High-Quality Development of New-Generation Information Technology Industry
Qiaoming Li, Xinxin Li, Shuo Li, Xuesong Zhang, Chang Liu, Chengkang Pan, Tiankai Wang
High-Quality Development of New-Generation Information Technology Industry
As an important part of strategic emerging industries, the new-generation information technology plays a major leading role in the overall and long-term development of the economy and society. The new-generation information technology industry is also the cornerstone for cultivating new quality productivity, and is an important starting point for opening up new fields and tracks for development and for shaping new momentum and advantages. Based on the implications of the new-generation information technology industry, this study sorts out the global development trend of the new-generation information technology industry, summarizes the current status and development trend of the industry in China, and analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by the industry. Moreover, focusing on the requirements of high-quality development of the new-generation information technology industry, the study proposes the following countermeasures and suggestions: (1) improving the integrated strategic system and capabilities while adhering to a system engineering thinking; (2) strengthening the research of key core technologies to strengthen the basic capacity of the industry; (3) promoting the integrated and clustered development of industries, highlighting enterprises as the main body; (4) constructing an open innovation ecosystem based on scenario-driven innovation; and (5) promoting the coordinated development of production, education, research, application, and funds to cultivate a high-level talent team.
new-generation information technology industry / strategic emerging industries / next-generation communication networks / quantum information / artificial intelligence
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