Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering >
Coordinated Development of Space Science, Space Technology, and Space Application in China
Received date: 15 Jun 2022
Published date: 05 Jul 2023
Owing to historical reasons and investment restrictions, China’s aerospace industry initially focused on space technology and application, with insufficient emphasis on space science; therefore, space science, technology, and application developed independently. The development of space technology should be deeply integrated into space science and application, thus to strengthen China’s aerospace industry and create new opportunities and achievements. This study explores the implications of space science, space technology, and space application and clarifies their interrelationships. Moreover, it systematically analyzes the development trend in space science, technology, and application worldwide and reviews the development situation of space-related fields in China. Based on this, it examines the necessity for coordinating the development of space science, technology, and application in China and summarizes the major challenges. Considering their overlapping needs and mutual promotion, space science, technology, and application should be coordinated throughout the process of planning, deployment, and implementation. First, the advantages of the new national system should be exploited to conduct top-level planning under unified management. Second, the innovation-driven development strategy should be insisted to promote the international competitiveness of China’s aerospace industry through technological progress. Third, basic research in the space field should be strengthened and high-level scientists and engineers should be cultivated. Lastly, resource planning and coordination should be strengthened to promote the rational opening and full utilization of space application data.
Jianping Zhou , Ji Wu . Coordinated Development of Space Science, Space Technology, and Space Application in China[J]. Strategic Study of Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2023 , 25(2) : 59 -66 . DOI: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.02.007
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