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Strategic Study of CAE >> 2007, Volume 9, Issue 2

The Electrically Controlled Flame Synthesis of Oxide Nanop article

Quanzhou WPF LTD, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, China

Received: 2005-08-17

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For precise control of the nanophase powder characteristics, electrically assisted hydrocarbon flames using electrodes have shown quite effective, either by ion or electron attachment, so the coagulation rate of the particles is reduced, as unipolarly charged particles repel each other. Charged particles are also attracted towards electrodes, thus lowering the local particle concentration and therefore the collision rate. The flame structure, height, and temperature are also altered by the electric field, which can significantly influence the particle residence time at high temperatures and therefore affect particle growth or sintering and crystallinity. It was shown that field generated by the electrodes across the flame decreases the particle residence time in the high temperature region of the flame.


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