggestions: establishing an overall coordination management mechanism, strengthening product service and supply capabilities, building a multi-level enterprise system, improving the level of international cooperation, increasing the fiscal, taxation, and financial support, coordinating domestic rule of law and that concerning foreign affairs, and encouraging international application and promotion.
satellite navigation / BeiDou navigation satellite system / internationalization / industrial application
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