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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2004, Volume 6, Issue 7

The Significant Strategic Status of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Should be Established

Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Beijing 100038, China

Funding project:国家软科学研究资助项目(2003DGS000006) Received: 2004-03-08 Revised: 2004-04-26 Available online: 2004-07-20

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Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) , based on the philosophic idea of “correlation between man and nature” and “balance between Yin and Yang” and characterized by “integrated concept” and “syndrome identification & treatment determination”, adjusts and activates the self-recuperating ability to rectify its differentiation from normality of human body thus achieving the goal of preventing and treating diseases by means of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, acupuncture and moxibustion, etc. The idea of “human should be in harmony with nature including bacterium, virus, etc.,but not to exterminate microbe on a large scale”,held and promoted by TCM gives rise to a delicate physiological equilibrium kept between man and microbe, wich is just the development trend of medical science in the future. For thousands of years, TCM has made indelible contribution to the reproduction and prosperity of the Chinese nation, and under the countless attacks of pestilence has never made its people die in millions such as once occurred in Europe. TCM is also characterized by its “simple, convenient, cheap and effective method of treatment” and is especially good at preventing and treating chronic diseases, complicate multi-system diseases and new-type virus diseases. Therefore, only when the sanitation and healthcare system is established can the health of 1.3 billion people in China and the problem of shortage of doctor and medicine for 900 million rural population and large number of poverty-stricken urban population be solved. It is strongly suggested that five promotion projects, namely TCM policy and statute guarantee, TCM qualified personnel cultivation, TCM scientific research, development of TCM in rural areas and TCM administrative system reform, should be carried out in real earnest to make TCM develop in a sustainable way.


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