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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2001, Volume 3, Issue 4

Eco-engineering of Jiuduansha Island Caused by Pudong International Airport Construction

The State Key Lab of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

Received: 2000-08-04 Revised: 2000-12-21 Available online: 2001-04-20

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Pudong International Airport were suggested to be constructed on the tidal flats of the south bank of the Changjiang estuary, which could save some land, but also make some wetland changes,affecting the estuarine ecosystem. Shanghai seriously considered the contradiction between wetland ecosystem protection and land use in engineering construction. A related ecological engineering had been done on the Jiuduansha Island to compensate the lost ecological functions. The eco-engineering started on April 13 and ended on May 6, 1997.40 hm2 of Phragmite communis and 50 hm2 of Spartina alterniflora were planted in the middle part of Jiuduansha Island respectively to improve its ecosystem structure, which acquired good effects. This kind of synchronous construction of both airport and eco-engineering sets a precedent in the world.















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